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Hi All,

Looking for a new player, preferrably a flash drive but am open to suggestions. Video's not that important to me but an easy to use interface is. Basic music management software is all i need.

Considering the creative zen and the nano, i appreciate your suggestions.

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Hi All,

Looking for a new player, preferrably a flash drive but am open to suggestions. Video's not that important to me but an easy to use interface is. Basic music management software is all i need.

Considering the creative zen and the nano, i appreciate your suggestions.

If you want real easy then the ipod shuffle is the way to go.

12 hour battery and light enough to be clipped to your ball cap and survive a boxing heavy bag workout (no joke).

However, it only plays in "shuffle" mode. You can't play song A then B then C. You can get a 1GB model for under $100.

The Nano is bigger (clip on belt) and can hold more - plus play songs in what ever order you choose.

Both work great with the itunes store for easy purchase and download of music.

A bazillion 3rd party accessories for them both as well.

I own both, love 'em, easy to operate right from the box.

My only complaint is the headphones, they do not "stay" in my ears, however, one of those bazillion accessories I mentioned earlier fixed that problem.

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i'm pretty happy with the sansa 2gb. it came with rhapsody but i got rid of it and use windows media player. i didn't want to be tied to proprietary software like apple or rhapsody. this was also myt first mp3 player so I don't have a lot of expereince with them. i did have salesmen at 2 different blue and yellow electronics stores that they could not keep the creative zen charged.

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I think you need to figure out what you are going to do with it. Jog, workout, do yardwork, drive, run 'cause your hot neighbor's husband just got home early, etc. Then figure out how much music you want. I use a big iPod to keep most stuff on. It works great in the car, house, reloading, anything where I don't have to run around. Any running aroung a small mp3 player is great, the shuffle is about as small as your gonna find, for now anyway.

My $.025

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I've got a 2GB Zen and I like it. User interface is very nice - and I'm usually super picky about that stuff. Paired with a nice (~$50) set of Sony mushroom style earbuds and it rocks. I sometimes use it on the bike, and it's plenty loud, clear, and clean sounding enough over the massive amounts of wind noise from my helmet and the pipe...

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Don't know what to recommend, but I can tell you one to avoid.

Bought the wife a Samsung 2 GB player for Christmas 2006. When we first got it, we were unable to load any music onto the player. Not being tech savy, we waited until one of our kids were in town to explain what we were doing wrong. Turns out this model had a software problem but Samsung never bothered to tell anyone.

Found a lot of information on the web (none of it on the Samsung site) and learned Samsung was aware of the problems long befor we bought one and fixes were in the works. After several software patches, Samsung gave up on an entire series of players.

With the last patch (March '07) I was finally able to load up some music. On Samsung's site it cautioned that you must load all of the music at one time. You can't load up a dozen tunes now and finish loading up the memory at a later date.

Not what we expected when I made the purchase.

Their newer models may have solved the problems, but my money will go elsewhere.


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I've got a 2GB Zen and I like it. User interface is very nice - and I'm usually super picky about that stuff.

I'll second this.

I use a 2GB ZenStone plus.

As Light and portable as a shuffle, but this one plays songs in the exact order you store them, or you can browse and start from wherever you want.

No video display capability, but I guess that's not what you might be looking for in an mp3 player.

Pretty cheap as well: I paid mine € 69 at local Mediaworld.

Edited by Skywalker
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I'm sure all the ipod snobs will think I'm nuts, but I didn't really know if I wanted one or not so I tried the Trio.


It's 2 Gig, doubles as a flash drive and a personal recorder and is so light you can carry it in your shirt pocket. I put about 100 songs on it plus I downloaded all the old Shadow radio episodes (about 150) and Superman radio episodes. Don't know about battery life because it just plays and plays. Ran it for 8 hours one day waiting for my wife's knee to be replaced and still had enough volume to make my ears bleed. Controls are a little tiny, but they work and it is super easy to load - no special big footprint software and will synch with Windows Media player or just load the files from my music direct. When I'm on a plane my noise cancelling earphones work great and the sound quality is as good as my tin ear can discern.

Price is right and mine just keeps on going.

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I have a 4gb Sansa and love it. I was too put off by the prices of the Icrap products and felt like being different. The only problem with getting a non Icrap product is the lack of peripherals like car kits, chargers, and pretty much everything else you can get for an Icrap.

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c'mon james...there's only one answer...an ipod-period, end of story. heck, you can play shooting videos on them while yer driving over the summit every couple weeks.

must resist...... assimilation is not inevitable :rolleyes:

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As much as I liked the i-pod's themselves, I really really really didn't want to get locked into buying through i-tunes, not being able to play lots of different formats, etc. I wanted a hard drive player w/ a decent music management system, the ability to deal well w/ audio books, and maybe some pictures and video. It also needed to be able to serve as a portable hard drive.

Went w/ a Zen Vision M 30GB. It was sleek and pretty and worked ok for a short time before completely falling apart on me. Major problems, always locking up and needing to be hard reset, fighitng with it to upload content, finally died on me trying to update the firmware.

Went ahead and drank the Kool-Aid on an i-pod classic 60GB. All I can say is Wow! This thing is fantastic. Smaller, lighter, prettier, more functional, and seems more rugged than the Zen. I can't say enough about it. Pair it up w/ some Razor earbuds and it's hard to beat.

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Bought my first MP3 player just a few weeks ago. 4gb 3rd generation IPod Nano. Didn't want to spend more as I wasn't sure this whole MP3 thing would work out. Geez, should have at least went with the 8gb model and possibly 60gb classic.

It works and works well. Easy to use and easy to figure out without reading directions. Picked up one of those FM transmitters to plug in the bottom of the unit so I can listen to podcasts when on the road or I set it next to the radio and catch up when I'm at the reloading bench.

The iTunes interface works pretty well. Here and there is a video that isn't in the proper format but 98% of time everything syncs as it should. FWIW I haven't paid an extra single penny for any of the media on it. All the music I have on it was already on CD. All the podcasts from NASA, NPR, and Matt Burkett are free.

Shouldn't have taken a hit from the Apple crack pipe as I'm now hooked.

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