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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. We'll I did it. I finally sent my Sig X5 off to Bruce Gray ( www.grayguns.com ) for some magic. When having a super nice pistol isn't enough...sound familiar? I love my X5 but it "needed" a little tweaking. ;-) Gray is performing their XLP lightning package on her. That includes all the feed/reliability, trigger work in addition to reducing some of the front end weight and a few other tweaks. I think this one will be buried with me. So now for the waiting. They just got the package yesterday and I already miss her...so I guess for the next 9-12 weeks I'll be shooting SS for something new. Thanks for listening. My family wouldn't understand spending twice as much on "work" as the purchase price of an "average" pistol. (average pistols found here on be not included) <now twiddling thumbs>
  2. Take me. Take me. Take me. ...please. At least have a Cuba Libre for me...
  3. Yep. Real Good people. I'm always glad to hear others who like his work. My MP5/can is the one on his website.
  4. Hmmm...Knights can....40 cal MP5....interesting ;-) They are pretty quiet through the can with the 147's...and not too bad with 115's. Of course you get the crack (sonic boom) with the 115's. Of course my can isn't a knights but also wasn't as much $$. Mine is a libertycans.net can. He's a buddy with SOT/07 or whatever the manufacturer designation is. I'm hoping to get one of his 7.62 cans soon. Sounds like you've got an interesting job...I just shoot mine for kicks.
  5. AEY Inc., a Miami-based company, is facing allegations that it violated a U.S. Army contract agreement when it provided the old Chinese cartridges rather than the Hungarian-made ammunition it promised. So does this mean we don't even manufacture our own ammo? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,342268,00.html
  6. I just have a thread on can...not SD
  7. -JQ-

    Chris Keen's Avatar

    Where's Oprah when you need her?
  8. Good advice again...I guess unscrewing the sewer clean out cap is out too then.
  9. Great idea, Flex. I think I can work this in. Strange no one has mentioned a toilet. I forgot to mention this could be worked into scheme although this would push the $$ up a bit...I don't do plumbing. Keep the ideas coming.
  10. Get a pair! Hey I've got a pair...and she lets me take the jar out and look at them when I'm good.
  11. I need some help... This is almost a fantasy come true...I've been given an opportunity to build myself an "area" in the basement. The area is roughly 13' x 25' and has an existing fireplace in the middle of one long wall. The area has no windows and is in the "dark end" of the basement...concrete floor/walls and exposed joist ceiling. I'm looking for ideas on what to include and what building materials to use. My budget IS limited somewhat but creativity is NOT. This area is to be secured from 12 year old and his friends...and ner-do-wells. Items that are mandatory: "Full size" safe Loading bench/storage - only one loader so far 550B Computer area Lockable door From here where would you go? I'm looking for practical options, crazy options, "james-bond" options, whatever...I must admit that secret panels are an option too...aren't we all just big kids...or just me. Building materials: I only have one wall/door that must be built to section off from the rest of the basement. I don't think I can pull off a poured concrete wall, but what other options are there for a strong wall. Would block be worth it? Ideas for securing safe? It is a major brand safe...very heavy and very secure in its own right. FYI - I have been looking at the loading areas in the gallery and found some great ideas there, too. Thanks in advance...
  12. OK so I'm starting to load. I just bought a 550b and hope to get it set up this weekend. I also bought my supplies for the load I'm going to build. I took this load from Lyman's 48th ed. They show: 180 JHP 800x 5.9 gr OAL 1.115 I bought Montana Gold 180 FMJ, 800x, CCI primers and once fired brass. My question is this...should my OAL be the same? The shape is more like the picture of the 165 TMJ's in the book which has OAL of 1.120 I also have data from hodgdon for 180 gr w/800x that has a OAL of 1.125. I'm confused. I really just want a good major PF load to ipsc shooting. BTW I'll be shooting these in my Sig X5 .40 which has a 5" barrel. thx
  13. I just verified with MD Ray Z. of MRPC, that this Sunday's match is on even though it is Easter. So, if you aren't going to the church of your choice...go the MRPC and shoot. Ray said you might need your boots. Also, Ray mentioned that next month's match will be an all classifier match. For more info: http://www.miamirifle-pistol.org/practical_pistol.php Just thought everyone would want to know. See you on the line.
