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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Couple questions to ask. 1. Is the range going to get any larger, either through improvements (adding bays/movers/target setups) or moving to a different location. My understading from talking to the NRA is that they may hit their capacity this year. If you can't add any more shooters, why are you trying to attract them? This range is very limited in capacity. You can't just add people to the schedule, you can only run "x" number of people through the two movers. If more bays are added, I can easily see adding people. If you're considering moving the event out of Columbia, then that would also affect what dates are available. 2. What new shooters are you trying to attract? New shooters to competition or draw from other shooting disciplines. If you're looking to draw from other disciplines it's important to avoid conflicts with other major matches, ICORE IRC, USPSA Area matches, etc. 3. What is different about AP than other disciplines that fail to draw Jrs? USPSA has moved their National match to the summer in the past in an effort to attract more Juniors. We added maybe two or three. The Juniors that really want to come will come regardless of the time of year. I'm bringing one with me to the Cup this year for his first time. He's missing school, he's dealing with it. The next weeked is the IRC and they have many Juniors that come despite missing a bit of school. My preference, if you want to increase the size of the match, move it. Put it somewhere with enough bays to make it a two day match, three including the shootoff's and awards. Finish up on Sunday instead of Saturday. Doesn't change anything as far as time off for those travelling but it would make it easier for the locals. You can't grow the Cup in the current venue. You can make it a guaranteed sellout there and turn it back into an invitational, but you're capped at how many people you can run. I think you're going to be very close to that this year.
  2. I called Johnny yesterday to see about having the STI mag conversion done on a Caspian open gun I just bought. He said he wouldn't do it on a gun that he's not building from scratch. He said the conversion takes him about 8 hours and he'd have to charge about $1200.00 to do it. He said he'll do it for free if you're buying a complete gun from him though. I think I'll be buying a couple Caspian mags.
  3. Good points. A little lost in translation since you're talking about the wrong guy I think. Brian is on the Red team (Gunny Zins), Daryl, who I think you're referring to is on the Blue team.
  4. They aren't finger grooves, they're rifle supporting devices so you can dig them into a barricade and shoot some raging times on the long range targets.
  5. So when will we know if we're able to shoot two guns? I signed up for Open and Metallic. I was told I might only get to shoot one due to the number of competitors registered. Will we know before going, or just when we show up? Makes a difference on how much ammo I send and some other logistics. I understand the NRA wants to get as many people in as possible. It's just weird that they took my money in December to shoot both and won't say for sure if I actually can. I'm just not used to any other match being run this way.
  6. Looking at the picture of Kyle's gun in the Bianchi Info Guide it looks like a Dawson Fixed. Blends over the rear of the slide a bit and not as sharp looking as the Dawson Adj.
  7. Dang, I could have sworn I read somewhere that this was a 3 Gun Nation points series as one of their points, but no shoot off match. I really really wish Andy would have picked a name not quite as confusing. I would imagine there will be a few dissapointed shooters. I know I'm one of them. I'll still shoot it, but only because I'm in town for the Bianchi Cup and already bought my plane ticket, otherwise I would have passed on this one.
  8. I swapped all my rifles over to Warne mounts. I'm kicking back and forth between Open and Tactical and I like the ability to add and remove the mini red dots. Warne's also working on something for the Iron shooters as well. I have a Larue sitting in the garage, that will probably go on the classified ads today. I also have a handful of other quick release scopes. I just don't really see a need for a quick release on a competition rifle. I'd rather have a mount I can just torque to 65 in-lbs and not worry about it.
  9. Fixed Novak or adjustable. Fixed should be no problem. Adjustable I don't see how they can allow it unless they issue another Bianchi only variance like they did with aftermarket barrels last year. I don't have a problem with them doing that since I don't think it's fair (the adjustable sights) to Smith and other manufacturers that don't offer adjustable sights on their duty guns. Heck the only reason Glock did was to allow importation into the country. I just hope if they're gonna do it they put the word out sooner rather than a month before the match.
  10. Uh, yeah, TV, or working for years and years and having two out of three guns in the hands of the top three in the Open Mens and Womens National Championships.
  11. I would plan on having the amount of ammo Matt suggests available. The round count will be published a month or two before the match and you can decide what to take them. Normal match I normally go 50% over the required amounts. I would ease that down a bit on the SG, but up on the rifle, especially the LR ammo. There are a lot of shots past 100 yards at this match. Plan on missing several. It's a bit different shooting on a rifle range and hitting a 1/2 MOA group than trying to hit a 4 MOA targets after running 100 yards, sliding down a slide, going down a zipline or scurrying through a Cooper Tunnel. Bottom line. Hang tight until the round count comes out, then ask again. I'm hoping to shoot both so you can imagine the weight my trucks gonna be hauling.
  12. The Multi Gun rule book is available and has been in use for several years. It's still "Provisional" which has allowed us to make some changes like adding red dots in Limited. If you're running a USPSA rules Multigun Match, this is the book to use. If you want to run a Rilfe or Shotgun Only match then you would use the individual rifle or shotgun books. Hopefully everything will be resolved this year.
