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spiders...I know I told you this before but...I hate spiders


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The ones we had aound our FOB were a lot smaller than that, but nasty as all get out.

We had someone in my unit get gnawed on while they were sleeping back in '91. She lost a largish chunk of calf muscle and didn't feel a thing while it was happening. NASTY looking wound.

OTOH, we used to saw the bottoms off of a pair of 2 liter bottles, and drop a camel spider in one end and a scorpion in the other. In the half dozen bouts I witnessed, the spider never lost. The things we did in the combat zone to alleviate boredom...

ETA: regardless of what snopes says, I saw it firsthand with my own 2 eyes.

Edited by ChrisStock
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Those are on the large side, but I suspect some of that is the camera angle/perspective. Typically they'd be about the size of a baseball or less. Still, they're pretty ugly critters and they can move really fast. :surprise:

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We have the same creature here in the Coachella Valley in California. I will typically find them in the bottom of the corner protector bin when it is empty. I think they like to hide there and eat whatever falls into the bin. They are called Wind Spiders here. They will carry their babies on their back like a scorpion too which looks almost garish when seen for the first time.

We used to pit them against scorpions also when I was a kid. Cool to watch a large one eat a gecko or small lizard!


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I was looking for a pic of a Vinigaroon, we have them here and they look like those camel spiders.

I found a forum <_< all these folks that LOVE and breed all kinds of spiders :sick:

It seems there are some VERY VERY creepy people out there :huh:

I saw some spiders :surprise: #4 aint gonna do it...Im thinkin slugs :surprise:


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Those are certainly scary looking and I'm sure the bite hurts like hell, but in my experience the small spiders are the ones you really need to worry about. I got bit by a brown recluse several years ago and it damn near killed me. Three days in the hospital and several wound debridement sessions later and I still have a nasty scar that covers the back of my left calf almost from knee to ankle. Ever since then, I have developed a pretty good case of arachnophobia.

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We have Brown Recluses and Black Widows around here. Not big spiders but nasty none the less. I have found black widows in 45 ACP brass and in the car we use as a prop on our range. I frequently find Black Widows in my water meter at home. the biggest we have around here are Wolf Spiders. "Supposedly" they are harmless to humans but I don't like them. When I was tearing out the framing of an old shop at my first house, I used to watch them jump on cockroaches. They would tackle them and then drag them into their holes. Pretty freaky.

I HATE spiders. Terrified of them. I am in the process of sealing my HVAC system under my house and the fact that brown recluses and black widows like dark places makes me very nervous when I am under there. Eeeek!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK.. I have to agree with majority of you. Spiders are the ones that I am scared of the most. My boyfriend seems to find it funny every time I run across one outside or in the house I scream & run the other way. My oldest son got a plastic spider one year for Halloween, well now my boyfriend finds it even more amusing by placing it in places where I will run in to it & causes me to scream. One of these nights he's going to come home to find me lying on the floor from a spider induced :surprise: heart attack.

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