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How rude people are getting...


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So today around 11:30a.m. I go to a local grocery store that has a nice hot lunch selection, things are good, weather is nice etc. I get my stuff and I'm walking up to the 10 item or less lane and this little, old, biddy coming from the other direction speeds up to damn near a run, cuts in front of me and gets in line ahead of me. I was all of maybe three or four steps from the end of the line but she used her cart like a blocker so I'd have to stop. Then I look into her cart. It's full of vitamin and herb bottels....I guess 25 bottles. I actually saw her look directly at the sign not ten seconds after she cut in front of me, so it's not like she didn't notice until she got to the cashier. People in the line next to us were looking at her basket, looking at the sign and then shaking their heads. The wicked witch of the West finally gets to the cashier, he looks at her basket and says "Ma'am this is a 10 item or less line, we don't normally allow this". She looks at him and says in a snippy tone, "I don't feel like I'm holding up anybody so it should be fine". I couldn't stand it any longer and said "so, the rules apply to everyone else but you?". She wouldn't even look in my direction. Oh, as she was putting her stuff on the counter I paid attention...it was 24 bottles. She left, I paid for my stuff and the cashier even apologized to me and said "I guess some people can't count" with a little smile. I know he didn't want to send some little old lady off to get in another line, but I have seen them do that before. Unfortunately there seems to be a small (very small) percentage of seniors that do whatever they feel like because they know nobody is going to call them on it. I do feel better that I at least said something to her so she knows at least one person thought she was being an ass.

It's sad but those very same people go absolutely ballistic if anybody does something rude to them....double standard at it's finest. I'm far from the warm, fuzzy type but it would seem life would be just as easy, or easier if people weren't so rude to one another. :angry2:

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It's sad but those very same people go absolutely ballistic if anybody does something rude to them....double standard at it's finest. I'm far from the warm, fuzzy type but it would seem life would be just as easy, or easier if people weren't so rude to one another. :angry2:

Amen....I am glad you said something to her as I usually hold my tongue not wanting to make a scene. :cheers:


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There are rude people and then there are rude SENIOR people. Gah! You have to wonder what demon suddenly occupied their soul at a certain age to make them into the totally rude jerks that they've become. I don't even want to get started on some of the jerk-nutz things I've seen older seniors do because it'll make blood spurt from my eyes. Oh, and yes--they're the FIRST to bitch when somebody does the same to THEM! :angry2:

Thankfully, I've met enough NICE, GENEROUS, UNBELIEVABLY POLITE senior citizens to make up for the emotional blood loss I've experienced with the freakin' rude ones.

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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

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I don't even want to get started on some of the jerk-nutz things I've seen older seniors do because it'll make blood spurt from my eyes.

Yikes! At least I'm not alone on this one....I'll have to get my wife to read it as she thinks I overreact. Maybe I do but I've never had blood spurt from my eyes :P

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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

Shame on you. ( tongue firmly in cheek)


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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

It is beyond words what needs to happen to the old cow. I cannot believe someone would do that. What the hell is wrong with people. My parents would disown me for such rude behavior.


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I could write one of these stories every single day. You did not over react.

Putting her stuff back in her cart and moving it to the other line would have been just slightly over the line. Just slightly. Anything else this side of that was well within the limits. :)

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This type of thing really drives me insane here. If I even have 11 items I refuse to go to that lane even if they tell me to. I was riding a twenty something guy one day really hard over his 60+ items in the 10 item lane. He then went back to the meat department and picked up a few more items while he was holding up the line. So, I really let it rip on him. As I was going out to my truck after getting checked out, guess what he was loading his weekly groceries in?...............................................................that's right a local PD cruiser. Naturally I had to turn it up one more notch this time. I really thought he would call for back up and haul me in. Then the funniest part is the next week he shows up at my school as the new DARE officer. I would not cut him any slack for any reason either. He never made it through the term.

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I can attest to all of this as 90% of my clientes are 75-up. They feel they can act however they want and no one will say anything. I love the shock on there face when I tell them how things are going to happen and not how they want it to be.

