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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Why would you want to exert pressure side to side? If you want to manage recoil the pressure towards the bottom of the front of the grip. This counters the pressures exerted at the pivot point (top of the strong hand.) That is why getting the left hand turned all the way forward allows you to do this with minimal effort. When the tendon of the weakhand wrist is fully rotated forward it is ten times stronger with a fraction of the effort. The same thing comes into play with the strong hand but in the opposite, being nearly fully contracted. It is not so much push pull, but more locking out both wrists in opposite ways and squeezing them together front to back, then inwards. You can squeeze as hard as you want and if you have the proper technique it won't change the point of aim one bit. This grip is very neutral and requires minimal strength to achieve (my 10 year old nephew can shoot full power .40 loads using this technique.) You can grip the hell out of the gun, but if your grip is incorrect you won't get the maximum benefit, you'll probably just make it harder on yourself.
  2. Nice picts! We got snow today :(not like the mid 60's we had that weekend. Has the hand healed up ?
  3. You probably don't have your wrists locked properly. You have to have someone who reeally knows show you and then it will feel so weird you'll just have to trust them. You don't have to grip an open gun that hard if you have the correct form. Double tap? Curse that evil word. Your splits to empty the entire mag should be the same as two in a row.
  4. Ditto to what Shred said. Knowing how long it takes you do do things helps, then you just add up the math and decide which way is fastest for you. Poking holes in stages is dumb, or course if there is a big enough hole you have to end up doing it anyway, but it is still dumb. Course designers who try to get too "tricky" are the ones who have their stages blown apart. As far as where to learn it. Just start looking it from all the angles.
  5. me 4 I tend to do reloads better in a match, because they just happen, I don't have to start them on a sound, I start them on a visual cue of the sight lifting off the target. I don't see how they are any more complicated than a draw. They are pretty simple. I know cranking out a fast draw isn't what I want to do in a match, so I'm generally pretty deliberate to keep it solid (1 +/- .1) The fraction of a second "ripping " a draw isn't worth trashing a stage by starting out with poor focus for me.
  6. Dot makes more of a difference for me than a comp.
  7. I think at the top it is important. All the top shooters have an "extra" gear. Like BE writes in his book about "turning up" his vision in the shoot off's against a good shooter. A big match is like the mile in track, you don't go out to blow away the field, you pace yourself to beat the field. Shooting you shoot good points in the right amount of time and you look for places to turn up "your" game to get an advatage. So, knowing where and when to "turn up your vision" is helpfull. If you don't have the mental ability to shoot your sights, watching the score is a silly thing to do, because you will perform way below your ability (ask me how I know this )
  8. And I still get free parts for my Dillon 1050 got to love them folks.
  9. Thanks for coming down and the great work ethic Shawn. It was such a condensed session, I hope you got a good place to start. We crammed a lot in, so don't feel like you should remeber it all Don't ever lose that accuracy and keep things at your pace and you'll rocket past the competition. DVC ~ Scott
  10. Sounds like your letting your expectations get in the way of your actualization. Very common problem. The only way I know to clear that one out is to empty the mind, prep the trigger, and find the center of the target. Nothing else really matters that much. Good thing it's all about fun.
  11. In my opinion, the classification system is for handing out prizes, not an indicator (IMO) of overall skill (at all.) Major match performance tells me where I'm at compared to others, class means squat. Estuardo Gomez (5th standard last World Shoot) is a Master, yea right he's a GM if anyone is. I think it takes 8-10 stages to get an acurate measure of ability against the best. I measure personal improvement by my pars of repeatable practice. My "status" lies in my next shot. You know where you at, it's up to you to shoot like the GM you are.
  12. I use Zero JHP 124's and have had no feeding problems. The jacketed base keeps the blowholes much cleaner also.
  13. JB1, Won't get slapped by me. Very sound reasoning. The better I get, the more I stay away from trying to shoot anything but A's in practice. My "smooth" and acurate factors are increasing in mathces as the times decrease. Somthing to be said about perfect practice.
  14. "so i've got this dremel and a pistol..." ROFL How many horror stories have started out that way? You can modify it quite a bit. Mine is really chopped up, that is not saying I went too far before either Take it slow, but making it fit YOUR hand is worth it. There is aways super glue and baking soda (A trick for "enhancing" the bonding of plastic and super glue.)
  15. I'm torn, I found this one and think it is cool, but I like the one I already have for different reasons. Hit me with some feedback. I was going to do I poll, but don't know how.
  16. It shouldn't matter you should be amibdexterous If you aren't, practice your "weaker way" until it doesn't matter to you which way you shoot them. Being able to shoot either way comes in handy
  17. Nope, it depends on how far apart your eyes are and where you hold the gun Draw a triangle with the base being your eyes and the top being your front sight and it might make more sense the my explination.
  18. Ahh, barhopper, you are very wise. It is that is why it says right eye closed, that would make the left eye dominant in that condition.
  19. Fence post pounders are great for a total body workout Cheap too Growing up in the country my parents refued to buy us a weight set. They figured with all the rocks, hay, and fences that need taken care of it was a waste of money. It is amazing ho wmany farm implements can be used as "free weights." I'm a big advocate now of using gravity and a couple of dumbells to stay in shape.
  20. If I ever hunt again, it will be for boar, on foot, w/ a handgun.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... better yet a spear I don't get why they just don't play video games instead. If you don't have the balls to clean it and eat it, don't shoot it.
  21. Point of hip or just in front of you, they take the same amount of time if you practice them. Phil, do you think that the sandbagging Estuardo (of course I know he doesn't shoot classifiers) will ever make GM He's a dang solid M class shooter. You think he would get tired of all those first Master prizes in the USA.
  22. Flex is right, it is not about slow or fast. The perception of speed comes from the amount of chaos we are experiencing, not being aware of what is happening around you. If you focus on becoming aware, then you reduce the amount of chaos with time. You can then use the time that you used to use for processing the chaos for shooting, thus taking less time to shoot = shooting faster. Clear as mud?
  23. You might pay out more than you take in if you do the egg thing. 15 yards with a dot and I'd imagine you lose a lot of dough if you get more than a couple decent shooters
  24. http://www.jackosuicidewatch.com/
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