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Joe D

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Everything posted by Joe D

  1. I have been through the whole U die thing. I have found that a regular Lee carbide die does just as well without over working the brass. I don't get any more rejected rounds with the regular die than I did with the U die. I really did not like the hour glass shape the U die imparted either. BTW Glock has tightened up the chamber of their .40s. Not sure when they did but my G35s have much more case support than my slick grip 23.
  2. I have shot a couple of Dave's Glocks. The trigger pull was pretty heavy - over 3 lbs. If you want a light crisp trigger just do it yourself. It is not hard to do. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...&hl=trigger
  3. I would not get too hung up on extreme accuracy. The target we shoot is huge. Any bullet that will yield a 2" group at 25 yds is good enough. The heavier bullets, 147-160, shoot a lot softer than the 115 gr bullets. There are powders that perform just as well as the VV powders for half the cost. I can buy 8 lbs of Titegroup or Solo 1000 for what I would pay for 4 lbs of VV. The VV powders do not perform any better than the above two. I think most are just drawn to the "sexy" name. Hodgdon would sell a lot more Titegroup if they just changed the name to Tithagroupvuori.
  4. Total waste of time and money. We are not shooting a rifle off hand at distant targets. The only improvement you will notice is in your movement from one firing point to another - you will move faster as your wallet is lighter.
  5. It is usually caused by the disconnector dragging in the slide cut. DO NOT SHORTEN the disconnector. Brownells makes a scrapper to cure the problem.
  6. They have worked with any muff I have.
  7. I have a set I just took off my 1100. I installed a synthetic set. The stock and forearm are in good condition. I can send pictures if needed.
  8. 5.3" barrel. 168-170 PF. My LWD barrel is faster than my Glock barrel. I rechecked my load data and I only need 3.6 gr to make PF with the LWD barrel. I use 3.8 with the Glock barrel.
  9. There are a couple of things we can do. The first is to let them know we watch the price of lead. Ask them why they have not dropped their price. The second is to get suppliers to bid on a large bullet order. Get your friends to go in with you on an order. It is not hard to get a 100,000 bullet order together. Let them know they are bidding against other suppliers. I start out with 4-5 suppliers then narrow it down to two. I let the other two or three know they did not make the final two due to their high cost. Next let the last two know you have narrowed the bidding down to two. At this point you can determine who really wants the order. I then go back and tell the other four that they were way too high. "Way too high" is subjective. Let them determine in their own mind what that means. Never lie in any of your dealings. Never tell the losers what you actually paid. I usually just tell the losers "You were a good bit higher than the winning bidder". I don't tell them who the winning bidder was - let them guess. Folks this is just plain old Negotiating 101. I do it everyday at work.
  10. I do get a chuckle when I see folks wearing safety glasses that cost more than my gun. I have worn this style for years. No, they don't have Oakley or any other sexy name but the bottom line is they work. If they get scratched or lost you don't have a heart attack. They meet every spec that the $300+ glasses do. http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/items/1FEU6
  11. I have hunted dove for decades. There is no reason to use that kind of velocity. My favorite load is 1 1/4 oz of 7 1/2 at 1,150 - 1,200 fps. Yep, I like to toss a lot of shot. I can use a I/C choke to beyond 40 yds - big pattern. If I don't get my limit with a single box of shells then I am just "Sky Busting". 75% of the folks on any given dove field take shots at birds that are too far away.
  12. I load a 180 moly with 3.7 Clays. OAL is 1.140"
  13. 160 gr lead with 2.5 Titegroup. Not quite as soft as the 200 gr 9mm load.
  14. Joe D

