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Registration will be at the range Friday afternoon, starting about 5pm (or as soon as me or Dale Alcorn finishes shooting). We'll try to have someone at the range before 7am Saturday, ready to continue registration. I'll have the self squadding system email everyone with this message.


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Just got back from the range after shooting this grueling 18 stage 12 stage match.

Lots of wind and dust.

Keep those guns covered! Seriously... :unsure:

It was a LOT of fun, BTW.


Edited by DJPoLo
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Had allot of fun at the match - good work for such a short amount of time to get ready!! Thanks San Angelo Club!!! Maybe next year you guys can have more time to prepare for the match and we can bring more chap stick!! Thanks Again!!!

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<_< The awards went quick, and the prize table was quick, and very good -Thank You-.

The stages had the deception of Calm Water,= much deeper than first impression. It was a good match, A first class Saving Act for all the San Angelo Angels.

I liked the "Start Boards" = great Idea :bow:

One way I rate stages is how many good ways can the stage be shot. Can the stage be shot by a left hand shooter as fair as a right hand shooter. The Third thing is , how bad do I want a second chance at shooting the stage.

I can't Think of any stage that I would not be happy to shoot again.

stage 3 in the only one a Left handed shooter would be at handicap.

I went to the event trying to learn a new more "Aggressive way" to shoot a match. Its a painful lesson, amd I think its going to leave a mark.

Three of the stages I would not shoot them the same way as I did. And I would keep my hands warmer before I shoot.

Thanks again to all that played a part in the Area 4 event I would come back next year, <_< I would make more of an effort to help,


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My first Area 4 match, but hopefully not my last. A big thanks to the San Angelo crew, the great ROs (some of whom travelled from all over the country), and the very generous sponsors.

Stages were very good and, like AlamoShooter noted, many had interesting risk / reward options. I'm fairly new to big matches, but the prize table distribution was among the quickest and smoothest I've ever seen.

Very blessed to be on Squad 11 with some great guys. Met several new folks including Mr. Don Bednorz and his lovely wife, both of whom are total class-acts. Also got to shoot with James Gill for the first time. James is a young Marine who was wounded in Iraq a couple years ago and is an inspiration to be around - watching him fly around the stages on his prosthetic leg and ultimately win 2nd C Open was especially cool.

Thanks to all that made it happen.


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Have the final results been posted anywhere online?

By the way, this was my first area match too and I had an absolute blast. I had a little of the nervous jitters in the first few stages (or was it because of the initial chill?) but was eventually blessed with great November weather and a great squad. A big thanks to the ROs and everyone involved in making this match possible. :cheers:

For the past few months I've been hoping that an area match would come within traveling distance and I got my wish! Hopefully there will be plenty more for me in the future.

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I enjoyed the match and I am glad I went. As several have stated the stages had more depth than a cursory examination might lead one to believe.


Match location was pretty centrally located in Texas, perhaps not per shooter population but travel wise not bad.

Good match motel.

RO crews were uniformly friendly and did a nice job with their stages. A very nice/quality crew for this match IMO.

The stages were straightforward enough that reset could be done without excessive wait times. Not a bunch of monkey motion BS here.

Quick scoring.

Plenty of restrooms (porty pottys.)

Nice prize table. Quick too. But.... I saw one of the class winners skipped over at the prize distribution. Perhaps a touch more VOLUME (or care) when calling out prize table order......

Overall there just seemed to be a nice pleasant attitude by both competitors and match staff alike.


Match date and location needs to be set a year in advance. IMO this is a big deal.

12 stages in one day is pushing it.

Drinking water.

NO shirts at the match. Boo Hisssssss.... <_<

Lunch. No soft drinks - to limited and to much $$ for the product.

IMO, FWIW, K. Hicks, The San Angelo Club, Fred Hindman/Bill Powe, Tom Drazy and all of the volunteer ROs and SAGC build crew did a very commendable job with the match.

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I have to agree, the San Angelo crew and the entire staff did a great job.

I thought shooting all 12 stages in one day worked out just about right. Things moved right along (mostly) and I think we fired our last shot before 4 P.M.

Great squad, fun stages, a nice match hotel, and not to far for me, all in all an great weekend!

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Big Cheers to the SA CRO/RO's for doing a great job :cheers: Was close for us to drive up to.

Prize table was good.

only comment I must say, with the match fee, a free lunch would have been a nice touch.

but all in all if the Area 4 is there again I will come for sure

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Great match, decent weather(unless you had to shoot Friday). Great stages, experienced consistent r.o.s, great computer scoring work. Only thing really missing is the scores. What is up with that? I expected them to be up before I got home, as fast as they posted verification scores.

I certainly hope the San Angelo guys & all the r.o.s get the credit they deserve, especially considering how things were handed to them. Those guys did an awesome job!

It would be great if they hold this match in San Angelo again next year. Maybe then they will get a fair shot at doing it right.


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