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Wanna Be Spooks


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Met a guy in the cigar store yesterday, and as we talked he mentioned he liked to shoot. Conversation evolved to him having been in the Israeli raid at Entebe, his being wounded (unknown if there or not) and his being a security consultant after 9-11. Didn't say for what agency...

Offered to shoot with him sometime. Said the kinds of things he practiced were not for public consumption... I probably wouldn't be comfortable shooting with him anyway because he had skills regular shooters don't have...

Carried a BHP, hammer down on empty chamber, advocated racking the slide as you draw and make your stroke...

Owns a used car lot...

Rides a Harley, no helmet...in Houston...

Think maybe he has been smoking something other than cigars...

Wonder if he has ever heard of Walter Mitty?

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I hate it when people wanna be like me :D

The guy you describe made me think of Bill Paxton in True Lies <_<

I think it might be a little embarassing if he takes you to the range and you show him you would've been the better pick for Entebe B):huh::D

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I don't care what he wants folks to think, but it was so blatantly full of $hjt, it just really got to me.

Spook, if you are as tough as your avitar, everyone would believe anything you told them. I know I do...

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Spook, if you are as tough as your avitar, everyone would believe anything you told them. I know I do...

LOL, I don't look anything like my avatar.

But you're right. It always surprises me how many people are still fooled into believing these "heroes".

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Owns a used car lot...

Rides a Harley, no helmet...in Houston...

Think maybe he has been smoking something other than cigars...

Wonder if he has ever heard of Walter Mitty?

How old was this guy? Man, even the actors that were in the movie are ancient and it was made years after the event!

Speaking of ancient, back in the day, these two guys in a beat up Chevy pulled up next to me at a stoplight while I was riding my Harley. The passenger looks at my Grateful Dead Steal Your Face primary cover and says "Yeah man, I'm a Hells Angel too!" Back then I wanted to shake this fool until he realized how lucky he was NOT to have made that claim to a real Hells Angel.

We have the 'Special Shooting Skills' guys here in Kalifornia too. A manager at the printing company my brother used to work at was bragging about the 'Special Skills' he learned in the Syrian Armies elite Special Forces and his expensive handguns so my brother invited him to the outdoor shooting range in Los Altos. After a lot of arm twisting my brother finally got him to go, he shows up and Gene & I haul our range bags to the shooting line. Our Syrian Special Forces guy has one little tiny gun rug, Gene and I lay out 10 handguns that we want to shoot, everything from a .22 to a 10" barreled 44 mag. Our guest whips out a 'gasp' .25 Lorcin. Yeah I guess $80 is expensive and the one box of ammo he brought must have cost all of $10. On his first shot he managed to hit the ground about half way to the target, I don't know where the second shot went and the third shot cut his thumb badly enough he didn't want to shoot anymore.

The best part was he had brought his girlfriend along to impress. She finally asked if she could try shooting the .22, and before long she had moved up to the .44 mag. That really didn't set to well with him, but she was having a great time and didn't want to leave.

If you can ever get this guy to the range make sure he brings his significant other with! PS bring a video camera so we can share!

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He did wipe the gun off in her hair, didn't he, Nolan?

Hey maybe the original BA was an Isreali (they train with empty chamber, rack slide on draw) commando Texas biker used car lot owner.

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we had a guy shoot rather regularly with us at the Eastex range who, over the years, claimed he had shot 3 guys. Claimed he was a security guard. Not a good shooter, but hey, he came & practiced. Turns out (so I'm told) that non of his killing stories ever happened. Attention craving in action. People will do everything for it.

Most of the Israeli IPSC competitors are special forces something or another in real life. They're pretty quiet about it... They're usually very good.


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One thing I've noticed, guys/gals that have "been there and done that" seldom if ever talk about it.

Those that openly do...usually are the Soldier of Fortune or Combat Handguns magazine type. ;)

I hear that a lot, but there are enough "real life" guys like that who really did it and do talk about it.

The thing is, MOST of the people who run their mouths are poseurs. That doesn't mean that real ex-spooks and SEALs, and whatever don't talk about stuff because they do.

