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Friday Flame Fest 09-12-2003


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No Fried-day flamer last week makes it wayyyyyy tooo long since we have bathed our souls in the purifying flames of the Fried-day Flame Fest.

I hate that this is the last day of my week of leave and I have only gotten about 10% of the things I wanted to get done even started and haven't shot hardly at all. :(

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I hate when Judges release offenders back into the community with no bond to ensure their appearance in Court. This JUST happened to me. I was opposing the release of a person charged with Possessing Narcotic Drugs, not the biggest crime in the world but a serious felony nonetheless. He has failed to appear once before in this very case and a warrant was issued for his arrest! When he was picked up about a month later, he had crack on him. Did I mention the 2 prior felony convictions he has? Oh did I also mention he has another failure to appear conviction in a misdemeanor case? Did I mention that he is looking at 10 years in prison if he's convicted at trial and is not probation eligible? Oh I guess I did mention all that stuff to the Court who promptly released him to a 3d party family member with no bond to ensure his appearance. Yah, he'll be back. And that family member has done so much to keep him crime free for the past 15 years.

I'm disgustipated. :angry:

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I'm not impressed with some other screaming liberal issues (beyond gross stupidity in dealing with career criminals)...gas is 35 cents more expensive here in Oregon than it is a few hundred miles away, the speed limit on the LOOOOOONG straight nearly flat road from the world to Bend is a mightly 55mph...I REALLY hate that the Oregon has no concealed carry reciprocity...so typical of the liberals, don't trust your sheeple to protect themselves and then make it miserable for them to try and escape and evade your clutches by jacking up taxes and keeping speed limits artifically low.

And I really hate that a vulture shat upon my nice new truck and etched the paint with his (her?) toxic poop.

But at least I made it to Bend early :)


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I hate the fact that there are people out there that just can't stand the fact that we've won on the battlefield in the war against terror. :angry:

Why is it so hard to admit that the battles we've fought as a nation we've won? Why do they constantly have to focus on the negative? :angry:

It is SO hard to admit we've had successes?

God bless those whom defend us, both here and abroad against terrorism, liberals and a half-assed media. ;)

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I hate people who don't know the difference between freedom of speech and consequences for their actions.

Especially when they are suffering the consequences for saying something stupid or unpopular and they try to convince us that it is "censorship".

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I currently hate:

--$2.16/gallon for petrol

--Increased state income taxes

--$2.16/gallon for petrol

--Did I mention a rise in gas prices..?

--Yes, it seems extremely typical of Oregon not to reciprocate 'carry' with ANY other state. Idiots.

--Our county Sheriff's Office lost its Domestic Violence deputy, a coastal community deputy, its Property Crimes Detective (a personal friend), its Volunteer Coordinator, and a drug enforcement officer. Why? Oh, it's budget cuts, don'cha know...!!!!!

--Two Eugene police officers are in deep doo-doo for having sexually harrassed or assaulted several female civilians who (in the course of normal business) called 911 for assistance. God. What an insulting bummer all around. We have a problem with issues of trust here in the Eugene PD anyway. Now we REALLY have issues.


I think I'd better quit with this list...... before I explode. :wacko:

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I hate that it is only Sept. and I am REALLY ready for deer season already. I hate that gas is a $1.53/gallon(still better than 2.16 :P ). I hate the not so bright people I have to work with :wacko: . I hate that we have to remember 9/11. We shouldn't have to remember things like that in this country, because they should never happen. I hate all the rain. Make it stop. That is all, for now. TXAG

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San Jose International Airport

This place is absolutely insane. If my name was on it, I'd disown it.

I refuse to believe it is possible for any one place with one basic service to be any more screwed up than this.

It's a freaking triathlon just getting out of the place. First you have to salmon-swim upstream against twice as many people as the fire marshall should allow in any one corridor (don't forget the Starbucks with the line on one side of the hallway and the store on the other, with people yelling orders and crossing back and forth), then you get to jog about half a mile to find the bus stop to get your rental car. At which point the bus drags you around each of the other terminals, stopping and playing the wrong "You are now at Terminal C, get off here for Lufthansa" recording for each stop. Then once you finally get a rental car, you get to do another full lap of all of the terminals in with everybody trying to drop people off and pick them up and construction workers randomly closing lanes just to get out of there.

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I know it is Saturday, but I have more "Bend sucks" to add to my previous post...

I really REALLY hate driving a half hour at 55mph (on a road that should be at least 75mph) to get to the range, only to be run off said range because "shooters are not allowed on the range until 1200." That little factoid was NOT published on the web site (which, of course, also says that today is the first day of the Limited Nationals...psych!), nor was it in the shooter's information package.

Oh, but it WAS in the match booklet. TOO BAD THEY DIDN'T FEEL THEY HAD ENOUGH MONEY FROM MY $225 ENTRY FEE TO MAIL IT TO ME! They handed them out at registration...which started at 1330. Sweet. Raw incompetence at work.

Speaking of "at work", as mad as I was about driving out to the range at 1000 only to be told I wasn't welcome except in the parking lot, I'm even more annoyed on behalf of the range officers. They were supposed to shoot the "fun match" from 1000-1600 today. As of 1130, when I left the parking lot (sigh), they were still waiting around for authorization to SKIN all the stages...only about 2/3rds of them were ready, with much pointless standing around to be seen. Even sweeter.

And...this is the Big Show.

So far, a hearty BRAVO.


But the match shirts look good, and the folks at registration couldn't have been nicer. Nor could the RO's (even while running Liota and I off with tazers and large pointy sticks).

That all said, we really need to find a better range. Oregon is horrible to travel to (driving or flying, as the airport is SO far from Bend and the speed limits are insane...as are the gas prices), the local hotels are quite expensive, and the local restaraunts are also a bit steep. The range has plenty of parking and is decent enough...just a half-hour from anywhere. The bays are all rather small, the stages make great use of orange hazard matting walls (insert vomiting noises here), and there is no decoration outside of the stage number signs.

Perhaps Vegas...mmm....Vegas...or somewhere even more central, like Texas or Louisiana.

I hate driving 1,850 miles to a match that looks like a local match, not even a State or Area match. Expecially one that is mismanaged like this one has been so far. At least the stages look cute (for a club match).


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Perhaps Vegas...mmm....Vegas...or somewhere even more central, like Texas or Louisiana.

I think Vegas makes a LOT of sense. As far as I know, and I am sure some of the more well travelled can confirm this, Vegas is about as cheap as it gets as far as air fare is concerned. Besides it is close enough to most of us in the west that we can just drive there.


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Just got back from the shooters meeting... I've always been told to be on time. Too bad these guys weren't. It started 45 minutes late, maybe to allow the bar to make money. >_> It did have one redeaming feature. It was short. 20 minutes tops. Hopefully, the match will go well tomorrow. They did tell us to be on time for the shooting. Maybe I will.


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