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2009 South Carolina Section Championship

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Fun match with entertaining stages. :cheers:

Cool to see old Benos friends and meet some new ones. :cheers:

My only gripe is with the match hotel. With the number of complaints I heard at the desk and the fact they forgot to bring us towels, I would suggest looking for a replacement. Since I don't know how difficult a task this is, it won't stop me from returning next year.

Thanks to the hardworking staff for putting this match on. :cheers::cheers:

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All I can say is WOW! Who other than the SC match crew including Linda, Jack, Donnie, and their staff could put on such an amazing match year after year. These guys and gals really out do themselves every year. Everyone that missed the match really missed a great one; outstanding stages, an excellent group of RO's and the most talented staff anywhere. Thank you all to everyone that devoted your time energy and efforts to make this match better and better every year. You all always raise the bar for the way a match should be ran. Thanks.

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Did anyone happen to find an extra M&P.40 mag in their stuff? I believe I left one on stage 2 Friday. It has one of the compact basepads on it and may have still had some Montana Gold bullets in it.

I found an M&P mag with some bullets in it laying on top of one of the barrels on stage 2. I gave it to the RO's who were working the match.


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Did anyone happen to find an extra M&P.40 mag in their stuff? I believe I left one on stage 2 Friday. It has one of the compact basepads on it and may have still had some Montana Gold bullets in it.

I found an M&P mag with some bullets in it laying on top of one of the barrels on stage 2. I gave it to the RO's who were working the match.



I put the mag by my Gatorade bottle and towel on one of the benches under the covered firing line. Mike and shoot together on a regular basis and I was holding it for him. At the end of the day it had left the bench.


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...Unfortunately a mechanical inconsistency made them throw out one stage...

Which stage, Nemo? I shot the match on Friday and had to head back to Atlanta that same evening so I hadn't heard what happened on Saturday. There were a lot of mechanicals on the sages but they were all working rather well for us on Friday. I hate to see something like that affect a stage/match that was otherwise a blast to shoot and well worth the time and effort put into making it to the match. =[

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...Unfortunately a mechanical inconsistency made them throw out one stage...

Which stage, Nemo? I shot the match on Friday and had to head back to Atlanta that same evening so I hadn't heard what happened on Saturday. There were a lot of mechanicals on the sages but they were all working rather well for us on Friday. I hate to see something like that affect a stage/match that was otherwise a blast to shoot and well worth the time and effort put into making it to the match. =[

Stage 5 (Pressure is On) with a pressure plate that activated 2 appearing - disappearing targets was deleted from the match because the action required to activate the targets was dramatically different for different shooters. Some activated the targets with one foot on the pad & others had to step on the pad, while others "danced" on the pad or literally hopped up and down. While the pressure activation pad had been used at local matches with 60 shooters, and held up well Friday (with about 60 shooters), it did not continue to operate consistantly on Saturday (with 137 shooters). The Range Master, Match Director and Chief Statistician met and decided that we had to remove the stage from the match.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2009 SC State Match Statistician

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Wow!!! I am tired. After spending the early part of the day at the range cleaning up, I spent several hours on the couch recuperating. :yawn:

First I want to thank everyone who helped out with the match - Linda, Tom, Donnie, Julie, and all the MCRC volunteers. Special thanks to the PGC crew (Chester, Aline, Mike, Lee, Sandra, Mike, and Jason) for continuing to bring very challenging stages to the match. I also want to thank James Smith, Banks and Matthew Pressley for bringing a very challenging stage to the match. I think this was the first stage they have ever put together and run at a major match and they did a great job.

I appreciate everyone who continues to support our match. I hope you all enjoyed it. We did have one glitch Saturday and it resulted in us having to throw out a stage (stage 5). As Linda stated, the pressure plate was very inconsistent Saturday. I hated to throw it out but it was the right thing to do. I should have checked and addressed that issue first thing Saturday morning, but I screwed up. Lesson Learned.

I will be posting links to our sponsors on the section website in the next couple of days. I would really appreciate everyone dropping the sponsors a line and thanking them for their support. Please try to support their businesses as they support our sport.