    over & under Shotgun

    I think for Sporting Clays 1 oz would work fine. We have two ranges fairly close. One is pretty easy. I generally get 80-90 birds on it. The other one is a good bit tougher. I shot it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Only got 76 birds. It has several stations with very fast birds. Several other stations had birds that were hard to see on the overcast day. The first day of dove season is this Saturday. The field was covered up with birds yesterday. The O/U will stay in the safe Saturday. BTW I am still drooling over the Beretta Silver Pigeon S in 20 ga. So far I have been strong. If it flys - it dies. I have the bacon ready to wrap the breasts with.
  15. Joe D

    over & under Shotgun

    I guess what I see in the way of recoil is this. My 1100 is the softest by far, followed by a 11-48. My O/U kicks the hardest by a good margin. I don't shoot light loads. I shoot the load I hunt with. I like 1 1/8 - 1 1/4 oz of 7 1/2 shot at about 1,200 fps. I have shot some 2 3/4 dram 1,150 - 1,200 fps AA loads with 1 1/8 oz that kicks harder than my 1100 with a 1300+ fps 1 1/4 oz load.
  16. Joe D

    over & under Shotgun

    Too many zeros. I meant to type 10,000.
  17. Joe D

    over & under Shotgun

    I must admit I am not a hardcore clays shooter. A couple of months ago I decided I just had to have an O/U. I tried several different brands from Brownings to Berettas. They all had one thing in common- they kick. I don't care whose recoil pad you put on they still kick. I wound up getting a Stoeger 3000 for a steal at Dick's. With a $50 rebate and a little haggling over a tiny rust spot on the barrel I have less than $300 in it. Yes, I know it probably won't last as long as the high dollar guns, but OTOH I have a fraction of the money in it that a Beretta would cost. I really liked a 20 ga Silver Pigeon. Here's the bottom line - nothing is as soft shooting as my old trusty 1100. It goes bang every time I pull the trigger. I do have to laugh a little at the comments on how they won't last. That is utter nonsense. Mine is close to 20 yrs old and has had exactly one failure to eject in close to 100,000 rounds. I can't begin to count how many dove and quail it has taken. I take one box of shells to the dove field every year. I have managed to get my limit with it every year for the last 10.
  18. 9mm or .40? I would get the .40. You can always fit a 9mm barrel to it.
  19. There is nothing so difficult that a few $$$$ won't cure.
  20. I know your hurt. I lost my Grandparents years ago. I think of them every day. "Granpa" taught me to love guns. I still have all of his guns. I lost my Mother last July. I was able to keep a promise I made to her years ago. She wanted to die in my arms. My Dad is now 88. He was a WWII fighter pilot. They truly are the "Greatest Generation". We can't hold a candle to them.
  21. http://www.gadpa.com/photos/2007_ga_state_...0/original.aspx Here you go.
  22. That makes sense if you have plenty of brass. Main reason I recommended the 9mm is no one seems to pick up 9mm brass. It is free.
  23. A 38 Super would be the last round I would use. Who wants to pick up brass at a match. I would go with a 9mm Kimber. You can also fit a .40 barrel to it if desired and shoot Major. Kimber uses the same breech face for 9mm and .40.
  24. Seems like I paid $52 per M from Cabelas last fall. In all fairness they are very good bullets. OTOH I can buy jacketed bullets for less. I have started shooting Stonewall bullets in my Kimber. They cost $53 M delivered. Robert coats them pretty heavy with Alox so you will have to sprinkle them with mica to make the sticky feel go away. I think OT is just trying to take advantage of us.
  25. I could not help but chuckle a little after reading the flowery article in this month's Blue Press extolling the virtues of Laser Cast bullets. Do the owners of Oregon Trail think we are total chumps? Why in the world would anyone pay OT more than twice the current going price for their .45 200 SWC bullets? I bought several thousand last year when Cabelas had them on sale along with free shipping. They stayed on BO for a couple of months. About once a week Cabelas would send an email wanting me to cancel my BO. Come January of this year I understood why. OT had more than doubled their price. Current lead price is about .75 per pound. That is a long way from the $1.80 lb when the bullet makers doubled their prices. It is time for them all to start dropping their prices.
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