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Burn After Reading


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Anyone see it yet? I thought the movie itself was just okay. No Big Lebowski or No Country by any means. But the characters, scenes and actiing was great. Just John Malkovitch's character/scenes made it worth seeing. And J.K. Simmons - he needed more time on the screen time.


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I saw it last Saturday,

I think its worth seeing again!

Malkovich's character was great,Clooney had some interesting do it yourself hobbies But all the actors had sizable roles so you had to stay tuned in.

They seemed like a bunch of somewhat regular people that just got caught up in s&*# they should not of been doing.


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.... No .... No Country by any means.....

That's a good thing.

I must have missed something with "No Country...", since I heard all the hype, watched the movie, and think it was total garbage. Not a good plot, no good characters, not great scenes... I wanted my two hours back.

There have been few movies where I expected so much, and was deliverd nothing. "2001: A Space Odyssey" comes to mind, but it was 35 years old when I saw it (and I wasn't on acid).

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Anyone see it yet? I thought the movie itself was just okay. No Big Lebowski or No Country by any means. But the characters, scenes and actiing was great. Just John Malkovitch's character/scenes made it worth seeing. And J.K. Simmons - he needed more time on the screen time.


My wife and I walked away thinking the same thing, it was funny but sort of so so in total. Yet when you think back on any of the individual performances they absolutely great. You're right, the dialogue between J.K. Simmons and that guy from Sledgehammer was just so funny.

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I must be in the minority too Anon.

I've read both Old Country and the Road and 2 of the worst books I have read.

Watched the movie thinking Tommy Lee Jones might do or say something to redeem it but alas not.

I want my time back also.

and I have NO idea what all the hype was/is about.


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<_< not a single person in the film with redeeming character. A film has to leave me someone to care about.

It was like watching a golf tournament and you knew every player was cheating when the camera was not on them.

= no reason to care how it turns out.

<_< If that is how "regular people " act ....I want to move to a new planet.

Edited by AlamoShooter
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The wife and I saw it, and I was struck by how many people it reminded me of. A lot of people are really competent to do what they do. But let them get outside of their area of expertise and they're morons. I was struck by how unaware Malkovich's character was. Here's a guy who is a Princeton grad, who rails against the consipracy of morons he has to deal with, and can't see that he's not that far removed.

JK Simmons was perfect. "What did we learn here? Not to do this again. Whatever this was."

Somebody has to find the right role for that man.

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I saw it with my wife and two of her friends. All the women really did not like it. I thought it had enough funny parts to enjoy it.

All the characters are basically unlikable, and more or less they all get completely screwed by their own behavior.

Sledge Hammer and J Jonah Jameson were awesome. (David Rasche and J.K. Simmons)

Of course it might just be a matter of perspective. I was being dragged out for an evening with the wife and her girlfriends. I narrowly missed the horrible fate of having to the "The Women," which was pretty much panned by people who started out liking movies like it.

Edited by raz-0
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  • 3 months later...

I was mildly entertained, but very disappointed with how it wrapped things up and just plain petered out at the end instead of going somewhere interesting with the open story threads. Watchable, but nothing to write home about IMHO.

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Just watched Burn After Reading last night - definitely not the caliber of The Big Lebowski, which is one of my favorites. It was mildly entertaining, but barely worth the rental fee. No Country was worthwhile for the character development - still better than Burn After Reading. I did enjoy the JK Simmons character - probably the most realistic one of the bunch!!!

My .02...

Happy New Year!

Watched this DVD last njight. Probably the worst movie I saw in 2008....

Nemo, you must have gotten lucky and not seen "Old Country...."

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I LOVED it. It's so refreshing to watch a movie that doesn't follow archtypal themes to the point that you can predict the end from watching the first half hour. The plot is absolutely crazy, and was definitely a ride. God bless the Cohen Brothers.

The ending was fantastic.

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It had the potential to be interesting in the first 5 minutes ........ CIA Headquarters, Langley, VA ........ from there it "blossomed" into "Honey I quit my job", and eventually my wife is sleeping with another man, yada yada yada.

I loved it when that PI tells George Clooney "Grow up buddy, it happens to everybody."

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On my list as one of the worst movies of 2008. Not as bad as Step Brothers...pew that stunk.


Are you kidding ??? I just got done watching Step Brothers, and I thought it was awesome! A literary masterpiece. :rolleyes:

Ok, that last part was bogus but there were at least 100 hilarious scenes in that one. By the look of the trailers I thought I would hate it, but it was hilarious. The plot stunk like dirty socks, but it was knee-slappin', pee-yer-pants funny.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally sat and watched this one. I think if I had paid for it I'd have a negative reaction, but for free it wasn't that bad. Most of the characters were interesting to some degree.

I think the problem with it is it was TOO disconnected. I know that's kind of the idea with this type of film. Interesting characters that you only get a glimpse of so you can develop them on your own. But none of these characters had enough value to think that much about. Brad Pitt's character ruined every scene he was in. Pitt can be a good actor in the right part, but they wasted his contribution.

I'd give it maybe a four or five, but wouldn't pay to watch it!!!

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