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Too Good For Television


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I don't watch much, if any, TV these days. But watching BG on DVD was definitely one of my guilty pleasures. Well written. Well acted. Well directed. Great effects. Enough to tell the story without ruining the story by turning it into a cartoon.

Sadly, this is the end. I can understand a series running its course, but this seems a tad premature, if not utterly baffling decision. They've proven that if you give the world quality, that they will flock to it and watch it. Therefore, they're nuking it.


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Its the only show on TV that I will actually plan to watch. I didn't start watching it until this season and was really bummed when I learned it would be the last. Part of me wonders if they are just pulling our legs to build more hype for the show...

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Favorite show. And the only one I PLAN to see each week.

Having said that, I think they have had a couple "Jumping the Shark" moments that keep me from fully "suspending disbelief" anymore:

1) When nearly the whole population settles on the planet and is enslaved by the Cylons for a year or two..... and later escapes. Intersting plots, stories, but it went to far from the basic premise of the show.

2) When Boomer # 1 is "activated" and shoots Adama (but is later killed for her actions), along comes Boomer #2 sometime later who is then accepted into the fold because she has proven herself and is "trustworthy". Hello, wasn't the first one, until she flipped out? With all they have been through, they suddenly go "oh, you're a good Cylon....."

3) The Final Five - four of which are "humans" aboard BattlesStar Galactica (maybe the fifth too? I'm betting Adama). Most of whom really hate Cylons. Where the heck is THIS going? "Oh, Cylons and Humans are the same, we are no different?" We have seen the enemy, and they are us.

Anyway, very well done show, ready to see if they find Earth, or we are forced to wait for the movie :rolleyes:

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We "Firefly" people feel your pain....

Another closet browncoat says "ain't that the truth!"

Oh, and my guess as to the 5th cylon...it's Baltar. For how long did we watch both Six and Baltar get nuked at the opening credits. She died and resurrected but he lived thru it?

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We "Firefly" people feel your pain....

Another closet browncoat says "ain't that the truth!"

Oh, and my guess as to the 5th cylon...it's Baltar. For how long did we watch both Six and Baltar get nuked at the opening credits. She died and resurrected but he lived thru it?

Baltar....... hmmmm. That just seems so....... obvious. He even wanted to be a Cylon on and off at various points. But that would explain a lot. And fits with dialog/plot so far.

As to Six dying, and him not, the point in my mind was supposed to be she sacrificed herself for him, to save him, knowing she could be resurrected, and he would have died..... but she wouldn't have known he was Final Five, now , would she. And/or maybe Final Five can't be resurrected. Ok, my brain hurts.

I'm gonna go watch Firefly reruns.

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Actually, the thing that bothered me the most about the series was the use of "Watchtower" as theme music. It stuck out like a sore thumb.

I don't get too worried about the plot and story specifics. What I'm going to miss is great drama. In an unending ocean of cop, lawyer, and doctor dramas, there was one refuge. This type of magic probably won't happen again for a decade. It will be a long time before they can group together another troupe with the talent a camaraderie that make BSG such a successful drama. It's just crazy. There's rarely an episode where *someone* doesn't just tear the house down by turning in a spectacular performance. Usually, you see such great performances once a year or so in film. BSG's sending them out once or more *per episode*.

Now there are zero reasons for me to ever turn on a TV again...

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Thanks for that link to the Salon article, hadn't seen that! Great recap

BSG will be sorely missed :closedeyes: and it's only a small comfort there'll be a spinoff (hmm, wonder where that idea came from...Stargate maybe) Man a movie would be awesome

Scott Ian (of Anthrax fame)has a cool blog and mentions talking with The Chief (one of my favorite characters :wub: ) about reading the last few episodes

Man's got the inside scoop....

Maybe the fifth will be an obese chain-smoking fanny pack-wearing slob that knows the way to the Churros stand at Disney World. Bummer.

