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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. Had a great time at the Nationals. I wish I could blame my performance on my leg but the reaily was I was just slow. Got back Wednesday and had surgery Thursday. Some good news after surgery Thursday. Some of the bone has healed and because of that he was able to leave the plate and screws in. He cleaned out between and around the pieces that weren’t fused, scraped them back down to bleeding bone, packed them with BMP (miracle-gro for bones), and zipped it back up. The best part is that I will likely only be completely off it for 6-8 weeks instead of the 3 months he had originally told me. Because of all the digging around he had to do it has hurt worse this time than the last time. In the hospital I was getting Demerol as often as they would stick it in me. I got sent home with Dilaudid and was hitting that pretty hard Friday and Saturday. Haven’t taken anything today so I think I should be over it. I know Michelle is going to flip out but I plan on getting back to work sometime this week.
  2. I've been meaning to ask you about that.... I tried plying Shred with drinks but that guy is a fish! Actually, it was really good to finally meet some of the people I have seen post. This has been a great experience for me and my son.
  3. Great pics! Funny...I looked around and noone is following me with a camera.
  4. You were! You got thrown under the bus on several occasions. Is it really true that one time you <Mod Edit: Zip it, Gomer...this is a family forum and even goats have families>
  5. Maybe that guy should've worn the skirt for the SC match earlier this year...
  6. I hope he's doing well. Please keep us updated.
  7. I have experienced light primer strikes on a few M&Ps after only a thousand or two rounds so I run nothing but extra-power striker springs in mine. I (sort of) understand your comments about balancing the striker and recoil springs but I just want it to go bang every time and I'm not too concerned about a little harder trigger pull.
  8. That's a dollar per D, M, and no shoot, Mike OH!! That could get expensive! I better think about this....
  9. Very cool video! I got here yesterday and took my 12 year old to the Grand Canyon today. Tomorrow morning we hit the Hoover Dam then the real fun starts! You are joining us for dinner tomorrow night, right?
  10. WooHoo! I'm here! In typical fashion I woke up late this morning and started cleaning guns, packing clothes, and trying to figure out how we were going to sight in my son's gun that had the rear sight falling off on Sunday. I *think* we got everything here and I plan to take him to the Grand Canyon later today (after I sleep). Which way is it?
  11. Definitely! Now I'll have an excuse for shooting slowly. Who do I give my $1 to and from whom do I collect my winnings?!?
  12. At he very first match (not USPSA) I went to someone asked me what kindof gun I had so I pulled it out to show it to him. Because I myself made that kind of mistake I *always* start shooters briefings and new shooter introductions with, "This is run as a cold range and that means..."
  13. I know, I know! The reason I should not drink tequila?!? BTW, it only took her 4 minutes to get dressed and waddle out the door.
  14. Is there usually an overlap of the two handgun nationals? If so, I would suggest trying to squeeze that meeting in on that day so people attending either one could attend.
  15. Noticed that... A match I shot last Saturday the 25th is missing. Could you tell me the club and date? The project was done on an assembly line basis - The Hughes Design team workedon the CMS system, while I prepared "undecorated" versions of the code for the custom stuff that interacts with USPSA data. There are some problems with the legacy results - in general, you'll probably see the link buried in the source to the HTML. I will work with the Hughes designer to get this ironed out but rest assured, none of that data was lost. All of ours are out there, now. Thanks!
  16. Cool! I also have my 12 year old, "Not So High Lord Gomer".
  17. I have never heard of this. I honestly expected to find that Brian meant to type "Bring it" as the title and got an Alpha-Delta.
  18. Looks good! Some "legacy" match data I uploaded a week or two ago is missing, though.
  19. Thanks everyone! I have no illusions about being competitive (though I would like to beat my 12 year old on a stage or two). I'm just looking forward to hanging out with some good people and watching my son do it better than I can.
  20. Welcome, thank you for your service, and good luck with school!
  21. Update: A year later and some of the pieces of the bone did not heal together. I asked the doc how many pieces I had broken the bone into and he said he didn't bother to count them, so it must have been more than a few. Now I have to go back in so they can clean out between the pieces, pack it with Miracle-Gro, and put new plates and screws in. This time I'll have to stay completely off it for at least 3 months. When he told me I told him we had to schedule it for the day after Tommy and I get back from the L10 nationals. Boz doesn't know it but he is going to carry me around on his shoulders like Master Blaster from Thunderdome.
  22. At Area 6 this year we had blue barrels painted black. It was easy to tell what holes were new since we painted them whenever they got shot.
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