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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Those two carry locations were specifically discussed and intentionally excluded within this ruling. The idea was to ease confusion for the RO in making judgement calls, what's carry, what's a really slow reload etc. Also, the way the rule was written, even the reload could have been against it. This is easing it a bit, while still not making a ruling that completely flies in the face of the actual rule. This one will probably come up in the next rule book re-write. As far as the other Divisions I'm not sure why it would have any effect on them. As long as there is not division requirement on where to carry the mag, like there is in Production and Single Stack I don't see this as effecting them in any way.
  2. Looks like the NROI and USPSA servers are down, a hardware issue that's gonna take a bit to rectify. In the meantime the BOD and NROI did reach a consensus on a ruling. It's posted below. Rule 5.2.4 is interpreted to mean that when the equipment has to start with the magazines or speed loaders in retention devices attached to the belt, for those divisions that have position restrictions of holster and other equipment, they must be in compliance with Appendix D item 12, unless stipulated in the WSB that places them on a table or similar start and not in the retention devices for the start position. Further, spare ammunition, magazines and/or speed loading devices carried in the hand after the start signal are not subject to the equipment position restrictions of Appendix D, Item 12. I will post it on the NROI rulings when the server is back up. John
  3. Talked to Travis a couple weeks ago and he said 300 Pistol, 300 Shot, 300 Rifle and 125 slugs. But that was very preliminary and not based on completed stages. I think he's been pretty slammed recently.
  4. Roughly matches the time line of last years, aftermarket barrels ruling. That little sucker cost me over $400 to get a barrel fit to my Glock 34 at the last minute. Made it back in the new shooter money (Thanks Midway!), but it would have been nice to have a bit more notice. Now is the time to start working on any rules kinks for next year. There are a handful that would make things much clearer. Hopefully we can get this stuff locked down for 2012.
  5. Most casinos have a written, no firearms policy and if you call them, that's the answer you get. I've been to a bunch and have never actually had an issue though. The only major hotel I stayed at though was Mandalay Bay.
  6. I've heard this sentiment more than once from Tom, Damien, someone else at NRA maybe? I waited a little while before posting this to cool off. But it still really...well lets just say annoys me. A Production rule that allows a feature on one manufacturers gun, but not on others does exactly what you say you won't do. It allows one person or group to have an advantage, based on equipment, that another group does not. The only reason the popular guns in Production have adjustable sights from the factory was to make enough points to get into the country based on ATF rules. They didn't put them on because they were better (in fact Glock Adjustables are the worst sight I've ever seen, even worse than their normal plastic fixed sights). In effect what the NRA has done with this rule is say X guns are perfectly fine to put whatever adjustable sight on, as long as it fits the dovetail, doesn't have to be factory, or even look like factory. But Y guns, you have to use fixed sight guns because the factory is in the US, they didn't have to meet import restrictions, and apparently the several hundred NRA AP competitors nationwide are not enough to justify building guns to suit us. A competitor with one of those Y guns (I'm thinking Smith & Wesson but I'm sure there are others) now has to either buy several front sights until they figure out which one is the closest to what they need, buy a taller front sight than they need and file it down, hoping that their filing job is good enough that it doesn't look like an external modification which I guess would be a requirement based on not being able to modify a rear sight. Or learn how to hold 3 inches off at one range, 5 at another, 14 at the 50 yard line, whatever. Or they could just drop an adjustable rear sight on, providing it fits the factory dovetail. Which of these options has more competetive equity and is more inclusive to bring in more competitors? I know the NRA doesn't want to use USPSA or IPSC Production rules, and I wouldn't suggest they did. Neither are perfect rulesets and both have gone through a lot of growing pains. But ignoring the history of those two sports forays into Production is no better than sticking their heads in the sand and stomping feet. I've offered the NRA to help out, and I'll do it again. There are some very simple ways to make Production what the NRA wants, and what the shooters want, without catering to, "THE GROUP" or "THE INDIVIDUAL", and without having a 200 page rule book. It's too late to go back in USPSA or IPSC but it's not for the NRA.
  7. Last I heard was a tentative round count of 300 pistol, 300 rifle, 300 SG and 125 slug. I talked to Travis about a week ago and he only had two stages done though so it might change a bit. I would bring a double mag or two for the rifle and a single or three as well. My normal three gun loadout for rifle mags is, two double clamped AR mag sets, one with Arredondo bases, the other without, 4 single 30 round mags, 2 20 round AR mags and a 60 round P-Mag from CA Comp works. Worked for me last year. For SG , that's a bit dependant on your shotgun capacity and any carriers on the gun. I normally like to have the capability to run about 50 rounds on my person. That's 9 in the gun, 9 in a side-saddle, 4 on the off side in front of the loading port and 7 four round belt loaders. If you don't have that capability it's not a big deal. The Ironman lets you stage ammo if needed.
  8. USPSA hasn't banned any of the other shotguns like the Street Sweeper or USAS -12 that are currently DD's. Nor have any IMGA matches that I'm aware of. Don't know why that would change for the Saiga.
  9. So not to whine but...This match is gonna happen right? We're a couple weeks away. The rules posted on the internet seem to be wrong. They still include information about a mandatory shooters orientation/training that may or may not happen, they still include it being a DQ for leaving a loaded safed gun in a dump box. There is no stage, squadding, or any other new information on the website. Seems like many people have not received confirmations (I did by the way on 3/4/11 from register@midwest3gun.com, might want to check the spam folder for that one if you didn't). But the big one is a real lack of communication. I emailed the MD a few days ago with no response. No activity on this website since April Fools Day from match staff and that said things would be done weeks ago. I know people get very busy but this is kind of crunch time. I need to start shipping equipment out next week and I want to make sure there is a match I need to ship it for.