We were hoping to be able to move the match next year (to give MCRC a break) but that did not work out. So, we will be back at MCRC. The match will be April 9-10, 2010. Mark your calendars.

Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing y'all on the range.

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All I can say is WOW! Who other than the SC match crew including Linda, Jack, Donnie, and their staff could put on such an amazing match year after year. These guys and gals really out do themselves every year. Everyone that missed the match really missed a great one; outstanding stages, an excellent group of RO's and the most talented staff anywhere. Thank you all to everyone that devoted your time energy and efforts to make this match better and better every year. You all always raise the bar for the way a match should be ran. Thanks.


Congrats on your repeat! Good job!

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...Unfortunately a mechanical inconsistency made them throw out one stage...

Which stage, Nemo? I shot the match on Friday and had to head back to Atlanta that same evening so I hadn't heard what happened on Saturday. There were a lot of mechanicals on the sages but they were all working rather well for us on Friday. I hate to see something like that affect a stage/match that was otherwise a blast to shoot and well worth the time and effort put into making it to the match. =[

Stage 5 (Pressure is On) with a pressure plate that activated 2 appearing - disappearing targets was deleted from the match because the action required to activate the targets was dramatically different for different shooters. Some activated the targets with one foot on the pad & others had to step on the pad, while others "danced" on the pad or literally hopped up and down. While the pressure activation pad had been used at local matches with 60 shooters, and held up well Friday (with about 60 shooters), it did not continue to operate consistantly on Saturday (with 137 shooters). The Range Master, Match Director and Chief Statistician met and decided that we had to remove the stage from the match.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2009 SC State Match Statistician

4.6.3 Chronic malfunction of equipment in a course of

fire may result in the removal of that stage from the

match results (see Rule 2.3.4).

I had the opportunity (not by choice) to watch several squads shoot this stage since we were waiting behind them for the first of several hour long delays. and I just have to comment on this subject. The piece of equpiment in question was not actually malfunctioning. Granted, it was not of State Match quality, but if activated properly as per instructed (and the RO's on the stage took wonderful time to instruct on what would and what would not cause activation) there was not problem! It was the RESPONSIBILITY of the shooter to manage the prop. The "inconsistency" of the stage does not equal malfunction as far as I see it. I did see the jumping up and down, but I also saw two women who could not have weighed more than 100 lbs set it off without a problem! How do you explain that? If the smallest/lightest competetors could figure out where to activate it after listening to instructions, is it the equipment or brain freeze after the buzzer goes off forgetting where you are to step? Either way, it does not warrent throwing a whole stage out, at least not per the rule book.

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This was our first major match and Tommy and I learned a lot. Tommy learned how much time he was wasting by not planning his movements and I learned that I can now reset a Texas Star faster than I can shoot it. :D

Seriously, the stages were incredible. A great mix of some up close hoser targets with some medium range more difficult shots. Working stage 4 gave us a chance to see and learn from many of the better shooters.

I'm really glad that Tommy got to work this and realize how much effort goes into a match like this. From the several days of work put in by the setup crew to the weeks and months of work done by Linda, Jack, Donnie, Julie, and others; it was an amazing effort that paid off in a fantastic weekend for all of us. I've got to give a special thanks to the guys who were bringing us water and Gatorade all day Saturday, without them I wouldn't have made it through the day.

It was also really cool to have John2A be the CRO for our stage and Dan help RO. I learned a lot from them, too.

I want to be the first to ask...When does signup start for the '10 SC State Match? :roflol:

ETA: Forgot to thank all those folks who went back today to tear down, put away, and clean up.


I really appreciate yours and Tommy's help on the range and I am glad y'all enjoyed the match. Tommy is a great guy and a pleasure to be around. It is great to see juniors coming up in the sport.

BTW, I have your mag. I will bring it to the next MCRC match. Take care.

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...Unfortunately a mechanical inconsistency made them throw out one stage...

