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Bitter bone chilling cold weather

Merlin Orr

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Merlin...you big sissy!

At yesterdays's match it was 25 degrees with a constant 20mph wind leaving us with a wind chill factor of 11 degrees. :(

The range commands included: remove your coat..take off your gloves...and don't trip over the penguin. :lol:

Edited by LadyinBlue
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Merlin...you big sissy!

At yesterdays's match it was 25 degrees with a constant 20mph wind leaving us with a wind chill factor of 11 degrees. :(

The range commands included: remove your coat..take off your gloves...and don't trip over the penguin. :lol:

tell him Nanci

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It is so cold here in Corpus Christi the entire city is paralyzed. I am afraid if I step out of my house I will turn to a block of ice before I could reach the safety of my truck and go shoot the match today....

It's 34 degrees!

I got up to ride to work the other day (8:30AM) and it was 34 degrees....

Oh, did I forget to mention that this is the Bay Area in northern Kali in the SUNSHINE STATE?

We had unseasonably warm weather (I was outside cooking the Thanksgiving Turkey in short sleeves with 75 degree weather).... and about a week later we were being blasted with this arctic weather that has not let up since then.

Edited by bountyhunter
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I spent the day out calling coyotes on Saturday and the high for the day was -6 without a whisper of wind all day. It was 20 below when I left the house. However, the sun was shining and the humidity was about 30 per cent max. I'll take that any day over 34 degrees and 90 per cent humidity.

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I am with Merlin on this one...I was almost paralyzed this morning, was 29 degrees on the porch...had a little frost on my pumpkin...had to grab the paper and retreat into the house before I needed a coat...making a big pot of chili on the stove for tonight or before if I get hungry...nothing like a pot of red when the temp get down there...I could even set the beer on the porch and save some fridge room...LOL...but now it is 2:30 and the temp is almost 45 degrees, the sun is out and I reviewed my medical supplies since I reat Z's post about his thumb...cut mine pretty badly a few yrs ago on a trius trap with a sharp edge on it...9 stiches later...but then I have worked on my garage door spg without injury...

Only two reasons I don't live in Alaska: Dark and Cold..they have those two things 7.5 months a yr...

Edited by tightloop
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Tightloop..... one year when I lived in the FM 1960 area of Houston (very near you) we had a very hard freeze that lasted for a well over a week around Christmas time. (maybe around 1982)

Dozens of our neighbors were gone fo the holidays when all the pipes started freezing. Several houses had water running out the windows before the neighbors noticed.

A friend and I probably saved 30 houses by just turning on their outside tap to let the water run slowly so it wouldn't freeze in the pipes. My rich boss had a water main break in River Oaks so his maid heated buckets of water on the stove out of the swimming pool for his family to use in bathing:)

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6 degrees, 10 - 15 below with the wind chill, 18 inches of new snow. 6 foot drifts off my driveway. Snowplow driver laughs when going by and throwing another foot in the driveway I just cleared. I just love winter!


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Tightloop..... one year when I lived in the FM 1960 area of Houston (very near you) we had a very hard freeze that lasted for a well over a week around Christmas time. (maybe around 1982)

Dozens of our neighbors were gone fo the holidays when all the pipes started freezing. Several houses had water running out the windows before the neighbors noticed.

A friend and I probably saved 30 houses by just turning on their outside tap to let the water run slowly so it wouldn't freeze in the pipes. My rich boss had a water main break in River Oaks so his maid heated buckets of water on the stove out of the swimming pool for his family to use in bathing:)

I can easily believe that....remember that real native Texans from this area don't know anything, repeat ANYTHING about snow or ice and that includes driving on it or during it and protecting your home, plants, pets against it...I just learned not to go out when it was freezing and there was ice or snow...it is a DEATH WISH in the Houston area to do that in the ice....LOL

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I am just glad here in Northwestern NM, it has gotten cold enough to freeze the mud. Last Fri. and Sat. it never made it above freezing, and Sat. drove up to Grand Junction, CO to pick up a Hornady press, -10 degrees on the South side of Red Mtn. Pass.

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The problem was not Texans.... during the freeze I was talking about... It was Yankees who went home for the holidays ... never considering that freezing pipes were an issue if they left the furnace on.

I had a pretty nice home in a sub called Oak Creek Village --I think..... and the water supply came out of the ground a foot from the foundation and went up 2- 3 fet and then through the side of the (brick) house.... It then it went up into the attic (above the insulation) and fed water to my house. Wow---- only about 10 places to freeze.

All these design flaws were because no one ever thought it would freeze... but it did.

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:blink: Yep here in San Antonio :blink: I had to ware a LONG Sleeve shirt ALL day B) and sun block ;)

STOP GLOATING!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r::ph34r:

Your gonna get in trouble cuzzAaa this is the hate line and no rebuttals are allowed

BUT NO really it was Cool ! Real Cool I had to ware a jacket in the morning until the sun came up.

Long socks too ;)

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Tightloop..... one year when I lived in the FM 1960 area of Houston (very near you) we had a very hard freeze that lasted for a well over a week around Christmas time. (maybe around 1982)

Oh, Hell YES I remember that. I was on Westheimer when it hit, at some major intersection (can't remember the cross street). Everyone was afraid to drive through in case someone slid into them. While we were waiting, this crazy man we knew from work came roaring up on his 750 Kawasaki and started doing large doughnuts and power slides in the middle of the intersection. After a ~two minute, very entertaining display, he fired off down the road at a higher speed than I felt safe driving in my truck!

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:blink: Yep here in San Antonio :blink: I had to ware a LONG Sleeve shirt ALL day B) and sun block ;)

STOP GLOATING!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r::ph34r:

Your gonna get in trouble cuzzAaa this is the hate line and no rebuttals are allowed

BUT NO really it was Cool ! Real Cool I had to ware a jacket in the morning until the sun came up.

Long socks too ;)

That's NOT a rebuttal, it's a statement and ORDER!!!!!! :cheers:

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It is so cold here in Corpus Christi the entire city is paralyzed. I am afraid if I step out of my house I will turn to a block of ice before I could reach the safety of my truck and go shoot the match today....

It's 34 degrees!

And it seems even colder when you don't have a VibraPrime... :(

Now that's really cold...........

Nope, gotta take that back, used my Vibraprime and it DID seem to warm me up a bit.... :rolleyes:

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The coldest I can remember was in Houston in 1978 I had a small contracting co. and was trying to set forms for a restaurant. It rained and all the ditches filled with water and froze. to keep the schedule we pumped the water after breaking the ice. we would get it pumped out and it would rain and freeze. pump ,rain and freeze.

Reset the forms reset the steel. I don't remember much about that year. But I don't like standing in water that freezes around your boots in 80% humidity.

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I was told by a life time resident of South Dakota that their state tree was a telephone pole.

If you've ever driven through that state you'll know what he meant.

Then you would also understand why the state tree of Wyoming is the drilling rig. :rolleyes:

Heck, it got UP to 34 here yesterday so I ran off to shoot 300 rounds and enjoy the break from the cold. Today it got all the way up to 44, so folks were out running around in tennis shoes some were half-nekkid. When it's 105, I always try to remember what -30 feels like. When it 105, I think about -30. That way, it all just relative.

"The weather's here, wish you were beautiful!"

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