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So I'm going to give my G34 a gri-pover. I've been reading some old posts and looking at a few pictures. I would love any last minute stippling ideas, do's don'ts. Pictures would also be great. I'm very woried that I'll hate it. I don't know anyone with a stippled gun nd have never held one. I'm doing G34 for now (since I'd be willing to sell it if I really hate it) and If I like it I might try it on My G35.


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So I'm going to give my G34 a gri-pover. I've been reading some old posts and looking at a few pictures. I would love any last minute stippling ideas, do's don'ts. Pictures would also be great. I'm very woried that I'll hate it. I don't know anyone with a stippled gun nd have never held one. I'm doing G34 for now (since I'd be willing to sell it if I really hate it) and If I like it I might try it on My G35.


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So I'm going to give my G34 a gri-pover. I've been reading some old posts and looking at a few pictures. I would love any last minute stippling ideas, do's don'ts. Pictures would also be great. I'm very woried that I'll hate it. I don't know anyone with a stippled gun nd have never held one. I'm doing G34 for now (since I'd be willing to sell it if I really hate it) and If I like it I might try it on My G35.


I did my 23 recently. Practiced with a soldering iron on an old kydex holster first. Dremeled off the checkering on the rear hump and undercut the trigger guard in about 5 minutes and spent about 1 1/2 hours stippling the grip. Turned out nice, better fit to my hand and much more "grippy".


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So I'm going to give my G34 a gri-pover. I've been reading some old posts and looking at a few pictures. I would love any last minute stippling ideas, do's don'ts. Pictures would also be great. I'm very woried that I'll hate it. I don't know anyone with a stippled gun nd have never held one. I'm doing G34 for now (since I'd be willing to sell it if I really hate it) and If I like it I might try it on My G35.


I did my 23 recently. Practiced with a soldering iron on an old kydex holster first. Dremeled off the checkering on the rear hump and undercut the trigger guard in about 5 minutes and spent about 1 1/2 hours stippling the grip. Turned out nice, better fit to my hand and much more "grippy".


What type of tip did you use on your Iron

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Had buddy stipple my G34 frame, love it! Use CCF now but this helped way more than grip tape :devil: After I think the repeated heat shrunk the frame a bit as some mags would stick, used 60 grit sandpaper on inside then 250 grit to smooth out worked great.


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If you take a trip over to http://glocktalk.com/forums/ and do a search for "stippling" you will find dozens of threads and lots of pictures. Deep stippling, different patterns, etc.

Please report back how this works out. I think Glocks are way too slick in the hand and I want to do two G21's sometime soon.



Edited by freeidaho
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Tru-Grip is the only thing I would do to a Production gun. The fact of the matter is I like the feel of grip (skate) tape better than your garden variety of stippling, but the bonus is that if you ever decide to sell the gun, you can (or the buyer can) remove it in minutes with no residue or damage to the gun itself.

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Tru-Grip is the only thing I would do to a Production gun. The fact of the matter is I like the feel of grip (skate) tape better than your garden variety of stippling, but the bonus is that if you ever decide to sell the gun, you can (or the buyer can) remove it in minutes with no residue or damage to the gun itself.

Mike Cyrus at www.accurate-iron.com did my 34 and 26. Both look and feel great.


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If your interested in something like stippling, but in my mind better, try Marine Tex. Get it from brownels. It's an marine epoxy and works great for adding texture to a grip. Here's how you do it. Mix up a small amount, about 1/2 a shot glass worth. Tape the frame with some masking tape where you don't want the epoxy. Degrease the frame with alcohol. Spread the epoxy on about 1/16 thick, just enough to cover the grip. Then take the popcicle stick and hold it with your thumb and index finger and tap the epoxy lightly in a random pattern. You will see these little sharp peaks start to rise up. Tap it all over, the more the better, you'll get the idea once you start. Once your done, take off the tape, and set the frame aside over night to harden. The next day when the epoxy hardens the grip will be very "aggressive" and too sharp for most people. Just "lightly" go over it with some 220 grit sandpaper until you get to a feel you like. If you take your time the whole deal takes about 15 minutes and will last forever and matches the frame perfectly. I'ved done all of my rifles, STI and glocks. If I remember correctly the small container does a couple of handguns and costs less than $15.00. Enjoy

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All very great Ideas. I'm going to get some true grip for my G35 in short time when work pics up a bit. I have what I need to Stipple my G34. I want to do both to make a fair jugement of what is better for me.

In regards to epoxy I like the idea but glocks are on the large side for my hands and Stippling will let me take some size off vrs epoxy would be adding size. I know the true-grip will add a little but I can always take it off.

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Thought I'd share this pm exchange since it's on the current topic of conversation:


Just wondering why you preferred the tru-grip over the stippling? I have been using the tru-grip for about 6 months or so... the only problem is that it wears out on me so quickly. Guy I saw had an open glock where it seemed they sand the grip, then add something harsh like sand, then seal over it - looked just like grip tape, but I guess is supposed to last longer (forever?). I thought stippling (or this method) would help solve the constant replacement of tru-grips.

BTW, talked to Charlie Vanek for a while today... was telling me you wore out the trigger safety from dryfiring so much - I'm impressed!!

Thanks in advance, and safe shooting.

Mr. X

Mr. X, I just recently put new TruGrip on my Glock...I've been using the last set of TruGrip since July of last year. 98% of the days between then and last Sunday I have literally had that gun in my hands at least an hour a day. The grips last for a LONG time unless you get them rained on.

Rain is the only situation that stippling beats TruGrip on. You can get through a downpouring match with TruGrip, but it will need replaced at the end of the day. Many shooters use a special lotion that keeps their hands dry when they shoot as an additional grip enhancer, but I have found great success in cheap powerlifting powder.

