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human shock colar/bracelets for airline travelers


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Just found this one from the Washington Times...

How about a bracelet that every airline traveler must wear which has personal ID info, GPS tracking of you and your bags, OH and can shock you into submission should "someone" decide you need it...


Read it yourself...


Here's the product video...skip over to about 3:20 to get details of the product...


I think I'll go out for some fresh air now...grrrr

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As the Blogs author put it at the end of his article......

"It calls to mind one of my favorite speeches given by an American Founding Forefather, Patrick Henry, who said,

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”"


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I've seen this before. What I find most disturbing is that there are enough people that think this would be a good idea, that they've actually produced them. The only acceptable use that I can come up with is that it would be helpful in keeping track of prison inmates. Especially when being transferred from one facility to another.

As for their use on private citizens, no damn way. :angry2:

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I've seen this before. What I find most disturbing is that there are enough people that think this would be a good idea, that they've actually produced them. The only acceptable use that I can come up with is that it would be helpful in keeping track of prison inmates. Especially when being transferred from one facility to another.

As for their use on private citizens, no damn way. :angry2:


I don't know what the heck these people are thinking :wacko:

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Sliding scale this one, while back the US-Visit programm (nice name isn't it?) started, digital fingerprinting of both index fingers and taking a webcam picture . Doesn't make you feel welcome when you come over for a vacation.

Last year at Dulles I noticed they are converting to just getting all ten fingers for the sakes of it.

Guess this idea is next on the "how to make airtravel even more of a hassle" list

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I can think of a few folks I would like to coller

And sit in front of the TV with the remote :devil:

This should make people think about what is to come in the future <_<


I doubt the collar thing will fly, so to speak, but if it does I won't be flying. I will laugh my head off when the news hits the T.V. everyone on a plane was mysteriously stunned at the same time, accidentally. :roflol:

"Jim where's the remote? Jim? JIM!!!!!"

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This can't be serious.

This has just too much comedy potential.

Imagine the cast of Super Troopers with the power to basically taser an entire airplane full of people.

"Car Ramrod! Say Car RamRod!"


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So the waitress can zap me!?!?!?! I don't like this plan.


Not only can she zap you, she can zap everyone who comes within 10 inches of the beam while she is frantically waving it around.


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So the waitress can zap me!?!?!?! I don't like this plan.


Not only can she zap you, she can zap everyone who comes within 10 inches of the beam while she is frantically waving it around.


That's what I'm thinking, if passenger 54 goes nuts, the freakin' stewardess or air marshall will probably zap the whole compartment just to make sure they got the culprit.

There ain't nuthin about it I like. :angry2:


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Autistic is not the fault of the mother other than maybe genetics. What she could have done was talk to a doctor before the flight and knock the kid out. As to the others... it sounds like a little whoop-ass is needed. You know the reality of the situation... if she had spanked the kid some would have applauded, myself included, but I would bet that some other politically correct idiot would report her for child abuse. Then she would get to talk to both the FAA and DCFS. What a friggn crazy world. Spare the rod and spoil the child. I know I had some legendary ass tanning when I was a kid. After a while the "look" was enough. My parents never counted 1.....2..... It was like stop that and sit down. If I continued the next warning I got was a stinging sensation in my posterior. :)

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I know I had some legendary ass tanning when I was a kid. After a while the "look" was enough. My parents never counted 1.....2..... It was like stop that and sit down. If I continued the next warning I got was a stinging sensation in my posterior. :)

Yeah. And now you run around practicing to shoot people with real guns.... :roflol:

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I know I had some legendary ass tanning when I was a kid.

Speaking of legendary,

Right before I got beat for acting retarded, dad would (and still) say, "Your suffering will be legendary...even in Hell." :devil:

...that always calmed me down for what was about to happen... :roflol:

I think some kids need that, I know that I did (still do) :lol:

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I was visiting a friend and their kid was acting up, I told the kid you better stop or you're going to get a whooppin", the mother promptly informed me "Oh!! we don't hit in this house" I replied " And it shows"

Yesterday 2 woman were walking down the street and stopped to ask why my dog was so well behaved, how he doesn't leave his yard, or go in the street, even when other dogs walk by. Did you have to send him to "obedience school", No!! I just smacked him when he did it!!!! I've only had to smack him twice in 10+ yrs.

Its amazing that discipline amazes some people!!!


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