  13. Not sure from the application. Is this a plaque only match or prize table like in years past.
  14. I talked to Chad and Pete at the Ft Benning match about the conflict. There just wasn't another option.
  15. Friday, October 8, 2010 Registration 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Orleans Hotel Saturday, October 9, 2010 Shooter’s Meeting 7:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. Range Competition Begins 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Range Sunday, October 10, 2010 Competition Continues 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Range Monday, October 11, 2010 Competition Continues 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Range Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Competition Continues 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Range Award Ceremony 8:00 p.m. - Finished Orleans Hotel Prize Distribution Immediately Following Awards Orleans Hotel This is the schedule from last year. Nothing firm yet but I would imagine the format will be the same. Reg Friday afternoon, Shooting Sat-Tues AM with Awards Tuesday PM. The awards start late in the evening and normally run a couple hours including the prize table so don't plan on going to the awards and hopping a flight the same night.
  16. Just about everyone has a laptop to check emails, rules, etc. during the meeting. I just happened to check this thread during a break.
  17. Linda is at a USPSA BOD meeting now. I'll ask her at the next break we have. Okay, talked to Linda. There is a bit of the delay. The applications and checks are going to Rockcastle, entered into a program and forwarded to Linda. The checks were only required to be postmarked by March 1. I imagine we'll probably see something in the next week or two.
  18. That's exactly right. There is no requirement that you walk around with a signed letter or authorization from your manufacturer showing that the serial numbers match. You just have to have a slide and barrel that was available on the gun in a Production legal format. If you have a Gen 3 Glock frame with a Gen 3 Glock 17 slide and barrel, regardless of what the serial numbers say, I can't imagine a circumstance where you wouldn't be just fine. Now if you go around bragging to your squad that you picked up this awesome Glock 22 as police trade in and just dropped your top end onto it from your Gen 1 Glock 17 because it had a better grip...well that would be a problem. As far as competetive advantage, I believe the BOD's previous to me have worked very hard to eliminate that phrasing from anything to do with USPSA because it is just a truly ambigous phrase. How do you define competetive equity. Does it have to be substantial, minor, who is the judge of it? Is it based on the frame you have or what is available? If I take a Gen 3 RTF2 frame and put it under my G34 slide I believe that is an improvement (which is why I would do it in the first place), not legal. How about if I take a Gen 3 22 Frame and put it under a G34 slide. It's certainly an improvement over the 22 (just about anything is, man I hated that gun) but it's not an improvement over a legal gun on the production list already. Just how prevalent is this "issue" anyway. Is there a band of roving RO's that are inspecting serial numbers on guns against the master list from Glock and bumping people to Open?
  19. No the frame on a Glock is not marked. But again, and I don't know how many times this needs to be said, the rules are not written for Production-Glock Division. If they were we'd have a 300 page rule book, and it would still be wrong. If you want to roll the dice and cheat (which is what knowingly violating the rules is) that's a decision you will have to make. And yes I know the above poster is not advocating it. You may get away with it at a local match, you may get away with it at Nationals. Or you may be caught at either location. The rule is clear. You can't change the caliber or barrel length on a gun. The frame is the gun. If you violate it, hello Open. If you knowingly violate it and there is evidence to that point, goodbye from the match. I'm talking telling someone that you know your gun is illegal but you're gonna shoot it anyway. Production is meant to be exactly that, Production. Not making someone buy three different guns to swap parts out from to have the ultimate, Sevigny/Vogel beating super gun. If you don't like the Production rules there are 5 other Divisions you can shoot in.
  20. 30-45 days dealer to dealer is about right although I've had some go through in less than a week. 3-6 months for the transfer to you from your dealer is about average. They seem to be hitting that 3 month mark more and more lately though.
  21. I've built 15-20 AR's from parts, My main match rifle is still a JP though. None of the stuff I've assembled can beat it. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong. My JP shoots 1/3 MOA out to 300 (Haven't tried for groups past that). Best I can do with a rifle built myself is that 3/4 ish MOA range. Then again I haven't put a $400 barrel in anything I build either. I enjoy building AR's but there is a definite level of quality and precision with the JP that I can't match with my stuff.
  22. You need to chrono everything. I've seen factory .40 Blazer which makes 180 PF out of my Glock 35, go minor, out of a different Glock 35. Same thing with 9mm. The batch of WWB 147 gr that I have is almost 150 PF out of everything I shoot it in. But I've heard others say it won't make minor. The UMC mentioned above as anemic is what I ran when I started in Production. I shot Area 1, Area 6, Area 2, Florida Open, Nationals and a World Shoot with it. Made Minor, about 135 PF, each time. Always chrono if you can. Yes temp will make a difference, but it depends on the powder. Some will go up, some will go down, and some won't do anything depending on the weather. Set the chrono 10ft from the muzzle. Doesn't need to be exact. You do want put a target or something down range to aim at. Amazing how trying to shoot into the void between teh screens will cause you to miss a 1 foot area at 10 ft and clip a support.
  23. Not saying I wouldn't care if there was a mass exodus. I'm just saying I have never heard of a single member quitting because they weren't happy with something specific. We lose a lot of members each year. I'm sure one or two has called in a complaint. I'm just saying I've never heard it. We don't do exit interviews when people don't renew, although that's actually not a bad idea.
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