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Match lunch?


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Most major (read large) match venues I've been to are fairly out of the way outdoor operations some distance from the residential and retail areas where a quick lunch is readily available.

You add up the time it takes to take off your gear, get to and load up your car, drive to the food, order and eat it, get back, unload and gear up and get to your next stage on schedule, even setting aside the time you might want to spend at the range scoping/doping out your afternoon stages and roaming the vendors area, and it's not suprising that there isn't anywhere near the time you need unless you bring or buy your meal and eat it at the range.

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Going to chime in late here. Definately lunch at the match. Trying to round folks up after an off range lunch can be a show stopper. Most matches either have someone bring in food or have some volunteers cook hamburgers/hotdogs on site. In colder weather a big pot of gumbo, stew or beans with rice to go with it feels pretty good around lunch.


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I've done quite a few big matches and in my opinion the guys at the Old Bridge New Jersey do it best. They hire an outside place (I guess a deli) to prepare pre-made bag lunches either Roast Beef, Turkey or Ham & Cheese sandwiches, a bag of chips, cookie and a drink. It takes 30 seconds to grab your bag and go find a place to sit; it's made by someone in the actual food business so it doesn't suck and it's pretty reasonably priced. I think that works better then stopping the match for everyone to eat; trying to get volunteers to cook with equiment they aren't familiar running; cooking a variety for people to have choices; etc.

I will say the food at the Nationals this year was very good. Who ever that group of people were who put it together did a great job.

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Length of break depends on the number of shooters and distances to the furthest stage. I thought the $10.00 lunch at the Hadgun Nationals was excessive for shooters except with the 1/2 day schedule they didn't have to eat there. Lunches are required for volunteer staff that have to work all day or they might not be back for the next match or the next day. If you can't get a catered meal for the staff, order in a bunch of subs or pizza. Shooters for a full day match should be warned if some sort of food will not be available.

Level I matches shooters are on the own. $75-100 Level II some sort of food should be available. All day events need food for the staff, if it is available for shooters so much the better. I have noticed that all the Area matches I have been to have been catered.

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I prefer lunch on the range, for all the logistic reasons already discussed.

For all-day Level II-III matches, both the staff and competitors need a break for nutritional replenishment and a chance to rest briefly in shade or to warm up/dry off. The increasing popularity - among shooters - of the half-day format is evidence that people will take advantage of a break when it's offered. Everyone performs better when they're fed and reasonably rested.

If the 'content' of lunch is known at the time of registration, I really appreciate it when that's noted on the form - rather than simply saying "lunch provided" or "lunch, $5". I follow a vegetarian diet. If the match can accommodate (eg: veggie sub rather than meat), I'll plan to buy lunch on the range. If that can't be accommodated (usually the case), I need to know in order to pack enough in the cooler. Pop + chips does not equal a 'vegetarian lunch' ^_^

I don't think it's reasonable to expect the match staff to accommodate all the possible dietary variations/restrictions that are out there. Shooters just need to know what is, or is not, available on-site at an all-day match.

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