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Joe D

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Everything posted by Joe D

  1. Mark, maybe they have changed. I Rockwell tested both. The Heinies were 10 points softer on the "B" scale. Mine loosened up after about 20,000 rounds of Major. Other Glock shooters that I know, Chris and CY, have had the same problem. Most sights are installed from the right side. IDPA loads probably would not affect them. I just like the Novak sight picture better anyway.
  2. Steve, He repositions the trigger itself. Think of the lever principle. BTW he was not the first. There are many things that come into play when doing a Glock trigger. Most don't know that there are two different nose profiles on the trigger bar. One can alter the nose profile to achieve the same pull weight with a 5# connector that most get with a 3.5 connector and unaltered bar. BTW Heinie rear sights will shoot loose in the dovetail. Novak rears are much better.
  3. I guess one of these days I am just going to post pictures and detailed steps as to the process required to do the various trigger jobs. I see the prices charged by some of these "gunsmiths" and come away just shaking my head. It is not that hard to get a 1 lb. Glock trigger. Just remember the principle of a lever.
  4. I agree that the recoil factor does not come into play as much at the Master level, but it certainly does in the lower classes. I recall going to an IDPA match and forgetting my 138 pf .40 loads. Had to stop by Walmart and purchase some factory ammo. It felt like at least a 175 pf load. Still won the match, just had to work a little harder.
  5. Duane, of course there is not a Major PF for ESP and SSP. Why do you think most shoot a 128-130 PF?
  6. Allow the .45GAP in CDP. Bill W. the 45ACP does not need your protection. Let it stand on it's own. Better yet allow the .40 S&W. I have often wondered how it is able to make Major in IPSC and not in IDPA. Bill Wilson bashing mode off. I would like to see Major and Minor PFs in ESP and SSP. The 125 PF for SSP and ESP is not realistic. The time punishment for hits outside of the "0" area should be increased for Minor. Have not done any study, but 1.0 and 2.0 sec. for Minor might work. Major would have .5 and 1.5. This might be too complicated but one could use a 145 PF for 9mm Major and 165 for everything else. A miss should be 5 sec., not 2.5.
  7. It is too bad the Wilson does not frequent some of the forums. Maybe he likes to insulate himself from the very people that pay his salary. Most of the suggestions I have seen in the past by us shooters were usually well thought out and sincere. He needs to get the IPSC phobia out of his thought train. Anyone that pulls a trigger in competition is my bud. As I have stated many times before, get rid of the little headquarters emails and post any rule changes or clarifications on the IDPA website. Heck, if they do not have enough people to do that I will be glad to. Better yet dump Ken's Corner and put them there.
  8. I do wish the Ken's Corner dribble would go away. Why not replace it with a question and answer section. Better yet use the space to post rule clarifications or changes. I get tired of carrying around my "Dru Email" concerning the Seattle Slug. The round dumping rule is one of the most ridiculous rules in IDPA. It ranks up there with the "All reloads must be done from cover" rule. Give me a break, if I run out of bullets in the open I want to get another mag in ASAP. BTW the Mississippi State match was a great one. I had a total melt down, but my wife won High Lady. I did notice one of the SOs, who BTW is a really nice guy, kept making an improper cover call on his stage. There were a couple of targets that had to be shot from cover. Most SSP and ESP shooters had a reload between the two. I, and others, got cover warnings when we did not get completely behind the wall to do our reload. If I am behind cover enough to shoot then am I not behind cover enough to reload?
  9. Blade-Tec injection molded. $15.
  10. Bad spring. On another note, I tried one of the 11# ISMI springs. Not certain if they have gotten it right with these. The spring is a good bit shorter new than their 13# one. My clipped 13# feels much better. I will put some more rounds through the 11# springs before I toss them.
  11. I would buy a 1911 if it had a Glock grip angle.
  12. Natchez shows a 147 gr Winchester load $6.98 for a 10 box order. Catalog # is WNUSA9MM1. Website is www.natchezss.com. They do not ship to certain parts of the country.
  13. Chuck, then there are those of the "great unwashed masses" that shoot Glocks. A gun choice is a personal thing. It is all about what you shoot best match to match. I like the Glock 35 for IPSC and IDPA. The trigger is a non event now. I can get a Glock trigger down to 16 oz. if I need to. I happen to like a trigger set at 2 lbs. Glocks are just as accurate as a 1911. It's pretty hard to miss that big mag opening Glock's have. I tried to shoot a BHP in IDPA at first, but found the combination of a somewhat square magwell and mags made reloads a hit or miss thing for me.
  14. Why do you say the springs are defective at Brownells? I have been dealing with them for 30 years and find them to be the most honest and shooter friendly company I have ever dealt with. I have several 13# springs that I have bought from Brownells recently. Not a problem with any of them.
  15. Joe D

    .45 GAP

    The .45 GAP is a much more efficient round than the ACP. There is so much wasted space in the ACP case. Too bad Glock did not take the G36, extend the frame to a 8 + 1 size and put a 5" slide on it. I worked up some loads for a friend's G37 using a 230 gr bullet. It is a very soft shooting gun when loaded to a 170 PF.
  16. I have been using the Blade Tech injection molded model for a couple of years now. It positions the gun lower than the Uncle. At $15 it is hard to beat.
  17. I too suspect it is a thumb issue. I use a 13# ISMI in my 35 and 34. Works well at major pf and minor pf.
  18. I have not done a trigger job on a XD yet, but it appears to be pretty simple. Glocks too are fairly easy until you want that sub 1 lb. pull. To get the untra light Glock trigger requires a good bit of effort. Glock parts have fairly liberal tolerances, especially the trigger bars. It is clear to me that Glock has more than one supplier of these parts, or they use different dies to stamp them if done in house. Then to compilcate matters a bit more you get into how tight or loose your slide to frame fit is. My trigger job prices go up exponentially on Glocks as the pull weight decreases.
  19. Flex, I have never had a reason, or need, to drive handgun bullets that fast. I shoot the heavy bullets for softer recoil. My USPSA major PF load runs 940-950 fps. I drop that down to 790-800 fps for IDPA. Funny but the gun feels about the same in SSP form vs Limited. I guess the tungsten guide rod, brass well and 20 round mags help soak up the recoil. The G34 load that my wife shoots is 900-910 fps with the 147 bullet. On another note my major pf load has slightly more recoil than my carry load. The 180 gr Ranger Talons shoot very soft. I cannot think of a better carry round.
  20. Must be something wrong with my G35s and G34. They shoot Rainier 180 and 147s great.
  21. Titegroup is not dirty in 9mm and .40. I use it for major and minor in my Glock 35. 4.3 grs. makes major with a 180 gr plated bullet. I use 3.4 grs for a 140 pf IDPA load. OAL is 1.125"
  22. I just use one of the trigger bars with the "short nose" to increase the weight and shorten the pull.
  23. Lowest I have been able to get my Glock trigger is 15 oz. That was a touch too light for me. Set it back up at 1.5 lbs.
  24. There must be something wrong with your lead bullets. I use Valiant and Magnus lead bullets. I am amazed at how little lead is in the barrel after hundreds of rounds.
  25. The BUL is made in Israel.
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