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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth, but a simple observation, this is just common sense but I'll put it out there. If the front sight moves should matter in the least since it is moving directly rearward in the same horizontal plane, actually it might be easier to track the sights with the sight attached to to slide because it has less vertical movement, thus less visable "bounce." The gun cycles so fast the eye can't track it the entire time anyway, so I think it might look cool, but as far as gaining any advantage, I can't imagine how there would be an advantage gained with a limited gun shooting major because the slide moves directly toward your face and is cycling in about .05 seconds.
  2. Leave it alone, it isn't broke.
  3. Don't worry about it, just shoot it. If it is too heavy do 100 pushups a night and it will get lighter without spending a dime. There aren't too many people who will shoot better or worse because the gun is +/- 10 oz IMO I've spent thousands figuring this out. If what you have works 100% of the time and is acurate enough, chances are you can never shoot as well as it can. Don't worry about your equiptment holding you back (if it works 100%,) worrying about it is the only way it will hold you back.
  4. Nope, the thing you forget is that you will drop points without trying to. Your intent must be to get the best points you can without spending any more time than neccessary to call the shot acurately. That is where calling the shots comes into play big time. You won't call them all correctly, or some you will just let go because they are acceptable hits, but you will drop points without the intention to do so. You can't plan on dropping points, you can only plan to shoot the targets as effeciently as you can see them. Speed is what it is, some people shoot faster than they can see and get lucky, and some day you can not beat them, but they usually crash and burn a stage or two and that is where you kill them by getting all your points as effeciently as you can. If you shooting all A's has nothing to do with shooting too slow if done correctly, you can shoot an A as fast as a D or Miss.
  5. www.shootersconnection.com Chuck is a great guy and stands by his word and products, as well as being a big supporter.
  6. If your serious about making PF give yourself plenty of "wiggle" room. Especially if you are traveling to an area you have never chronoed. I will give myself 5 pf for places I know and 7-10 for places I've never been. The tiny extra recoil is way better than worrying about making PF.
  7. Everyone I know can quote lines from this movie, so I wouldn't agree that not many people like it
  8. I know this is a stupid question, but why would you ever see your holes? If you beat a GM and he didn't have catostophic gun malfunctions you should know this, right? Sound like you are "trying" instead of doing. If you are doing more than reading your sights to know where the shots are going you are doing way too much and thus spending too much time doing it.
  9. The EXACT same way you control the first shot. The more you practice, the faster the second shot is, but double tap, nope, never. It is plain foolish to take one sight picture and not wait to see the second one when you have to put two shots on a target. Oh , yea what Flex said too.
  10. I shot my open gun hot enough to melt the plastic on the c-more, the barrel was fine, but I had to let the c-more cool down. I have a cooler for hot days now, just put it in there bewteen drills
  11. I got my SS back yesterday and it seems to run and group ok with the new barrel, so I plan on sneaking over and see if I can't shoot it.
  12. Mine weren't broke but I replaced them with the new followers and I would do the same again in a heartbeat I did get 20 (reloadable) in my SV tubes now with no tuning with the new setup.
  13. Lead in my 40, jacketed in the super. But now I carry some jacketed for matches because smoke can be an issue some times.
  14. Why would you need a trigger less than 2 lbs? You can do that with a 17. I've seen too many "must have" triggers crap out. Somethings are acceptable the way they are.
  15. What's the deal on Caspian mags? They suck? Does anyone else make mags for the Caspian? Is it just less headach to build a S_I? I've learned in life (a number of times) that going with what the popular majority is doing, results in the least problems down the road. Kevin The mags are thin, not only less capacity, but they tend to crack or stretch. All in all they are much more fragile than S_I mags (sorry Matt ) Maybe it's just all the guys I've ever shot Caspians say, these are my good mags and these are my not so good mags
  16. I like the frames and HATE the mags. Something to keep in mind.
  17. Another vote for Dreamweaver, I've used it since the 1st version and now it is a good product.
  18. Hmmm, it takes me no more than 10 (max) minutes to switch toolheads on the 1050, and another 10 (max) if I have to change the primer. The time spent swithing calibers is well made up for after a thousand rounds reloaded, plus the reloading is so much easier. Just my 2 cents
  19. If you drop your center of gravity forward and down, there is no need to step backward. Stepping backward is for people who run upright. Drop your chest and like BE said just pick up your foot and go forward, you will have plenty of "push off" power.
  20. I shot my open gun this weekend for the first time in 10 months and had a thought after shooting the best stage of my life. I was starting to see my dot good and I decided as I prepared for a stage with a bunch of partials, hell I have a dot, there is no reason to shoot the partials any slower than the full targets, because If I do, I'm shooting the full targets too fast, and if I don't hesitate on those I will gain a ton of time on my competition. So the buzzer goes off and blammo I see every shot and just focus on pulling the trigger when the dot is in the center of the scoring area. I shot the Texas star so fast it only seemed to move when there was only one plate left. I think I shot the star about as fast as my best run on a plate rack. Every target seemed to be huge because I had this little dot to put where I wanted the bullets to go and all my focus was on preping the trigger and getting the dot to the center of the scoring area. The run was so fast that my competition (M Class Open) said there was no way I could have shot it that fast. So after the match I shot it again keeping the same mindset. Of course it wasn't as fast, because I was scared he was right, but .8 seconds off the pace isn't that bad, considering the extra shots on the star (I got excited on the last plate) So, I figure that with a dot if you try to hit within an area 4"x4" on every target you will be way better off than than someone who can't do that with each shot. Anyone can hit the full targets fast, knowing you can hit the partial targets just as fast really makes a difference in a run and is a great way to intimidate your competition. Shooting accurately on tough courses of fire will save you more time than fast splits.
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