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Tigger in ICU


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Last Summer when Griffen was in ICU they about lost him several times. Vet kept calling to give us updates and I about pulled the plug at one point to end the suffering. He was shaved from mid-torso up his tail about two inches and had some MAJOR plumbing work done. Then one day he just "woke up" and started howling. They offered him some food and he started eating everything they were willing to feed him. The next day he came home.

Today you cannot tell anything ever happened unless you notice that various original pieces of original equipment are no longer in evidence.

These critters have an AMAZING capacity for rebounding.

Continued positive thoughts and prayers going Tigger's way.

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These Airedales are tougher than woodpecker lips. I am glad to hear she's moving forward.

PM me a contact number as Mrs. Airedale has call this weekend and wants to visit Tigger, if possible.


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Wow, a lot of snake activity for the forum pooches in a short period of time. Glad to hear they have a diagnosis, at this point, and have been able to take some action - hopefully things will start to improve!

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Snake bites is one of the things that worries me with our dogs (a Jack Russel/yorkie mix and a toy fox terrier). They have a 64'x64' fenced yard that's their outside domain when outside unless they're on a leash with us. Every once in a while I'll find a small snake or a skin that's been shed. I haven't seen a copperhead in person for years and never where we are now but I still worry. We occasionally get the odd bunny or groundhog that squeezes in looking for greener grass but no confrontations yet...

Glad to hear they're getting on the path with Tigger; hopefully things with smooth out.

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Tigger looks like she has turned the corner for the better. She will most likely be able to come home Monday. Still a lot of work ahead but it looks like she is going to make it. On her feet today!


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Tigger looks like she has turned the corner for the better. She will most likely be able to come home Monday. Still a lot of work ahead but it looks like she is going to make it. On her feet today!


They can really bounce back. I bet he'll be racing around in no time. Edited by bountyhunter
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Whew. Sampson and Ben send their best.

The downside to country living is increased pit vipers. Plain snakes, too, but I leave them alone. Reminds me I need to call the vet and ask if they have a snake bite protocol or if we should head directly somewhere else.


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Glad to hear the good news Dale!

We have a population explosion of rodents and snakes this year :angry2:

I kill every one I find...Except the rabbits..and we have way too many of them also :surprise:

I just dont know how to protect your self and pets from snakes <_<

They can get into most anywhere..including houses cars ...I just hate them :angry2:

Sure nice to see Tigger up and atem...Please keep us posted.


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That's awesome news.

Made me think about my pup, got to look into the vaccines for when we're out messing around.

She almost stepped on a coral snake at the park. Not a fun moment.

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