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The itsy bitsy spider


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I was walking my dog, Boris, when something on the ground caught my eye. On the edge of a small spot of standing water, I saw a beautiful black widow spider. She was perched on a web about an inch above the water and right at the edge of the grass.

Being in TX, I have seen these before but not outdoors. They're usually in cracks and crevices in the corners of garages, barns, woodpiles etc. This time, I was able to get a really good look, being in the daylight. My camera phone does not do her justice. Her legs were long and as shiny as a new sports car. The hourglass stood out like a neon sign. I estimate that her leg span would just about cover a quarter. I thought about tossing a coin in the water for perspective but didn't want to disturb the web.

After finishing our walk, I returned to the spot with a real camera but couldn't find her. Anyway, you had to be there to appreciate it. :cheers:



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I didn't realize there was so much Arachnophobia on this forum. :

It's not a phobia if it's justified... I hate those things. Not all spiders, just Black Widows (I'll pick up tarantulas), they seem to come from no where and build webs so quickly..

I've gone to take the trash out.. not turning all the lights on.. and heard that tell-tale sticky web breaking... and have their webs spread out across the walkway or on a door, if I hadn't heard the web.. they'd have ended up on my leg somewhere..

I can't kill them fast enough... :)

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I love spiders as they keep the rest of the bug populace down. I try not to kill them if I don't have to and I usually relocate them. Dangerous species are a little different. if they aren't going to bother me then I am not worried but in my living spaces they will not survive. I have no room for something that has the potential to kill me.

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I have no room for something that has the potential to kill me.

you have a safe full of those <_<

I have a major in psychology and phobias have all ways amazed me....maybe because I haven't found mine yet. I did a presentation on it once in class and just the pictures of spiders and snakes freaked the class out. Did you know that most phobias you are not born with but learned from your parents or peirs? Take a 3 year old child and show them a snake, they are likely to grab it and momma/pops are likely to freak out. Take that same child 3 years later and they are smashing same snake with a shovel.

yeah I know I talk to much.

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Did you know that most phobias you are not born with but learned from your parents or peirs?

I got my arachnaphobia (sp) after my brother got bit by a brown reculse. It was in his blue jeans and bit him midway on his inner thigh. We was off his feet for over a month. His whole thigh looked like someone took a ball bat to it (from his knee to his crotch)...until the center got necrotic and rotted out. Of course it could have been worse if it was located in another section of his pants... :surprise:

Spiders...vaporize them...

Yeah I learned my phobia for sure...

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I have taught my daughters to respect but not fear those types of things. We have literally hundreds of Black Widow spiders on our property at any time. Snakes, tarantulas, scorpions(my favorite), and geckos(banded tail) also inhabit our front and back yards. They chase and catch and imprison the poor little creatues regularly. I have a pact with the wildlife that as soon as the girls are asleep, I will let tem out and on their way.

They like to kill black widows though. We take joy in squishing the egg sacks that they protect.

Remember pitting Black Widows against several types of spiders and a scorpion. I never saw the Black Widow lose. :mellow:

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hk_mtbr, that is a very nasty wound. Is that YOUR leg? :surprise:

I do know what a spider bite can do to human flesh. My uncle had a baseball sized chunk of flesh removed from his calf due to a brown recluse bit.

But, there are a lot of things in nature that can kill or seriously injure a person and that's not going to change. I'm sure I could've gotten a lot better pic if I'd gotten closer but I know enough to keep my distance.

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not me but it looks like my bro's leg did.

I'm not too worried about other creatures...just those little buggers...snakes no prob...two leg varmits....eh...but those little guys freak me OUT

I really feel fortunate to live in North America where we have really very little to worry about... B)

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You know the blast out of you comp makes those things vaporize, um, not that I'd do anything like that, but, ALL SPIDERS MUST DIE HORRIBLE DEATHS.

I didn't realize there was so much Arachniphobia on this forum. :roflol:

I didn't have a problem with spiders until I got bitten by one.

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One itsy bitsy spider...'nough said


NASTY NASTY NASTY ! Spiders may be good, but spider bites can be very bad. My Grandfather was bitten by a brown recluse and he suffered for weeks.

My motto is spider outside...good. Spider inside...dead

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You can buy Suspend SC off the Internet and it will get rid of your spiders. A quart of the stuff will last a very long time. I live on the river and have to use something to keep the pest away from my boat and boat house.

Spray anywhere spiders and wasp nest and wait two weeks and spray again and presto. You are good for six months. No wasp, dirt dabbers, Carpenter Bumble Bees, or spiders. Kills ants, too.

I HATE SPIDERS........particulaly Black Widows and Brown Recluse.


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A good spider. :rolleyes:

I applaud you for your courage in slaying one of those evil creatures :cheers:

I unfortunately would probably have run away as I am terrified of pretty much 'all' spiders <_<

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