This is a great, uh, well....resource for BSG synopsis and speculation http://www.patriotresource.com/bg/index.html

Interesting how they set up the preview for this Friday's episode....they make it look like the freshly unboxed and not surprisingly p.o.'d Deanna tells Roslin she's the 5th....

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We "Firefly" people feel your pain....

Another closet browncoat says "ain't that the truth!"

Oh, and my guess as to the 5th cylon...it's Baltar. For how long did we watch both Six and Baltar get nuked at the opening credits. She died and resurrected but he lived thru it?

He could never have survived the nuclear blast even with her body shielding him. I'm with you on calling Baltar #5.

Jim wonders why they had to use a nuclear weapon to detect cylons when all you really needed was a ceiling mirror cuz their backs light-up like a christmas tree when they engaged in certain activities. (Jim used a different word but I wouldn't type it). :P

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Interesting how they set up the preview for this Friday's episode....they make it look like the freshly unboxed and not surprisingly p.o.'d Deanna tells Roslin she's the 5th....

Yup.... but I bet its whoever is in the room and /or next to her in that shot, the comment is aimed atso keep an eye out. And that comment could be directed at any of the Final Five that happen to be on the Base star at that time.... maybe Starbuck's husband, or I'm confused now, lost track, was the chief on the cyclon ship as well?

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We "Firefly" people feel your pain....

Another closet browncoat says "ain't that the truth!"

Oh, and my guess as to the 5th cylon...it's Baltar. For how long did we watch both Six and Baltar get nuked at the opening credits. She died and resurrected but he lived thru it?

He could never have survived the nuclear blast even with her body shielding him. I'm with you on calling Baltar #5.

Jim wonders why they had to use a nuclear weapon to detect cylons when all you really needed was a ceiling mirror cuz their backs light-up like a christmas tree when they engaged in certain activities. (Jim used a different word but I wouldn't type it). :P

Hmm, strange most of us wouldn't have thought of ceiling mirrors.

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Have you seen the crappy TV Movies Sci-Fi Channel comes up with? Clearly this show is too good for their standards... Damn, first losing "Firefly," now "BSG."

Read an interesting article about Sci-Fi productions vision on their movies.... it seems they are SUPPOSED to be crappy B movie knock offs. An outright homage to the best of the worst from monster and sci-fi movies.

I mean really, have you seen Alien Apocalypse with Bruce Cambell? It just screams tongue in cheek bad B movie knock off.

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We "Firefly" people feel your pain....

Another closet browncoat says "ain't that the truth!"

Oh, and my guess as to the 5th cylon...it's Baltar. For how long did we watch both Six and Baltar get nuked at the opening credits. She died and resurrected but he lived thru it?

He could never have survived the nuclear blast even with her body shielding him. I'm with you on calling Baltar #5.

Jim wonders why they had to use a nuclear weapon to detect cylons when all you really needed was a ceiling mirror cuz their backs light-up like a christmas tree when they engaged in certain activities. (Jim used a different word but I wouldn't type it). :P

i'm going with starbuck as the fifth.


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"We "Firefly" people feel your pain...."
No s**t.

Seeing Starbuck as the 'fifth' also came to mind last month... although I think the hinting around at that fact was a little exaggerated, perhaps to distract us. (However, I'm not ruling it out.) After all the hype, though, the 'fifth' will have to be a significant (or at least understated) person of importance. Now, to have it be ultimately revealed as Admiral Adama would indeed be a mind-blower...... :surprise:

Still, it's one of the best sci-fi series on TV. Between the loss of Firefly and now Battlestar Galactica, I'm desolated. What's a little Oregon viewer to do......?....... *Sigh* :(

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  • 9 months later...

I thought it would have been a better ending if after Starbuck types in the jump codes, and they jump, and everyone is asking "where are we?" it should have faded to black and started playing Journey's "Don't stop believing"...... :lol:

Or maybe Adama wakes up from his drunken stupor hangover in the alley, and goes..... "man, what a bad dream".

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