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Ok, this is happening on a local match level. I have been noticing that some people are declaring Major when they are shooting Minor. I do not think this is fair. I shoot minor, and I declare minor. I know in the rules if there are not chronograph's then it is what you declare it. It is at the point where some are declaring a 9mm Major in Limited.

How would you handle this ?

I hate to lie, but I am considering claiming Major just like the others.

Thanks, I am fairly new, and hope yall remember this when giving advice.


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Have you... say... talked to the MD? 9x19 can't fly as major in Limited, no matter how hot you load 'em. Other than that, people will get away with whatever they want that way in a local unless the MD starts chrono'ing them. That doesn't mean that you have to cheat....

That said, I know of at least a couple folks around here who've had to go around and make sure that the stats crew at the match had them properly marked as minor, cause they were shooting in a division that is predominantly Major PF, but they were burning up steel loads for giggles. Sometimes what you see marked as "Major" is just that way because someone in stats made an oversight, not because someone chose to cheat... ;)

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Well, we fill out our own sheets, and when you are shooting in a squad with some people, you happen to notice things like who is shooting the same division as you. When they are shooting a 9mm and so are you, you make even more note of it. Both of you are shooting Limited, both shooting 9mm, but when the results come out, the other person is Major. That is how I have noticed it. It has been brought up to the powers that be " I know, but you kinda have to call them on it " In other words confront them on the range while shooting....... I don't like being the range police, Just noticed it was not fair, and wondering If I should do like everyone else.

Thanks for the replies, and remember, I shoot for fun, but when comparing myself to other shooters..... Well, it is not a real comparison when we are claiming two diffrent power factors.

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....and wondering If I should do like everyone else.

Unless everyone else is cheating, you would simply become another of the few folks at the match who demonstrate a decided lack of character and honor. I'll venture a guess that's not what you want.

Your choices are pretty limited. Call 'em on it, or forget about it and shoot your own match knowing you did the right thing.

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Honestly, best advice I can offer is to start by talking with the match director. That's part of his responsibility....

Don't get anywhere? Talk to the Section Coordinator.....

I had to deal with a couple of those issues over the years as a match director --- and in our case one of those situations came down to club members who weren't USPSA members, hadn't read the rules in oh, ten years or so, and honestly weren't aware of the fact that Production was a ten round division. So they loaded their Glock 19 magazines to capacity and shot the match, which irritated the heck out of some of the other competitors (rightfully so) who brought the matter to my attention. Following a conversation about divisional rules the competitors in question decided they didn't want to download their guns --- so they started shooting limited, minor, and everyone's still playing happily today....

Most problem resolutions can be achieved by starting a conversation....

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Didn't we just have a thread like this? :rolleyes:

For Pete's sake stop worrying about other shooters, if they are cheating, it will catch up with them sooner or later. Like 45DV8 said, shoot with honor and character and all will be well.

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Didn't we just have a thread like this? :rolleyes:

For Pete's sake stop worrying about other shooters, if they are cheating, it will catch up with them sooner or later. Like 45DV8 said, shoot with honor and character and all will be well.

Nah, I think we had a different though similar thread, on this subject....

This one appears to come down to something that you don't need a chrono for.....

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Merlin Orr, I don't quite understand your reply.......

The Icon is to signify boring or how boring or just bored....

Sorry... Just after a few of this same (basically) post I find it boring...

A good search or two will bring 200+ answers to this question.

Hope this clears it up.... ;)

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Ok, this is happening on a local match level. I have been noticing that some people are declaring Major when they are shooting Minor. I do not think this is fair. I shoot minor, and I declare minor. I know in the rules if there are not chronograph's then it is what you declare it. It is at the point where some are declaring a 9mm Major in Limited.

How would you handle this ?

I hate to lie, but I am considering claiming Major just like the others.

Thanks, I am fairly new, and hope yall remember this when giving advice.



Just beat them. That's the best, easiest, and most fun way of dealing with the issue.

Don't cheat though. Just because others jump off the cliff doesn't mean you should.

Just my $.02


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Thanks for the advice. Melin Orr, I understand and sincerly appoligize for bringing up the same stuff. I tried the search feature, but did not see anything of relevance. It is my brother and I shooting, and well my brother is quite unhappy with this. He tries to excell in everything, and play by the rules. He said he would quite shooting in this type of competition and go back to the other ones he shoots in. I would like to keep him in this sport, as he is the more serious one. I think I will talk again to the match director about this. If it does not fix itself.... Well don't know. I have suggested that he and I go shoot at other matches, and perhaps that might happen. It is an extensive drive to the next closest match.

at any rate thanks for the suggestions.


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OK... Now I feel bad for telling you to search after you did and could not find anything of revelance...

Pardon me for being a grouchy old bastard.....

In way of trying to make a worthwhile contribution to answering your question I will say Boz1911 and the 45dv8 had some good advise.....as well as all of the other posters....

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At a club match I marked Minor once in Revo cause I was shooting some light stuff, about 150 PF. When the scores came out I had been scored as Major (it didn't even come close to making a difference though). Once it's done at a local match it's not worth worrying over. Unless there's something tangible involved. Then give the rewards to the deserved and let the Stats guy know.

I once R.O.'d a guy who claimed Major for .38 Super in L10. I changed it, as an RO, and kindly told him it wasn't no matter what it was loaded to. My reasoning was to save him from thinking it was ok and getting caught at a big match, as such an obvious issue it has to be either deliberate or lack of knowledge. He didn't seem too upset, but didn't come back for a couple of years, shooting a .45 in SS.

You can always Set up a COF and R.O. it, then make a chrono part of the stage. It's not a bad idea anyway once in a while. Some don't have easy access to chrono's. And I like to get chrono'd over several different types, I hate surprises at a big match.

But if someone's doing it on purpose it will be known and they'll be given fertilizer over it at every chance. It's human nature though that some will take any advantage they can. :wacko:

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jacobjrl, Once I claimed major while shooting a 45 in Revo, I just took the load out of the Vit. book that stated the velocity for the load. Wasn't even close after I chroned. I have given up on Major as I am an old crodjity B@$$^@*^ and shoot only minor. Sometimes I get listed as Major and do my best to correct it before the finals get set. Sometimes the results are not up for a couple of days. If you and yor brother are competiing against each other it matters not what others are doing as you will have a good comparison on how you are doing. Shoot for A's as fast as you can hit A's. Accept an ocassional B or C and you will do well. You can compete shooting Minor against those shooting legit Major and non legit. I don't speak Latin but "Don't let the B@$$^@*^ wear you down." Later rdd

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That sux for sure- but if you do the same it will only perpetuate the problem. Remember that you have to look yourself in the mirror. I would worry less about them and do what you think it right.

Edited to add: Talk to the match director about bringing it up in the next match's shooters' meeting... ;)

Edited by Rocket35
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tell you what..I learned a long time ago..worrying about the things you cannot change will wear you down.

just show up, help with set up and tear down, enjoy your friends and the time doing something you enjoy.

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tell you what..I learned a long time ago..worrying about the things you cannot change will wear you down.

just show up, help with set up and tear down, enjoy your friends and the time doing something you enjoy.

+1- that is what I meant to say... ;)

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tell you what..I learned a long time ago..worrying about the things you cannot change will wear you down.

Yeah, but in this case, it's something that's easy to change. Tell the MD and let them handle it.

There is a difference between thinking someone isn't following the rules (suspecting light loads, for example) and someone that is blatantly breaking the rules....trying to claim 9mm Major in Limited.

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