Which stage, Nemo? I shot the match on Friday and had to head back to Atlanta that same evening so I hadn't heard what happened on Saturday. There were a lot of mechanicals on the sages but they were all working rather well for us on Friday. I hate to see something like that affect a stage/match that was otherwise a blast to shoot and well worth the time and effort put into making it to the match. =[

Stage 5 (Pressure is On) with a pressure plate that activated 2 appearing - disappearing targets was deleted from the match because the action required to activate the targets was dramatically different for different shooters. Some activated the targets with one foot on the pad & others had to step on the pad, while others "danced" on the pad or literally hopped up and down. While the pressure activation pad had been used at local matches with 60 shooters, and held up well Friday (with about 60 shooters), it did not continue to operate consistantly on Saturday (with 137 shooters). The Range Master, Match Director and Chief Statistician met and decided that we had to remove the stage from the match.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2009 SC State Match Statistician

Thanks for the update, Linda. That's a shame since the stage was not only a blast to shoot but one of my better stages. LOL Oh well... these things happen.

Thank you, and Jack, and the entire crew for putting on such a great match. It was my first SC Section match but will definitely not be my last. I already have my calendar marked for next year! =]

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Stage 5 (Pressure is On) with a pressure plate that activated 2 appearing - disappearing targets was deleted from the match because the action required to activate the targets was dramatically different for different shooters. Some activated the targets with one foot on the pad & others had to step on the pad, while others "danced" on the pad or literally hopped up and down. While the pressure activation pad had been used at local matches with 60 shooters, and held up well Friday (with about 60 shooters), it did not continue to operate consistently on Saturday (with 137 shooters). The Range Master, Match Director and Chief Statistician met and decided that we had to remove the stage from the match.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2009 SC State Match Statistician

4.6.3 Chronic malfunction of equipment in a course of

fire may result in the removal of that stage from the

match results (see Rule 2.3.4).

I had the opportunity (not by choice) to watch several squads shoot this stage since we were waiting behind them for the first of several hour long delays. and I just have to comment on this subject. The piece of equpiment in question was not actually malfunctioning. Granted, it was not of State Match quality, but if activated properly as per instructed (and the RO's on the stage took wonderful time to instruct on what would and what would not cause activation) there was not problem! It was the RESPONSIBILITY of the shooter to manage the prop. The "inconsistency" of the stage does not equal malfunction as far as I see it. I did see the jumping up and down, but I also saw two women who could not have weighed more than 100 lbs set it off without a problem! How do you explain that? If the smallest/lightest competetors could figure out where to activate it after listening to instructions, is it the equipment or brain freeze after the buzzer goes off forgetting where you are to step? Either way, it does not warrent throwing a whole stage out, at least not per the rule book.

Rule # 4.6.3 refers you to see Rule 2.3.4

2.3.4 If the Range Master (in consultation with the Match Director) determines that the physical or procedural change results in a loss of competitive

equity and it is impossible for all competitors to attempt the revised stage,
or if the stage has been rendered unsuitable or unworkable
for any reason
, that stage and all associated competitor scores must be deleted from the match.

We saw a loss of competitive equity. One of the principles of our sport is that " Practical shooting competition is a test of expertise in the use of practical firearms and equipment." I agree that managing props is the responsibility of the shooter, but the outcome of a stage should not be dependent on the exact placement of your foot on a platform. It should be about shooting skills. The Match Director (who was also the stage designer) and the Range Master (who designed and built the pressure pad) determined that the equipment was functioning inconsistently and that the rules supported deleting the stage. It was not a decision that was made lightly. We have never thrown out a stage before.

As to the "several hour long delays," the last shot fired was 6:45 pm. That was one hour off schedule. We had planned to finish at 5:45 pm. We did start the awards banquet 30 minutes late, but Thanks to a lot of help from volunteers, we still completed our RO drawing, our shooter random prize drawing, and the distribution of checks and awards by 9 PM as planned.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2009 SC State Match Statistician

Edited by LChico
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Just wanted to add my THANKS to all involved in making the SC sectional possible. This is my third year shooting it and it has just gotten better every year. We shot on Friday and had a great time. I hate to hear that a stage was thrown out. That always sucks for any match but it sounds like it was a necessary call.