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I especially hate it when rudeness manifests itself behind the wheel of an automobile. How many of you remember when "excuse me" was used when you accidentally bumped into someone instead of being used for a politically correct version of "I am an egocentric a-hole and you need to get out of my way".

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Good job... I too wander the land looking for these little confrontations. It seems that a prime reason so many people behave like jackasses is that our society has become a batch of sissies who avoid any kind of conflict at all costs. I love the look on these idiots faces when they are called on their behavior.

As to old folks "becoming" this way with age...I stand firmly on the belief that they were probably asshats when they were 30 as well.

Anyway....enough of this, I am off to Walmart to hang around the express lane :P

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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.


That level of evil and cruelty just Stun me!!

I would have been left speechless.

There is a special place for Those kind of people


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"Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

OMG. I'd be sitting in Sheriff Joe's tent city waiting for trial...with a little smile too.


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Good job... I too wander the land looking for these little confrontations. It seems that a prime reason so many people behave like jackasses is that our society has become a batch of sissies who avoid any kind of conflict at all costs. I love the look on these idiots faces when they are called on their behavior.

As to old folks "becoming" this way with age...I stand firmly on the belief that they were probably asshats when they were 30 as well.

Anyway....enough of this, I am off to Walmart to hang around the express lane :P

I carry concealed every day so therefore I do not go looking for confrontations. I do not think I am a sissy for avoiding a situation where I might end up having to shoot someone because they had too many items in their buggy.


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Good job... I too wander the land looking for these little confrontations. It seems that a prime reason so many people behave like jackasses is that our society has become a batch of sissies who avoid any kind of conflict at all costs. I love the look on these idiots faces when they are called on their behavior.

As to old folks "becoming" this way with age...I stand firmly on the belief that they were probably asshats when they were 30 as well.

Anyway....enough of this, I am off to Walmart to hang around the express lane :P

I carry concealed every day so therefore I do not go looking for confrontations. I do not think I am a sissy for avoiding a situation where I might end up having to shoot someone because they had too many items in their buggy.


Lighten up, Francis... :rolleyes:

I wasn't indicating that I was running around town starting fistfights over 16 items in the 15 item lane.....just suggesting that people will do what they are allowed to get away with. Most times all it takes is someone with the "guts" to point out their completely boorish behavior to put an end to their lack of consideration for others.

I would also like to suggest that if you believe you will have to shoot someone in the checkout aisle because you asked them to quit yakking on their phone long enough to pay the cashier....then you are doin it wrong <_<

To all who picked up on the original sarcasm :cheers:

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Okay, here's one that pisses me off as well. I had this happen to me a few weeks back, so what does the lady do....

She pays for 10 of her items first, and the last 10 items in another basket... Like it mattered... Wiskey Tango Foxtrot?

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Some of these people are in dire need of as much counseling as an inmate in a Jail or as a substance abuser (or any other kind of abuser) in treatment. People have the strangeness to call them "the Great Generation" (or some such) but many of them seem to be selfish, paranoid, thoroughly mean and rude. Why can't they make an effort to set an EXAMPLE of decency by behaving nicely and showing all the OTHER generations how people SHOULD act. What's wrong with them??

That remark about the baby was sickening. It made me actually sick at my stomach to read it. She should've been slapped for it. Some 'older' people have prickly prejudices about ethnic groups, too, that gall my nerves to the max. I won't even go into that. What's wrong with these people??

I've had interesting conversations with people in my own generation (mature) that conclude, "We can't let ourselves get this way. We lived open-minded lives and lifestyles... we can't possibly let ourselves shrivel up inside and become as uptight as some of these old people are!" So, many of us are concerned about staying fresh and open-minded in our later years because of the way we were raised and the good we know we can do if we stay loose. We have a chance to set an example over time and many of us are determined to do exactly that.

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Just for balence :rolleyes:

There is an 80 year old tiny little Lady that lives here...alone, she has parkinsons and shakes something terrible.

Over the years she has hand stitched Quilts for EVERY member of my family one stitch at a time.

She has to be one of the kindest most loving people God has placed on this earth.

I dont think age is the issue here.

Crappy selfish young people become ...crappy selfish old people.

Good kind young people will most likely stay that way



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