  10. I know Mike was looking into that but I never heard a final answer. I'll check and let you know.
  11. If you can make major with a 9x19mm out of a 4.5 or 5 inch 2011 open gun with holes drilled in the barrel, why would it somehow be more unsafe to make the same power factor out of a 5 or 6" barrel with no holes drilled in it on the same platform? The .40 caliber rule is there to keep Limited from being an arms race to see who can make the tiniest diameter case that makes major. I really don't want to see 26 round Limited guns in .30 carbine.
  12. That's a pretty bold statement to make about all safeties and all competitions. It's also incorrect. I'd have to take a look at the SC rule book because I'm not sure on the safety, or if it's even addressed. But since the book hasn't been published, I'm curious about how you get your info about SC? As far as the incorrect in general, grip safety is the big one that comes to mind as being disabled in most sports. I would also consider the magazine disconnect a safety and that is also disabled on most of the guns in use.
  13. I'm using Doug's ammo for the Cup. I did a little side by side with my Metallic gun earlier this week. It was dead on group wise with the AA 115 Sierra AP load I used last year. Didn't get a chance to really shake it out but they were both right at an inch at 25 off a 55 gallon drum I was using for a rest.
  14. I'm happy to announce the 2011 Area 1 Pistol Championship will be held in Albany, OR this year from June 22-26. Staff will have June 22-23 to shoot, along with some competitors if they need to for scheduling reasons, or we fill up! Most competitors will shoot on one or two days, June 24-26. Mike McCarter has been working very hard on this match and the stages were just approved! They look great. We will also be holding a Junior class for the second year. This year we've got some terrific instructors lined up to help out and teach the juniors. Keith Tyler, Bill Mayne, Bill Garland Jr and Bill Garland Sr. I've learned a lot from them over the years and I know they are great instructors. The class will be held on Friday, June 24, 2011 at Albany. We've held aside some spots for juniors and their parents to shoot on Sat/Sun. Contact the MD, Mike McCarter at nomikes@hotmail.com for more info on the class. This match is filling up, please get your applications in as soon as possible. http://uspsa1.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/29th-Annual-USPSA-Area-1-Championships1.pdf Also keep an eye on www.uspsa1.org for more details about the match and our sponsors. If you've already sent in your application and haven't received a confirmation, it's coming. Mike just wanted to finalize our food vendors and get a couple other tidbits of info ready before sending out some information. It is coming. See you all there, Chuck
  15. It runs as a half day schedule. Morning or afternoon. On your morning days, your out around lunch time. On the PM side, 5:30 is scheduled quittting time. Last year we ran well ahead of time. But there are no guarantees. Weather, props breaking, Troy stacking up the golf cart again, all are things that could slow your match down by a bit. I normally don't plan anything I can't get out of for the days I shoot in the afternoon. You probably won't find squadding till a lot closer to the match.
  16. Heck Jerry probably could have done the whole course, 100 yard shots and all with a revolver in 30 seconds.
  17. I would think a suitable shotgun would be first??? Tell you what, come on out to Idaho, I'll whoop you with my Browning Gold and you can tell me they don't make a suitable SG. That said, FNH and Browning may have the same owners but they are very different companies. I've been trying to work with Browning on a repair and trying to have the FN team guys help me. Not a lot of cooperation out of Browning.
  18. Just come out and shoot the MGM Ironman. We've been doing that for years.
  19. Was there anything in the WSB about how to open the door, i.e. don't kick it or must use doorknob? If not and it was totally open, reshoot.
  20. I just got a set of the Hogue G-10 Pirhana grips. Look great and great texture without being stabby like the Strider grips.
  21. They say how many overall votes there are if it's a number good for them, like they break a record. They've never said how many votes, specifically someone going home got. Sometimes if it's close they say the margin, but never the overall. Pia fell prey to the same thing that got Casey the boot. Over confidence on the voters parts. Well that and this little band of Paul McDonald "lovers?" http://www.votefortheworst.com/tag/8/american-idol-updates
  22. Damn I hate East Coast scheduling. AI isn't even on out west. Didn't even think about spoilers.
  23. Which part? All of it? The last sentance? Yes, without getting into an IPSC vs. USPSA debate they have way more issues enforcing the rules and dealing with the myriad of issues that arise from their rules. Speaking as someone who has shot IPSC as well as USPSA Production, I didn't see a single out of the box gun at either event. Ok, granted. But the ideal of having a Division where you bring a stock gun, are only allowed to change the sights, and grips (or add grip tape), nothing else, - maybe be on the list, or fits the box, whatever else - sounds appealing. Bur Reality sets in and our horse has left the barn, so all grumbling aside, we just have to make the best of the rules we have. I'm done ranting now I would love for that to have been the direction Production went. I would love to run a match with sponsor supplied box stock guns that nobody messed with. Not necessarily USPSA, but I think it would be cool. Unfortunately, the rules weren't entirely clear on some modifications initially. Hey it was a new Division. People did stuff to their guns, that really wasn't legal under the guise that if it's internal it's cool. It got to the point that Production really strayed from being true Production. The BOD could have gone super strict on modifications, made hundreds of once legal guns illegal, and in the process pissed off hundreds if not thousands of shooters. Or they could codify the rules they had at the time and try to stop the division from spiralling any further than it already had. They went with the second one. The rules aren't going to make everyone happy. There is no rule set that will. But hopefully, they will keep Production alive and thriving.
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