One thing I'd like to add that I thought was extremely grateful on behalf of the match. We brought one of our local juniors with us. When he went to pay for his match he was told that there was no need to pay becasue juniors shoot for free. I think that is quite an invitation to juniors and an awesome gesture.

Jack,Linda and Donny......you guys run a world class match. :cheers:

Can't wait for the annual Tim Daugherty Memorial Toys for Tots match in December to be able to get back out there and shoot with most of y'all again.

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Yesterday, when we were tearing down the stages, I looked over the pressure plate in question. What caught my eye was the top board (perhaps 1/2" plywood). It was significantly warped. Sunday morning, when closed (without the mechanism being set), the bow in the board resulted in the edge being approximately one inch off of the edge of the frame. It was not like that when we set it up Wednesday (the board was flush with the frame). So, it occured to me that the rain Wednesday and Thursday had to have caused it. When I arrived at the range Thursday morning, the pressure plate was submerged. My guess is that as the weekend progressed and the pressure plate began to dry out, it began to warp. I really do believe that this was the cause of the inconsistency. I could stand on the plate and it would flex. In my opinion, that has to be the cause. If we use that again, I think we will make the top plate two pieces or use a material that will be impervious to water. Again, this is something I should have checked but it got by me and I apologize to all whom it affected adversely.

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Hey Jack, You wouldn't by chance have one of those GREAT LOOKING shirts left in Large you could send down to Alabama do you?????? What, did you loose ANOTHER BET or something????


You'll have to check with Linda to see if any are left. I do not know.

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One thing I'd like to add that I thought was extremely grateful on behalf of the match. We brought one of our local juniors with us. When he went to pay for his match he was told that there was no need to pay becasue juniors shoot for free. I think that is quite an invitation to juniors and an awesome gesture.


It is not only our match policy but a club policy. Juniors are the future so our club maintains a policy that juniors shoot free (with a paid adult at the state match) and free at the club matches. So, keep bringing them!!!! Take care.

Edited by Jack Suber
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I, too, want to add my thanks and a "well done" to Jack and Linda and the whole SC match staff. This was my first time shooting the SC Section match and I enjoyed it very much. Great stages, fine staff who worked hard to make the match run smoothly and good times at the banquet. I really appreciate all your hard work. This match is definitely on my calendar for next year.

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Jack, Linda, Donnie, Julie and everyone who contributed to the match, thank you! It was an awesome weekend of shooting and fun. The MCRC volunteers were incredible too. We were swarmed with helpers Thurs. when we showed up to set up our stage. The Stage 8 crew (Katie and Dave) were outstanding. Working that stage was almost relaxing thanks to their hard work. I'm pumped about next year already!

"... for faster action"

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That was fun! The folks at MCRC really know how to throw a good match.

We got in on Friday and went to check out the stages and see old friends. Damn, it was hot! Someone later said it was in the mid-90s when the staff was shooting and I believe it. The thermometer on BOZ's car said it was 94 when we left the range. Being good hosts, Jack and Linda arranged for us to have less humid and slightly cooler weather on Saturday. Stages were great, and I especially want to thank Chester for not making me run 40 yards this year. ( :bow: )

Their RO crews are a tireless bunch and wouldn’t let us paste a single target. For the first couple of stages I kept trying to help out of habit but they weren’t having any of it. “You are our guests. Relax and enjoy the match!” That’s Southern Hospitality to the extreme.

When I got to stage 2 I got to see Ms. Kitty take the timer and run the stage. She told me later that was her first time doing that. You wouldn’t have known it. She took control and in her own sweet and enthusiastic way turned shooters around every 3:15 on average (yes, I timed it, from “Standby” to “Standby”). With a large sprawling shoot-house setup, that’s quite a feat. As Bill Ham used to say, "she and her team had that thing running on rails!"