  14. So I guess I'm not crazy afterall. I'll see if I can dig up a photo of my rig too.
  15. I've been shooting subgun matches for a while with my MP5. Well, really I started the first couple years shooting buddy's MP5 then got the bug and got one of my own. We shoot twice a year at Knob Creek and then rifle where allowed. As far as mags, it depends on the round count of course. Knob Creek is one course of fire with several stages (or other way around) Basically when buzzer goes off you shoot until done...or out of ammo. I sometimes start with beta-mag so there is 100 rounds. It varies but you (I) need 150 + and IIRC the last one was 200+...I'm not very good compared to the "real" sub gun guys...I drive a mouse all day, I'm not out protecting/serving. I also use drop legs, blackhawk 3 mags each. And sometimes an over the shoulder that is blackhawk 4 mag. You only get one run and I don't plan on running out of ammo, so I carry as much as I can. I've seen the look on people's face when that happens and it is not pretty. A sort of funny cross over issue that I've found since starting to shoot practical pistol, is how I carry my mags. I carry them "backwards"...bullets to the rear. This is mainly because my MP5 mags are long and curved so they are easier to grab when oriented rearward. So that is the way I started carrying pistol mags. Everyone tells me they are wrong...and all the pros do it the other way but I don't want to change bullet orientation...they work for me and reloads are the least of my issues in matches. I haven't done a 3gun match at all so I can't help there. I would like to try one but it hasn't worked out. Mag change speed...practice. One thing that helped greatly was taking a course. The one I took was MP5 specific ( www.hkpro.com ) but we did a lot of failure/transition drills as well. I would like to see pics of your rig if you get the mags on the belt working. Joel
  16. It could be worse... I just noticed you haven't taken your trip yet...keep one eye open ;-) http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,338889,00.html
  17. Thanks rtr...and congrats on your purchase! I love mine. See you on the line! Joel
  18. I am a beginning reloader... I was curious if anyone has been loading for an MP5. My hopes were to use FMJ 147 gr as they seem to be easier? to keep sub-sonic...factory WWB 147s are subsonic, anyway. I don't shoot with the can all the time but I would like to build one round that is sub-with can and that I can use in matches. I haven't had any problems with factory ammo but as we all know $$ is going up...mostly WWB, American Eagle, and S&B My main concern is the fact that I really don't want a squib when running FA...bad to say the least...I also have no use for hot loads...just standard, reliable rounds. I figure to do all my reload learning with .40 for my Sig pistol. Then when more comfortable move to 9mm...FWIW. Thanks in advance
  19. Jimmyzip - I really don't know how many per table...more than I should. I would try it with my SS some time I think...but would keep mags at the ready. One guy was shooting a 44 mag wheelgun (looked hollywood) with comp...He was the fastest I saw all day I think but I don't know times...he looked to be a LONG time shooter - fast...pins left the table with no problem.
  20. Well I just got back from the pin match. Everyone was right, it was a lot of fun. I took my Sig X5 in 40...14rds is always a comfort just in case. It didn't seem to have any trouble clearing the table when I did my job. I had 3/4 box of HPs and they seemed to be much better at clearing the pins than the hardball back up ammo. I saw several people shooting 9mm and not clearing the table even when moved rearward. The 40's were at the front of the table. Not too sure of all my times but the last set was 5.11...nice way to finish up. I will go back next month.
  21. The land of nemo. Hope it doesn't make you homesick. And what we left. PR is a beautiful place. I hope to go back for much more. +1 on the DonQ JQ
  22. THX guys...unfortunately I'm going thru this same thing...I couldn't read the headstamps on brass... FWIW I have been using www.smithoptics.com for safety/riding/shooting glasses for about three years...no affiliation just very satisfied customer....you just send them your rx us old guys have to help each other see the way :-) JQ
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