Go to one of Dick Marcinko's books signings where some of his old buddies are in attendance. I'll bet you they'd be happy to tell cool stories if you buy 'em a drink and ask nicely. B)

Of course . . . even if a guy really was what he says he was, it also doesn't mean that the story he tells you is true! :blink::unsure::lol:

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Slight Thread Drift Mode ON

I guess I can understand that some folks crave and need attention to the point of fabricating what they do or have done. However, just because you are a shooter, it is not impressive to claim that you have actually shot someone or many people.

I'm impressed with Phil Strader running the plates in 2.33, TGO doing the Bill Drill in 1.37, Jerry M setting records with the revo, and watching how many of the forum members are moving up in class.

Now I have shot with/trained with some legit Bad A$$ people in the past, Jim Cirillo, Dave Wheeler, Jeff Cooper, Chuck Taylor and a few more who have actually seen the elephant. They don't talk about it or brag about it, but you can tell from their demeanor that they are not to be trifled with. There is an air about them, something in their manner when they move, confidence in their own ability that doesn't need to be explained, or even brought up in conversation; you can tell. This guy didn't have any of that. Like Rhino said, he was posing.

The last class I took at Gunsite, Jeff was in his Mid 60's, but even the young lions knew not to screw with him; even at that age. If you met Clint Smith away from "the Job", he might look more like an English professor than Indiana Jones, or the true Bad A$$ that he is with almost any weapon known to man.

Drift Mode OFF

I thought about following up and asking this guy to shoot sometime, but after second thought; it is probably better if I never see him again, much less encourage him in any way. It just disconcerted me a bit in that he was the first person I had met who had claimed he had done all that, in front of witnesses and in the light of day, without many drinks being consumed before the boast...

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[complete thread drift]

If you ever get the chance, ask Chuck Taylor about getting bayonetted. The story is amusing and Chuck tells the tale well. He still has the guy's rifle.

[thread drift off]


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Chuck has had some adventures, no doubt. I have not heard the bayonette story, but will ask him about it the next time I speak to him or see him.

Have you heard his AD story with the .375 H&H? That is funny as well, and he does tell it with some flair.

Chuck visits this forum from time to time. Maybe Bugs Bunny would regale the forum members with the bayonette story the next time he comes to visit.

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Haven't heard the AD story, but hopefully will sometime. Didn't realize he came to the forum. Guess that makes sense considering most of the people I respect find themselves here at some point or another.

How 'bout it, Chuck? Will you tell us some stories?


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I used to go fishing with a older guy, who was as hard as they make them. Who only had one hand. I was only 14 or 15 at the time and I finally plucked up the courage to ask him how it happened (everybody used to skirt around it and say he had an accident when he was young), and he told me then that he lost it in an "accident".

I finally got the full story after he had a ale too many. I was 18 by then.

He accidently forgot to let go of the grenade in Korea when a North Korean shot him in the back. Saw the scars, nothing short of horrible.

I'll leave the story at that.

When he died about 12 years ago there were a hell of a lot of strange looking older Army types at the funeral. Some of them were in less than perfect condition as well.

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Met a guy in the cigar store yesterday, and as we talked he mentioned he liked to shoot. Conversation evolved to him having been in the Israeli raid at Entebe, his being wounded (unknown if there or not) and his being a security consultant after 9-11. Didn't say for what agency...

Offered to shoot with him sometime. Said the kinds of things he practiced were not for public consumption... I probably wouldn't be comfortable shooting with him anyway because he had skills regular shooters don't have...

Carried a BHP, hammer down on empty chamber, advocated racking the slide as you draw and make your stroke...

Owns a used car lot...

Rides a Harley, no helmet...in Houston...

Think maybe he has been smoking something other than cigars...

Wonder if he has ever heard of Walter Mitty?

I used to drink with him in a bar here in kali. He would go on about his career in the Mossad and the secret killing techniques they learned that could shatter vertebrae and instantly paralyze. Then you'd see him driving his cab the next day.

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