At the end of the day though Mr. X, there are really only four things that you need (and that I have done) to win with a Glock.

-Good sights (Sevigny/Dawson/Heinie...etc)

-Good grip (TruGrip)

-A little trigger work (Vanek/Sotello/.25 trigger job)

-Lots of practice (dryfire)

I see alot of people make internal modifications that affect the reliability of their Glocks. Sure they may have a 2# trigger pull, but the superficial benefits of these modifications are lost in match malfunctions.

Best of luck to you in your shooting endeavors!

-Micah B

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In my opinion, and Im biased; stippling is easier to readjust a grip on opposed to grip tape. With stippling, modulating your grip pressure determines the amount of traction you have. If you flip the gun in your hand during reloads to hit the mag release, or is you blow a draw and have to readjust your hand on the gun, stippling allows you to do it easier.

Its also easier to clean and maintain, and is a one time deal.

Its all about feel and comfort too, though. This is a sport where we are very intimate with our equipment.

If grip tape is whats preferred, tru-grip is the bomb.

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At the end of the day though Mr. X, there are really only four things that you need (and that I have done) to win with a Glock.

-Good sights (Sevigny/Dawson/Heinie...etc)

-Good grip (TruGrip)

-A little trigger work (Vanek/Sotello/.25 trigger job)

-Lots of practice (dryfire)

That is exactly what I did to my Glock (Ameriglo sights, .25ct Trigger job and TruGrip, oh and lots of Dryfire ;)) :cheers:

I use TruGrip as well. It's the best grip tape, IMO and I've tried a few brands. The only modification I do to it is that I cut of the front strap part, to make my draw easier.

Stippling is very nice, but it is hard to modify once you find areas you would like changed. Also, it WILL become dull after a while. It's easier to stick a new piece of grip tape on the grip than it is to re-stipple... just some thoughts.

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Two pound triggers or OEM?.

Grip tape, OEM natural, or stippling?

Plastic or tungsten guide rods?

40SW or 9mm (min power factor loads)?


Sitting in the easy chair while handling, I know what combination feels best.

But the real eye opener is on the range :surprise: with the above variables and a stack of glocks of various configurations. Shoot a bunch of steel plates on the clock and compare results.

Personally I find no measurable gain in any of them.

Sights are a different story.......my eyes do not handle the OEM sights well at all.


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Good post on your experiences. Especially since I read Spook's signature line today (two posts up, folks). We all need to get out and get our own experiences.

I'll share my opinions...maybe it will save somebody some time from the learning I've done.


- I've never used stippling on a Glock. So, I don't have an opinion. I have had the stock Glock move around on me like a bar of wet soap. That was mostly shooting Major power factor..hot and sweaty (dripping)...and under tension of stuff not going right. So, I use grip tape. I've tried every kind, I think. I like the Tru-Grip the best. I only need to change mine about once a year or so.

- Recoil springs and rods...I run stock. If I went back to 40 minor, then it would be smart to drop the recoil spring weight down a bit. But, I've not found the need to go light for shootability. I'd only change for reliability. I want to be as heavy as I can get away with, because the recoil spring is what holds the gun in lock-up.

If I were to change recoil rods (and I do have a couple of Glocks like that), then religion sets in. I'm absolutely adamant about checking to ensure that the slide travel isn't limited by spring bind.

- Triggers...I started out with the 25 cent trigger job years ago. I can pretty get the trigger anywhere I want, with a variety of setups. I still go with a pretty basic trigger job...25 cent style.

When the trigger kits became popular the last couple of years, I went through about a dozen or so trigger "return" springs at matches. Not with my guns. People were coming up to me looking for a spare because theirs broke. I think these trigger kits were using the Wolff trigger "return" springs. Put one in your gun at your own risk. They sure do seem to "wear out" quickly. ;)

- 9 or 40 for minor? I think I like the 40 slightly better. That may be "remembering the good old days" for me though. There probably isn't that much difference to be found on the clock. 9 is cheaper. :)

- Good sights. I use my sights a lot. I'm kinda old school here. Go with what works for ya.

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All great feed back. So you all understand me better. I've been shooting L10 for a while and love it. I use a Kimber thats set up just right for me. I've been buying a handgun here and there for a while and some I like but some I hate. Not always the Gun but maybe hate the gun for me. If that makes any since. Soooo A while back I traded in a rifle I did not like and could not decied on my next pistol for that price. Well they had a glock 34 and after all the years I've been talking smack about glocks this one just felt good in my hands. So I bought it and I love it. So much I got a G35 to shoot Limited.

So what I'm doing is trying things on the 34 and If I like them I'll do them to the 35. And in the way long run I might (big might) make the Open trip with the 34.

So when I'm done stippling(have not started) I will let you all know how it whent and If it works for me. Every one has things that work for them and not others. Sometimes just for peace of mind. I also lift and on things like deadlifts If I don't chalk every time I won't make the lift.

If you feel good and look good, chances are you will be good.

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Tru-Grip is the only thing I would do to a Production gun. The fact of the matter is I like the feel of grip (skate) tape better than your garden variety of stippling, but the bonus is that if you ever decide to sell the gun, you can (or the buyer can) remove it in minutes with no residue or damage to the gun itself.

Mike Cyrus at www.accurate-iron.com did my 34 and 26. Both look and feel great.


I had my g34 stippled and love it.

mike at accurate-iron did it would highly recommend it.

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Well Here it is. I was very nerveous right befor I took the dremal to it. But In the end I am more than pleased with the results. It is very gripy and yet I can loosen my grip and hit the mag release with my short thumb.

I hope the Image comes through, I'm not very good at this or Spelling LOL

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