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Common Courtesy

Gary Stevens

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It used to be, and I was taught, that the standard response to "Hi, how are you?" was " just fine, how are you?".

Greet a young person like that now and most of the time all you will hear is "fine", and that's it. It really pisses me off. I've went out of my way many times to show courtesy, generosity, or kindness to younger folks(including kin-folk) and can't even get a simple "thank you".

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I agree with everyone but we are such a small minority anymore that it will only get worse. It is no longer politically correct to adjust the behavior of a child or young teen as all they have to do is go to school and say my parent hit me. Then the court system gets involved, it's funny that they like to be referred to as the Justice System when justice went out the window with government controlled child (care) control.

When my kids used to start crying in a store because they wanted something, I would whisper in their ear that if they didn't stop I would take them out to the car and really give them something to cry about. Military schools or schools with lots of military children in them understood the need for discipline and did not get involved until there was something worse than a bruise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A post script to this discussion: I work in a large-ish office building that leases to individual businesses, and sometimes the tenant requests a remodel of the space they've leased. We have just such an operation in progress right next door to us. No big deal in terms of any physical inconvenience, but the courtesy of the workers has been stunningly good and gentlemanly to the core--both inside and outside the building. They're amazing. And you know what's most amazing of all...? They're all REALLY YOUNG!!

There's hope.

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My folks taught me to be polite,treat people with respect (especially if you did not like them anyway)

Open or hold doors for people...men included...if you had nothing good to say ...say nothing.

Always offer to help people when they need it...and about a million other things that are the requirements for civil behavior.

I try to live up to be the man my Grandfather was and my father Is.

These things I also tried to teach my kids...it was not a happy day if I caught them doing otherwise.


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These things I also tried to teach my kids...it was not a happy day if I caught them doing otherwise.

Ah yes, some of that 'teaching' was less than pleasant if I recall :P

I think the best example would be when he found out about me literally peeing in the babysitter's sugar bowl, THAT was a fun day :roflol:

But it all got the point across and I sure try my best to follow the same rules my father does.

Now that I'm a little bit older it just seems to be common sense to be courteous to others, it sure would be nice if everyone else thought

that way too.

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Just this afternoon as I was getting out of the car and trying to get stuff out, a fast n' furious type car drives by and instead of slowing down the punk teenager shifted closer to me and yelled "Get out of the way maf%#@*!" :angry: My wife just looked at me and knew how very much I tried not to yell back. Common courtesy and kids...slowly becoming non-existent :(

Edited by norbs007
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Yeah, kids suck these days. Most of the parents are just as stupid too.

My truck was broken into the other day. My laptop and other stuff was stolen, so I'm not really happy with kids right now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a story for you guys. I was in the local Wally Superstore standing in line and this lady's kids were unbelieveable. Throwing stuff at each other, getting lippy with mom... just running amuck. My 6 year old son thinks that he's going to join them too. One yank on the arm and a swat on the tail settles that. She turned around a begins to tell me that she can't believe that I would hit a child, bla, bla, and more bla. My reply was "my boy isn't going to turn out like your $*&^ing kids." End of story and I felt good saying it. And another thing if my kid doesn't say yes sir no sir, there will be a smack in the back of the head shortly there after. Burns my ass. The rest of the time I'm a pretty laid back dad.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Is anyone annoyed with "Not a problem" uttered in response to your "Thank you"?

As if they are assuring you that you're not ruining their day by spending your money in their establishment? Perhaps they're trying to be casual, but I want to hear "You're Welcome". That is the proper response, after all...

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Living next the the largest Army post in the free world I'm often pleasantly surprised. Young soldiers in uniform being courteous and respectful don't surprise me, but off duty when some are dressed like common street thugs (stylin')... they're still courteous and respectful at doorways. It makes me smile.

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Here's a story for you guys. I was in the local Wally Superstore standing in line and this lady's kids were unbelieveable. Throwing stuff at each other, getting lippy with mom... just running amuck. My 6 year old son thinks that he's going to join them too. One yank on the arm and a swat on the tail settles that. She turned around a begins to tell me that she can't believe that I would hit a child, bla, bla, and more bla. My reply was "my boy isn't going to turn out like your $*&^ing kids." End of story and I felt good saying it. And another thing if my kid doesn't say yes sir no sir, there will be a smack in the back of the head shortly there after. Burns my ass. The rest of the time I'm a pretty laid back dad.

Chris C.


My little one continually gets compliments for his manners (he is 7) The best part about it is that he now displays the pride from the feedback. It's nice to see his eyes light up when someone compliments him for "yes sir" or "no sir" or when he struggles to hold a big door open for a person and receives a "thank you".

Most of todays parents are missing the boat on instilling pride, professionalism and self esteem!

(stepping down from my soapbox now)

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Is anyone annoyed with "Not a problem" uttered in response to your "Thank you"?

As if they are assuring you that you're not ruining their day by spending your money in their establishment? Perhaps they're trying to be casual, but I want to hear "You're Welcome". That is the proper response, after all...

I think this is more cultural based on US geography than rude. It's pretty common in some of the areas I've lived in and I find it typically curtious from the speaker. I've gotten a few 'you're welcome's from people that I read to mean 'piss off and leave me alone'. I guess for me it's the intent more than the words that count.

Edited to add: No disagreeing with the orig poster, he asked.

Edited by SA Friday
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To many kids have been raised with the attitude that, do what you want there are no consequences, The I deserve it all generation.

The world may owe you a living,but you have to work to collect it.

To much desensitization with violent video games and slasher movies.

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I'm really tired of hearing:

1. "No problem." even if well-intended. It's what we call a 'crutch' in the language world.

2. "You guys..." when used by either gender to address ANY number of people of either gender. I'm just hearing this in so many different professional contexts that I'm going nutz and finding it HIGHLY unprofessional. It's almost a sign of disrespect, really. Just take out the "guys" part and your sentences still work:

"Would you (guys) like something to drink with that?"

"Are you (guys) planning to [do whatever] or not?"

"Are you (guys) all together or would you like separate checks?"

So, who invented the crude idea that "guys" had to be inserted into every frickin' sentence or inquiry, for God's sake?? God, I hate it.

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