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The Case for Combat Pistol Matches


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Thanks, Dale. :)

Strangely, I've had two separate firearms instructors contact me, one through BE.com, one through the Blue Press, and ask if they could have permission to copy off that article and use it in their classes, and supply it to other instructors. Pretty flattering.

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I'm one of the instructors who asked for permission to circulate the article.

I believe every one involved in any form of firearms instruction should be recruiting shooters to IDPA & USPSA..... and for the NRA !!!!!!

Like it says in the article it will make them a safer shooter and better prepared for a gun fight... and our sport needs more shooters.

I hate to say it .... since I'm a geezer too... but far too many of our shooting events looks like a AARP meeting for men only.

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Great article- it points out what I try to explain to those folks that keep saying that tired line "Games will get you killed in a real gunfight". How is it bad to be able to make solid hits on an intended target, quickly and under pressure?

Of course, I encounter most of those naysayers while training in a Tactical environment.

USPSA or IDPA- "Well that isn't like a real gunfight".

While using PAR times on excercises- "All that matters is making the hits, not how fast".- yet they don't

Man on Man Steel- "I'm not shooting back at you- it's just steel".- after they lose because of misses.

Man on Man simunition- " I know that I won't get hurt, so it doesn't count". - while they are wiping the paint off.

Am I supposed to believe that these folks will be magically imbued with skill only after they are "really" in a gunfight?

The funny thing is that I cannot remember any of those folks (including the instructors that say it) being able to shoot faster or more accurately during those classes than us "gamers".

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My "home club" runs a couple large scale 10 - 12 stage LEO only matches every year. Some agencies send all the "troops" with the best gear the tax payers of their area can afford.

Interestingly enough.. we always re-run the match the following day for IDPA shooters and the top "cops" are (with very few exceptions) generally down around the IDPA Sharp Shooters or USPSA low C level shooter.

One year I beat 95% of the LEOs who were allowed to use 9 mm duty guns with high cap mags.. with my 625 revolver ... drawing from concealment.

I think it's a scary shame that LEOs (at least in my neck of the woods) can't shoot.... and most won't even try IDPA or USPSA.

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