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Steve's Book or Matt's Video's First?

Chris Cord

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Just getting started in practical shooting and hoping I get a weekend off soon that I can make it to a USPSA or IDPA match. In the meantime I'm doing a lot of dryfire, live fire (slow range) and airsoft training. For someone new to the game, which would be more beneficial in the beginning? Steve Anderson's dryfire book or Matt Burkett's Vol. 1-3 videos? And don't worry, Brian's book is on my list to buy also along with Saul's.



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Just getting started in practical shooting and hoping I get a weekend off soon that I can make it to a USPSA or IDPA match. In the meantime I'm doing a lot of dryfire, live fire (slow range) and airsoft training. For someone new to the game, which would be more beneficial in the beginning? Steve Anderson's dryfire book or Matt Burkett's Vol. 1-3 videos? And don't worry, Brian's book is on my list to buy also along with Saul's.



the vids will do more good at first IMO. Learn proper form, then solidify it with dry fire practice.

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I found Steve's and Saul's books to be of great value when I was starting. However, if I could only buy one media I would buy Matt's videos. The real answer is to buy all three, shoot for a year and then get Brian's book.

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Burkett's will walk you through the proper technique. With that in mind, I'd say that series first (1-3). If you have your druthers, do both at the same time, including Brian's book. Brian's book is basically our "tech manual", it is a must have. I bought Brian's book first, several years ago. I think it was exciting, and even though initially I didn't grasp some concepts, (Beyond the Fundamentals) it's the foundation every would be competitor needs in thier arsenal.....library. Have fun, you are in the right place! :)

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Eventually both are useful, but you already know that.

My experience was that the vid's demonstrated skills, esp Volume 1-3. Get the skills/technique right first. It was helpful for me to SEE how to do something right.

Watch the Forum Classified's. The videos are frequently available.

Anderson's books are full of drills, with a heavy emphasis on time/efficiency. If you focus on that first, you may become very 'fast', at the expense of the fundamentals (locate target, align gun/barrel/sights with target, hold it there until the bullet leaves). The shooting won't hold up in live fire because there is some flaw in a very basic skill like grip, stance, recoil management, target transitions, etc. Some people can develop these skills intuitively, I needed somebody to show me the 'right way', and to help me get there.

If available, ask a local M/GM shooter for a little one-on-one time, or seek out a class with any of the instructors on the Dealer's Forum. When you're starting out, learning something correctly the first time is far easier than re-learning it later.

Welcome aboard. Good luck!

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Don't forget Matt's book. It's a great intro to our sport with many good basic dry fire drills/techniques. Add in Steve's and both of Saul's book for a great starting package. Add videos and then some of the mental game books and you'll be set.


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I guess it depends on weither or not you have some one to help you out with the technique. If you are on your own get the videos. If you need help with a dryfire program. I am sure some one will help you out with some ideas. Look around this place

I love Sa's books he inspired me to train. I managed to bump my scores up with his help. Matt's videos showed me what Steve was telling me to do. I buy every video and book that I can. You can never learn enough. You can never ask enough questions.

Another great training tool a video camera. Film the good guys and yourself watch them both and compare.

Have fun too

Edited by AWLAZS
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I got more useful information from Ron Avery's first video and Jerry Barnharts first two videos than Matt's video.

I got Brians book to start out and read chapter 2 about a dozen times. Eventually I read the whole book, and have re-read it a couple more times.

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I got Brians book to start out and read chapter 2 about a dozen times. Eventually I read the whole book, and have re-read it a couple more times.

You can never re-read Brian's book too many times, but it's good to space it out - going back to it as you progress, and having that "NOW I understand what he's saying!" moment over and over.

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I've read Saul's and Brian's books twice in the last 14 months. I will probably read Brian's book from now on. I just received Matt's video and spent the last hour adjusting my holster/mags. Pretty basic stuff, but I've had it wrong for the last year :wacko:

Anyway, I have not finished the 2nd DVD yet, but I am pleased so far :cheers:

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Just getting started in practical shooting and hoping I get a weekend off soon that I can make it to a USPSA or IDPA match. In the meantime I'm doing a lot of dryfire, live fire (slow range) and airsoft training. For someone new to the game, which would be more beneficial in the beginning? Steve Anderson's dryfire book or Matt Burkett's Vol. 1-3 videos? And don't worry, Brian's book is on my list to buy also along with Saul's.



Get em both !

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I bought Steve's book, Brian's book and Matt's 1-3 video at the same time. If I was going in order it would be something like this

Matt's 1-3-Shows you what techniques to practice so you don't re enforce bad habits

Steve's book- Just what it says refinement and repetitions

Brian's book-Once again, just what it says, Beyond Fundamentals

Have fun

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