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No Country for Old Men


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The Book on Tape was good for 1,100 miles last year. great way to keep you alert when driving.

I can;t see the movie conveying his conflicting feelings as good. I saw the first few seconds of the trailer with the guy flipping the coin and I knew rite away what was up.

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really good movie, good action, good acting, and good questions at the end.


p.s. i've never seen a suppressed remington 1100 before this movie.

OH Man .... That was not in the book

We saw the movie tonight, It was very close to the book/ book on tape The writer did a good job of making you understand the hunters feelings. The movie left that part short on caring that much what happened to him.

I hear a new book has <_< some of the same characters in it again.

Worth full price at the movie just don;t hope to....never mind

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Also saw this one last night. Really good acting and action. Interesting story. We were talking about it the rest of the night. No way I could give out a spoiler, still not sure what happened! lol...

Very rare to see an action movie at a crowded theatre and when the screen credits start rolling the crowd is absolutely silent!!!

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Also saw this one last night. Really good acting and action. Interesting story. We were talking about it the rest of the night. No way I could give out a spoiler, still not sure what happened! lol...

Very rare to see an action movie at a crowded theater and when the screen credits start rolling the crowd is absolutely silent!!!

Yep same thing at the movie we went to Silents. .. I bet I could "Rent out the Book" just so you could be sure of What Happened

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Finally saw it and was surprised at how closely the movie followed the book. I thought the film flattened out and slowed from middle to end and left too much unresolved, but nevertheless well done with superb acting. Read the book!

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The movie was not what I expected, nor did it end even remotely how I expected. (hadn't read the book)

In this day and age of crap ass predictable hollywierd movies that you can predict the ending within the first 5 minutes, I think that says alot.

The west Texas scenery added a whole new level for me as I really really enjoy that part of the state.

Overall, I liked it.

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I saw the movie with my wife last weekend and really liked it. I had read the book as well and thought it stayed pretty consistent with the printed word. Incidentally, if you like McCarthy's work, or want to sample it after seeing this movie, get a copy of Blood Meridian. He wrote it over 20 years ago but I think that's his greatest work yet.

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<_< my Wifes brother saw the movie and did not understand the ending. he is a sharp guy easy to talk with reads quite a bit. BUT

As it turned out he was not paying attention during the movie and the end.

I explained the last seen to him about the dream. He went back and watch the movie a second time :) and he was happy with the movie after that.

So I would say If you go to see it = Pay attention at the beginning and the end and the story will unfold with <_< more satisfaction.

I think realy he went back so he could say I was wrong, ;)

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Alamo Shooter wrote:

I explained the last seen to him about the dream. He went back and watch the movie a second time and he was happy with the movie after that.

I saw it and I'm still like:

"Huh? That's it?"


PM coming at you Alamo Shooter.

Maybe you can explain it to me too.

It did keep me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

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It did keep me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

And that is maybe enough?

I think they're going to be two kinds of people who see this movie -- those that enjoy the story of the pursuit, drug money, and a true psychopath, but are otherwise ambivalent about lack of resolution and "boring parts"....and those viewers who are disturbed by the ending, and want to understand it. For those viewers the film becomes incredibly more rich.

I'd be interested, also, in AlamoShooter's interpretation -- I'm not sure there IS one we would all agree on. It's a profoundly bleak story, no doubt.

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:) OK I got two emails asking me to share my book review of the end. I sent a full page to Chills fore I got the second note

The Story is really very worth wile and has a deep meaning in it. The End is what ties it into a Good Story.

I will have to include some side notes about the meaning of a few things to help with the Dream. I will use { } for the side note.

The beginning of the story is with the Sheriff = the entire story is about the Sheriff. As the is begins he tells of himself and his Father being a lawman and his grandfather, they helped the country grow. Always try ed to do the rite thing , But still bad things happened and sometimes Bad men never got found. He was proud of his father and proud to be a lawman like his father. Things could be hard when the rite thing was not clear. And at times a bad man would come and seem no different at all except for what they did. {he has some story's of his Grand Father and father in the OLD days } he tells this in narration style as the movie opens up }

Jump to the Dream, He tells his wife . " I was on a horse on high ridge at night and its Cold windy dark" and my Father rides past does not say a word and he has his blanket wrapped around him for the cold and has fire in a horn like they used to carry.

Side note on dream { A ridge on horse is never a safe thing at night is even more dangerous, one slip and you and the horse die a bad fall. A ridge in the winter is no place to stop, a rider could freeze, the path down the ridge is dangerous too with twist and turns. The fire in the horn is how a winter group or band could travel. Like an Indian group when they had to move in the winter a Fire Keeper would put coals in an animal horn and have to keep it safe until they stopped. The coals would dry out the wet wood so a fire could be made and keep everyone from freezing.} end of side note

He continues with his dream ." He didn't say a thing, but I knew he was going ahead. And when I got their he would have a fire ready." THE END

To Me this is very meaningful [ When he makes it past the dangerous path that his Father had gone ahead of him to have safe fire ready for him] His Father had carried the flame to make things better for when he arrived. The cold and danger were still present but he had done his part.

I think of my own Father, making the world just a Little bit better and preparing a fire for me. I see my Grandson, and I hope that I can keep the fire in horn burning for him.

JF What do each of us do to make our country a better place?

Edited by AlamoShooter
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The Story is really very worth wile and has a deep meaning in it. The End is what ties it into a Good Story.

I will have to include some side notes about the meaning of a few things to help with the Dream....

Alamo -- I agree that the dream is important, but disagree a bit with your interpretation. Here's my take, which will probably come out like a bad, freshman English paper:

************ SPOILER BELOW ****************** SPOILER BELOW *********************

Sheriff Bell's dream is incredibly depressing, because it's a final recognition that he's NOT his father and grandfather, despite having followed in their career. His father journeys onward through the dark storm, courageously protecting fire (the symbolism here is pretty obvious), but with head down, and he ignores his son, who is no longer worthy. And Bell says, "And then I woke up."

The Sheriff DID give up. The motel room incident with Chigurh shook him profoundly and shortly afterwards, he retired - he simply wasn't strong enough, and is nothing more than an impotent old man. We, the viewer, know perfectly well Chigurh could have easily killed the Sheriff, and the Bell realizes it, and we see the coin next to the grate. Used as as screwdriver? Yeah, but maybe Bell also won that toss....Fate has spared him this time. That's really the central message of the movie, IMO -- the randomness and cruelty of fate, and the vanity of any of us thinking we can affect these forces. (If there's *anything* uplifting in the story it's that at least Chigurh, too, is left crippled and damaged from the random accident after he kills Carla Jean -- he's not immune, either, from a cosmic joke).

That's the truth that Bell wakes up from his dream to. :(

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