After the banquet I cruised over to the celebratin’ center and just sat chatting for a few hours, seeing old friends and making new ones. That was as fun as the match. I kept stealthily pouring myself Bourbon and Diet Cokes, minus the Bourbon (had a good food buzz going from dinner already). Cliff did try to get me to drink some nasty-assed cough syrup called YagerHammer or something like that, but I ducked out before he could twist my arm. :lol:

To all the cool folks on squad 2, Thanks! I had a wonderful time.


About stage 5... Nobody likes to lose a stage, and most of all match staff. This was my third So. Carolina Sectional (and certainly not my last) and I've always been impressed by the level of planning and professionalism displayed. These folks have the experience and focus to see to the smallest of details with a single goal in mind -- a quality experience for the competitors. The decision to toss the stage wasn't taken lightly and I saw on Jack's face Saturday night just how hard the call had been. I believe without hesitation that if there had been a way to save it, they would have.

Tough decisions come up, and I think they made the right call.

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We got in on Friday and went to check out the stages and see old friends.

I'm glad you guys came to meet some new ones, too. I really enjoyed having you and BOZ around and plan to come join you guys at more of the South River matches. Besides being a laugh a minute, I saw that there is a lot I can learn from you two.

Damn, it was hot!

Was it? I don't think I ever broke a sweat.

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We got in on Friday and went to check out the stages and see old friends.

I'm glad you guys came to meet some new ones, too. I really enjoyed having you and BOZ around and plan to come join you guys at more of the South River matches. Besides being a laugh a minute, I saw that there is a lot I can learn from you two.

Damn, it was hot!

Was it? I don't think I ever broke a sweat.

24 cases of gatorade (20 oz) & 14 cases of water - water was 30 bottles per case (20 oz). . .

And that was just RO & staff.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2009 SC State Match Statistician

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We got in on Friday and went to check out the stages and see old friends.

I'm glad you guys came to meet some new ones, too. I really enjoyed having you and BOZ around and plan to come join you guys at more of the South River matches. Besides being a laugh a minute, I saw that there is a lot I can learn from you two.

Damn, it was hot!

Was it? I don't think I ever broke a sweat.

24 cases of gatorade (20 oz) & 14 cases of water - water was 30 bottles per case (20 oz). . .

And that was just RO & staff.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2009 SC State Match Statistician

I am still wondering if I need to go in for IVs??? :wacko:

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We got in on Friday and went to check out the stages and see old friends.

I'm glad you guys came to meet some new ones, too. I really enjoyed having you and BOZ around and plan to come join you guys at more of the South River matches. Besides being a laugh a minute, I saw that there is a lot I can learn from you two.

It was nice to finally meet you, Mike. I like putting faces together with names.

Of course, with my face, I'm not sure everyone else feels the same way.

Damn, it was hot!

Was it? I don't think I ever broke a sweat.

You were sweating like Mike Tyson taking SAT's when I saw you working that Texas Star.

(And thanks for doing that so we could play :bow: )

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First of all I have to thank the staff that assisted me on Stage 4. They were all great and it was a great pleasure to meet Mike, Tommy, Dan, and the MCRC volunteers. Mike, Tommy is a great boy and you must be very proud of him. I only heard yes sir, no sir and yes ma'am no ma'am out of him all day. I know he was tired but stayed right there pasting and setting the star. I really learned alot from you all as well. It has and will continue to make me a better RO and CRO.

I also want to thank all the staff at the match. It was a well thought out and planned match. It is one of my favorites of the year and always on the calendar. I am looking forward to April 2010. The guys and gals that fed us and kept us in Gatorade and water deserve all the credit for keeping the staff motivated and working to get every one through the stages in a timely manner. I really enjoyed the green wraps that were provided to the RO and staff. It was like having a mini fridge with you at all times and it was great for you all to provide as much comfort to the staff as possible.

I shot the match very well just need to work on my times and loosing 200 pounds. :rolleyes: After watching Daniel shoot Stage 4 in 14.30 with a Lim gun and Chris shooting it in 14.06 with an Open gun. I am truly humbled by their preformances.

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