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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. I wouldn't recommend planning on "upgrading" a Para. Save your $$$ and get a used S_I for limited and shoot what you have until then.
  2. Nice Caspian you have there
  3. Seems like where you finish might be more important to you than how you shoot. When you stop caring about where you finish and focus on how you are shooting, then you will find a whole new level of shooting.
  4. funny, but not true, and old urban legand
  5. because then 9mm wouldn't be competitive. Given the option to shoot major or minor you have to shoot major to score the best, so that's why minor only in production, someone decided the 9mm's need a place to play in a limited category
  6. reshoot, I've demanded reshoots when I know the timer didn't catch the last shots (time was too fast) A score is meaningless if not correct.
  7. do a search in the forum and you should find some tips on do it yourself "Scott" grips it has been posted extensively. It is cheap and easy to do, if you can't find it, let me know and I'll re-type the instructions.
  8. Ditto my new LEO mags are great
  9. Some people's idea of improvement is un-realistic. You improve rapidly when you begin, because basically you don't know squat and you can get the basics down pretty quickly and drastically improve your scores. Then the work begins. The better you get the harder it is to improve. We are talking fractions of a second at a time so those improvements are hard earned. Whether you shoot open or limited or both, I don't think it really matters, the time spent practicing properly with either is what will determine your progress. Look how long TGO has been shooting, and he improves with time tiny fractions at a time and I've heard he still practices My 2-cents
  10. A good used S_I would in 40 (much cheaper to shoot) and you can go L10 and Limited with the same gun. Paras are fine, but for a small amount you can get a really good pistol.
  11. Says who? It isn't possible for some because of vision issue (BE for example uses one eye and he did pretty fair at the top levels.) Please be careful in your advise. I've done ok and I've only ever used one eye because I have no eye dominance. If you can see the sights clearly with both eyes open then do it, if not, don't worry about it, use tape or something (do a search) to block the weak eye, as squinting tends to have side effects. Do what works best for you and gives you the best reading of your sights.
  12. it happens the only cure I've found is "just doing it" the fun generally comes back
  13. found some new 3rd generation LEO mags for $15 a piece thanks all
  14. What is the deal with the LEO demo mags? I would actually prefer mags that say LEO only just for the heck of it. I am going to get an AR stamped LEO/Military use only because I can
  15. Anyone know who has them at decent prices, I talked to Glock and they said they said everyone will have them in October, so I'm not willing to pay a premium and I want the real drop free mags, the good stuff
  16. you may be rated c class but those are M-GM performances. Sandbagger
  17. Where you get your info? I've been informed the opposite is true by several spring manufacturers, it's the cyclic loading that wears them out is their answer when I asked ISMI, Grams, and Wolfe.
  18. I don't like the trading card idea because it would encourage those people who post one liners or flood the board with silly comments to "want" to be one of the "top posters." Wading through some of the threads is bad enough as is with "mass posters." I like the monopoly idea.
  19. I took out the swagin bar a long time ago It works fine without it.
  20. Just something extra to go wrong if you put a loose piece in your gun Cut the bugger off
  21. That's how I did it Just used a ruler to measure the distance and then drilled it. The metal is really tough, I went through several bits doing all my mags.
  22. If you cut the tab and leave the spring bent, there is no need to pin it. The spring will keep constant tension on the saftey so it wont rattle.
  23. Rhino, Running everyday and a good diet will help your shooting, but it doesn't increase your skill level. Does that make sense?
  24. The grocery store carries it around here.
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