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Adults who Trick-or-Treat


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I had several adults, and I do not mean 18 year old high school kids, come in costume asking for candy. Are you serious ?

I almost refused several of them but did not. then, I was down to the last piece of candy and there were 2 people ; mother and daughter. The mother was in front and took the candy! I was shocked.

Almost as bad are the parents that drag out their infants that can't walk and certainly can't eat the 2 + pounds of candy the collect. Next year, no candy. I'm doing something else.

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The parents with infants don't bother me too much. I think a lot of parents like to "show off" their infants by dressing them up and I'm not to sure they're doing it for the candy. Young parents like to be told their kid is adorable :) BTW, I have no kids......just an observation.

Seeing teenagers out boggles my mind. You can't honestly tell me they do it because it's fun. Hell when I was their age I know I'd rather be at a party working on 12 oz curls. :cheers:

Different strokes for different folks I guess?!?

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The adults need to get their act together and go Trick or Drinking. Had a couple of 20 something girls show up at my house one time with shot glassses who were trick or drinking. I thought it was creative.


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The adults need to get their act together and go Trick or Drinking. Had a couple of 20 something girls show up at my house one time with shot glassses who were trick or drinking. I thought it was creative.


If they're cute, is the trick legal? :devil:

Edited by JimmyZip
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The adults need to get their act together and go Trick or Drinking. Had a couple of 20 something girls show up at my house one time with shot glassses who were trick or drinking. I thought it was creative.


Montana? Might be worth moving...

naw, too cold.

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I'm all about Halloween for the kids. We have mothers day and fathers day and I really think that Halloween is kids day. We always give out the "big candy bars" because I remember how much fun it was to go to that special house every year.

That said, I've threatened for the last couple of years to give out safety razors to a couple of the kids that come around. They looked old enough to start shaving. There comes a time when you just got to hang up the mask and cape and make silly with the rest of the adults.

This year the bar owners loved Halloween. It and the time change happened on the same weekend day. Maw and paw get to dress up like the kiddies and get hammered for one extra hour. Horay for second childhoods. I hope they have an accident in their pants on the way home.

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To not screw up the rules... I agree!!!

To add my point to the tip... I have a 2 1/2 year old. This year she understood and enjoyed everything about halloween and it was sweet. Scary wasn't big and bad, it was cute. We trick or treated at 9 houses. Nine. All immediate neighbors and only so she could be cute, say trick or treat and hang out with the bigger kids for an hour. After, we went home and sat on the porch to give out candy.

My point is I now have a plan. If she doesn't believe in the easter bunny and Santa, she doesn't get to go trick or treating. There's a fine line between cute and abusing the fun. No 12 year old trick or treaters. Its not cute.

Edited by Seth
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I was amazed at how many high school aged kids were out trick or treating last night. When I was a kid, I'm pretty sure I stopped trick or treating when I was in the fourth grade or so.

I was also amazed at the number of young kids that were texting while walking around... what has this world come to?

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I went out with five kids last night and had a blast but seeing adults out by themselves trick or treating really put me off. Not to mention people out trick or treating with their kids in one hand and a beer in the other. <_< One fix is to have a bowl with candy bars for the kids and raisins for the adults.

Joe W.

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Quess who's gettin' TP'd next year....=)

The wife wants to do a cotton candy machine. I remember one of my neighbors did that when I was growing up and I loved it.

We have some gang banger types that come round with no costume and a pillow case. I stopped giving out candy when I felt I needed to have a pistol in my ass crack to do the job.

Dude, that was the funniest thing I heard all day.

Hey Warp i saw on tv that Cal. is falling into the sea in 2012 anyway so i guess you wont have to worry about it much longer..... :blink:

I have not seen that but I believe it. :)

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I think everyone does the Trick or treat thing one year too long. Even the 12-13 year olds realize they are aging out of a part of their lives. Now whenthey get to be much older than that, someone may have to point it out tho them, but I think the average kid knows that he/she went out once to many times. At that point it is time for the Halloween Parties as opposed to walking the streets.

Sadly we got not one kid here so I'll have to eat all that chocolate myself, if I can beat my daughter to it.


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