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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. Considering picking up a 625 4". If I get a Bladetech DOH for a 4", will it handle a 5"? If I get a Bladetech DOH for a 5", will it properly hold a 4"?
  2. If you're depriming many pieces of brass that have live primers, *all* of the primers in the spent primer cup will be live primers....until one gets really lively nearby.
  3. Another great one hot off the press...
  4. Wow...great pics! Thanks for posting. Got any more?
  5. This guy wasn't too impressed: http://www.searchlores.org/weatherbug.htm A decent review of the phone app here: http://androidforums.com/application-reviews/99288-weatherbug-best-weather-app-goes.html
  6. Woohoo! Congratulations! They still have you at A instead of M in L-10.
  7. I was impressed with ATP Gunshop and Range near Charleston, SC: http://www.atpguns.com/ They had a lot of stock and they had a pretty neat rental arrangement. For $5 or $10 you could shoot any of their rental guns and come back and trade for a different one whenever you wanted as many times as you wanted. I have suggested to several people to go there to try out several guns when they didn't know what they wanted.
  8. On the second ass through the press, in Station 1 I have a neck sizing die which also has a depriming pin. The neck sizing die goes inside the case to make surethe mouth is of sufficient size and not dented in at all. The depriming pin ensuresthat the flash hole is clear of (usually corn cobb media) anything. Even with that, I still have to hold the bullet on top of the case and ride it upward until it has entered the seating die.
  9. If she really did know what it was I don't understand why she didn't choose T or G, as there were 3 of those as opposed to 1 L. Then I thought...choosing L would tell you if the first word was "I'll" or "I've", but she didn't mention that when explaining.
  10. I would try the easiest thing first. Is the magazine clean and the spring strong? Eliminate any possible error caused by that. Do they jam if you cycle them through by hand? I had bad luck (in .38 Special) trying to seat and crimp on the same die. It resulted in a bulge just below the mouth of the case. I doubt it would be enough to hang up on the feed ramp but it is worth checking. I bought another crimp die and just used the first one to seat and the second one to crimp. I also have had bad luck crimping too much with plated bullets. For plated I prefer to just get rid of whatever belling I did and bring the case back to straight.
  11. After a match one day several of us threw a dollar in the pot and took 50 yard unsupported head shots at an IDPA sized steel target with the hinged head that knocks over. 3 or 4 of us made the first round, 2 of us made the second round, we both missed the 3rd round, then I made it in the 4th round. So, 3 out of 4 head shots at 50 yards with an M&P40.
  12. Welcome (and sorry about you losing your way). It's not too late, though. You could probably trade them in on an M&P or two.
  13. I, too, went through that for 6 years. I wish you and your wife well. Find something or things to keep her and your focus. Anything is better than sitting around thinking about the possibilities of what could go wrong.
  14. 10.2.2 A competitor who fails to comply with a procedure specified in the written stage briefing will incur one procedural penalty for each occurrence. However, if a competitor has gained a significant advantage during non-compliance, the competitor may be assessed one procedural penalty for each shot fired, instead of a single penalty (e.g. firing multiple shots contrary to the required position or stance). Do not apply two different penalties for the same offense, (e.g. not firing the required rounds in a Virginia Count stage; competitor gets a miss and no procedural). Procedural penalties for failure to comply with stage procedures do not apply to the number of shots fired. Penalties for firing insufficient or additional shots is addressed in other rules and must not be penalized under the provisions of 10.2.2.
  15. I've got two on the way! Just curious...does that introduce any additional wear by pressing the trigger bar to the side?
  16. I get similar repeated posts but didn't on the 1st day of the month. That leads me to believe there is a bug in the date logic that paginates the data. If it's accessible I'd be happy to look at it.
  17. No, I had 6 or 8 pages of New Content and each page did NOT have several entries of repeated content from Page 1. It worked exactly as desired/expected.
  18. That's a lot of glass. Are you sure it is Troy-Proof?
  19. Today the VNC did not have any posts reappearing at the top of subsequent pages!
  20. Welcome! Any matches in your area? When I was in VA Beach a few months ago I had to drive to Richmond to find a match.
  21. The 2005 rule book states you don't need to use concealment: It does not specify that you must be active. As for equipment:
  22. Plan a trip to a club that hosts an all-classifier match and get classified in one day! I know that Mid Carolina Rifle Club in Columbia, SC and South River Gun Club near Atlanta both have at least one all-classifier match every year.
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