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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. +1 Many people who have sites/boards apparently have no other place in their lives with any control. SO they "rule" their own little cyber worlds like fuedal lords. Things like "this is my house play by MY rules or I will BAN you"...BFD I'm also guessing they kick their dogs after their wives kick them... I have a ban or two for not placating the admins of other boards No buddy-tudes here. This obvisouly does NOT apply to our great host! Nice job steel...
  2. -JQ-

    Wild Turkey!

    I forgot to add...These were taken at a local "Deer rescue" just down the road. I'm not sure of all the details on the deer but some are pretty busted up looking...one missing leg and missing antler etc... The turkeys though - I'm not sure of their story because the turkeys could just fly over the fence. I guess the whole "rack" just figures why not live here and get fed by strangers... I grew up in these parts and have seen plenty of turkeys. I never realized that their feathers are actually VERY iridescent and are hardly brown at all. Of course the camera gets tricked too - you can just barely see the slightest orange and green in the feathers of the second pic. The sun was directly at our backs (late day) and the various colors were really "popping"...
  3. -JQ-

    Wild Turkey!

    A face only a mother could love...(shot w/my new 100-300L lens on my 20D Canon) Friends are good too...
  4. I shot a match yesterday that had a very cool low light stage. This was a 30 round COF inside Miamisburg's indoor range. I have shot there before but never in the dark. The only light provided was via a police lightbar (anybody missing one). The shooter started out seated with "hands on the wheel". You then engaged targets as they appeared. There were 4-5 shooting positions low to standing with lateral movement between...oh and plenty of no-shoots thrown in for fun. Lots of muzzle blast for all! The targets were tough to see...some more than others as walls divided each position and the flashing lights provided VERY uneven lighting. I did have an "advantage" as my WC CQB has wilson nightsights (yellow rear - green front) over the fiber optic shooters. This was the cleanest stage I have EVER shot with many shots being doubles within an inch or two. This was not the fastest run but was one of the highest stage points across the classes. My issue of the day was slide lock-not sure why that was happening but it isn't usually a big issue for me...cost me precious time. My thought is that since I could hardly see the targets I HAD to focus on the front sight - no distractions - no stray thoughts...and a fair amount of luck?! The final stage was indoors as well but had full light...they wouldn't turn the lights off for me as the squad deemed it an unfair advantage for me...shot that one OK too. Anyway - I wasn't sure if this was "things I've noticed" or not, but is is surely "What I like" Joel
  5. Just an update... I may the deal and got the S&W 41 (and a 226) and the 41 is sweet as I have heard. I went straight to the local shop and picked up a snap cap...the trigger is crazy...I'm not sure if it is light or clean or both but when you think "pull trigger" it is already done. I can't wait to get it to the range... thanks for all the input!
  6. -JQ-

    SA Friday

    I sure would like to have one of those trucks here for my daily commute...well if uncle sam paid the fuel bill
  7. Thx TL... The price is right and it seems like shooting steel would almost be free (compared to 9/45). I just haven't shot one. Are there certain years that I should look out for good or bad?
  8. I'm looking at a used 41 but have only read a bit on them. This one has the 5.5" barrel. Any thoughts or experience? Things to look for? etc?
  9. Yep I'm posting something I LIKE for a change! A co-worker just made the NY Times and the USA Today Best Sellers list... She writes sci-fi/fantasy (I think is what she said) genre. Her book came out last week and is now hitting the charts in a big way. Here is a link to the book on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Nightwalker-Dark-Day...9740&sr=8-1 I'm more of a Louis L'Amour guy but I guess I should pick one up...after all I took her author photos for the book...the one on the back cover! No that isn't her on the front. Oh and I'm her technical advisor in the second book (not out yet) - not on vampires - just guns. I think she mentions them a couple times...couldn't have her "removing the safety on her Glock" now could I?! Anyway +1 for Jocelynn Drake - go girl
  10. -JQ-

    spineless people

    Thanks G-man. I guess it is partly my fault ...like they say "screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me, shame shame" Just didn't really expect boss to hang me out twice...but the third time that's just bad form and I told him so...he didn't like it much...his face gets really red - and dang it, that makes it so funny - he needs to learn to breathe I'm not fired - but I AM highly hire-able and looking seriously - I have an odd but diverse skill set - Something will come up not getting fired back up...just going to bed
  11. -JQ-

    spineless people

    At least the work is not hard...I've done hard labor (carried brick/mud for a while) and hard labor it is not.
  12. you may know them... To your face all is well --- then in email rant on you. Like me; don't like me - just have enough spine to tell me to my face and we might just get along...come on grow a pair! This does NOT apply to anyone here! I just had to rant for a moment...thanks now I can drive home happily... note to self: more "hate" rants than "likes"...must stop posting while at work
  13. Dang there are some smart people on here! Nice idea. Maybe one like the old US Army Harleys had...big leather scabbard
  14. I haven't had the "big brand" type but used to drink tomato juice and beer...better than you would think...kind of a redneck bloody mary
  15. "I always thought it was PITY the man who owns one gun"
  16. I have the same issue...sort of now...sending back my CQB, my X5 is a GGI...I hope my trojan hangs tough 'cause I'm getting hooked on SS - and I thought about sending it to CCR for re-finishing...better wait on that other wise I'll have to start shooting clays, skeet, something with my HD shotty - think the sporting clays would mind if I have a surefire light/stock - well it gets dark in the woods, right? Keep me posted on the patience...where to get some
  17. ME for sure... I may be in line at the apple store next time around. I would already if it wasn't for the software I already own...what's next buying a glock?!
  18. it doesn't HAVE to be a silly vest. I took a white button-down oxford shirt (with requisite chili stain) and cut the sleeves off for my vest. I think you should be awarded creativity points for your cover...but no one else seems to think so. If I had a pocket protector, I might have worn that too.
  19. And I love them for that...that would be the next on my Class III list. A buddy has a nice registered receiver (or is it the bolt ) uzi that he can run in 45, 9mm or .22 - that's the one I want. Fun to shoot and accurate. SA - sorry I don't have any spare uzi parts for you ;-)
  20. Update: I just got off the phone with Wilson Combat. They are going to take care of the slide for me and cover shipping costs as well +1 on their CS. They are also going to inspect the whole gun while there too. They too, assured me that the issue was mainly cosmetic and there was nothing to worry about but they were will to take care of it anyway. Here is the BIGGER issue - I wanted an ambi-safety too while it is there...hmm...magwell & blended too....hhmm OK...of course that requires some metal to come off thus needing refinishing...well I really wanted black over green when I went looking but settled on black...OK might as well go for broke right...green it is. So now I'll have the WC I've always wanted without the wait...well ok it is going to be a FEW weeks to get back. WTB - Patience: willing to pay over market value if transaction is SOON. Will post pics upon arrival.
  21. i'm no lawyer what if you faxed his campaign office a copy of the ad "you just took out" in the local paper - pending his reply of course - be sure to include your phone number :devil: maybe fax it to them a "couple" of times
  22. Great list but you put in the the humor forum - this belongs in the FAQ's
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