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uspsa club shutting down


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it is a sad thing when a club shuts down.dixie practical shooters in birmingham alabama has done so.they have been shooting for years had atleast 11 or 12 sections matches.great place to shoot and a bunch of great guys and gals.their club will be missed. :(

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it is a sad thing when a club shuts down.dixie practical shooters in birmingham alabama has done so.they have been shooting for years had atleast 11 or 12 sections matches.great place to shoot and a bunch of great guys and gals.their club will be missed. :(

Thanks for the kind words kangaroo. As for what got us, it was a combo of burn out for the one's putting on the match, the range makeing some changes in how it operates, & my father was just diagnosed with colon cancer & I need to turn my attention to him. We had a good run & made alot of friends over the years. It really was hard to close the club.

Lee Knobloch


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Kinda interesting that when you look at a club or regular matches that routinely draw 30-50 shooters, how few of them are actually involved in running the match. and how many stand around watching the few build stages, and how many haul butt when it is time to tear down and put away.

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Kinda interesting that when you look at a club or regular matches that routinely draw 30-50 shooters, how few of them are actually involved in running the match. and how many stand around watching the few build stages, and how many haul butt when it is time to tear down and put away.

:goof: Any one have any good ideas on how to get more people involved in things?? Were in the process of taking over the matches at our local gun club and going back USPSA ,after they have been away from the sanction for many years. The people who were running things are a separate entity from the gun club so were having to build all new steel, paper stands and start from the ground up. Looks like we'll have it all done in one month by really busting a move but when we get there it sure would be nice to have lots of help with the rest of it on shoot days. What can you do to motivate people to help more or get more involved???????

Our shoots are going to go from dol-drum to really something great with what we have planned but its going to take more to set up and tear down. What can you do to really get people pumped up and motivated to help more???? Discount fee's to those who help????? ANY IDEAS ????? :lol:

:rolleyes: Hey Joe , got your message and appreciated the input. Bob :rolleyes:

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Mostly try to build a sense of ownership among your volunteers --- if they believe they're part of the effort, and if they're allowed to contribute their ideas, than it's possible to build a team. For the team leader that means letting go --- delegating, following up, teaching, coaching, recruiting, soliciting ideas.

That may mean in the short term letting a new stage designer make plenty of mistakes --- in order to retain him once he gets experience. If it's not a safety problem, leave it in the stage; or point it out diplomatically and inquire whether that was his intent. It's o.k. to have different designers bring different flavors to a match --- variety is the spice of life.

Ask people for help. Ask in match announcements; cruise the parking lot every 15-20 minutes and twist new arrivals arms, indocrinate new shooters right off the bat. People, even experienced people, especially if they still feel like outsiders in the group, are often unwilling to volunteer, but will jump right in if asked.

Be ready and willing to help people out when life interferes with shooting. Last but not least if you can afford it, coffee and donuts go a long way.....

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small cash payout at the end of match, as in 5 dollars per entry... say there are 4 B class Limited, winner gets $20.

But here is the kicker, must be present to collect if not 2nd place guy gets it or it goes into the club pot. Obviously score keeper is tallying scores and doesnt announce until all targets are put away.

Not sure what you can do about building though, the discount would be hard to enforce, because you'll have to draw a line in a big grey area at what is a sufficient level of help to get discount,

One thing you can do is not have an "I HAVE THE CONCH" mentality during stage build. Have clear stage diagrams with prop list and supplies needed, measurements, target heights, etc. so any one can walk up look at diagram and start building, Pretty dang agravating to have 5 or six people standing there ready to build but no direction. Generally when I arrive I'll walk up to an uncomplete stage and ask "What Can I do" but alot of people who would gladely help if asked wont do anything unless they are asked, and I dont mean asked in general I mean, specific hold this board, staple these targets , check picture for next item etc. Every one knows match director will come along and massage it a little before the start, and wont get there feelings hurt.

An IDPA club I shoot there is a MD I pretty much refuse to help. he walks around with all the stage diagrams tells people to wait, wont even delegate so much as a prop lists, gives orders like go get 10 targets, you get the ten targets and stand there waiting for him to make his way back cause you have no idea where they go. So most people say the heck with him and go in the club house, then he makes rude comments that no one helps.

Basically though your just gonna have to have a core of people who will build and tear down because they love the sport and will do it whether people help or not.

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:rolleyes: Thanks for the response guys. Nik, you make some very good points on making people feel part of it all. Sounds like your an experienced hand at this and a motivator of people. I'll have to work on my people skills some but our new match director is a great guy with those skills. Really appreciate your input. :rolleyes:

Joe, also want to thank you for your input. The cash award idea would be great if we could make it fly. I'm sure i'll probably get lots of ideas from responses. Thanks for the help. See from your profile you list Hawaii, but posts said you retired to I think Va.


:P Oh yeh, dont forget all those little grey beings with big heads and slanted black eyes that started invading back in '47. :P

Thanks again to both of you for your ideas.

Keep the right side UP!! :cheers:


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:rolleyes: Thanks for the response guys. Nik, you make some very good points on making people feel part of it all. Sounds like your an experienced hand at this and a motivator of people. I'll have to work on my people skills some but our new match director is a great guy with those skills. Really appreciate your input. :rolleyes:

Joe, also want to thank you for your input. The cash award idea would be great if we could make it fly. I'm sure i'll probably get lots of ideas from responses. Thanks for the help. See from your profile you list Hawaii, but posts said you retired to I think Va.


Thanks again to both of you for your ideas.

Keep the right side UP!! :cheers:


Let us know when you have things ready to go in Roswell. One more place to shoot would be great. Good luck on getting things rolling.

You might want to put out a call to the other clubs in the area. If you can get out of town people to show up it might help to get locals pointed in the right direction. Not to mention a little cashflow for the club.

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:rolleyes: Thanks Jason. Were going to load up about four of our people and make Hobbs last shoot next Saturdy. Should be good PR and help get the word out. Not to mention a chance to get away from the welding, grinding, work part of this for a day. Weve got lots of good ideas to shake things up and make this thing go. Were going to be continuing to shoot through the winter months if the weather cooperates. We need the shoots to get the bugs woorked out before going back USPSA in January. Were shooting the third Sunday every month. Would love to have you come over and check us out. Take care. :rolleyes:

Keep the right side UP!!!! :cheers:


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For those folks who are intimidated by the idea of designing and setting up a stage you might want to refer them to the websites that have stages already designed for them(StageExchange.com for one). Give them an idea of what equipment the club has available to use. Provide some oversight and if you see problems use open ended questions regarding the problem so the person(s) setting up the stage discover the problem by answering your pointed questions. Proves to folks that they can figure things out for themselves. After they set up a few stages they will start changing something here or there and will see that they can design their own stages. Above all make these folks feel appreciated! Thank them in the shooters meetings. Here in Albuquerque we had a core group that busted their asses to put together the NM Sectional two years in a row. The second year we made a good profit and now we are plowing the profits back into the club in the way of more and better equipment that the club can use year round. Good, challenging stages at each club match brings folks back. Remember, don't make the stages impossible or the new shooters won't be back. If you don't have a lot of equipment you can design stages that are shot "front to back" and then shot "back to front". Instant two stages! Just cover the safety aspects of moving "back to front" while shooting a stage. How about a one Saturday or Sunday a month practice? Set up a good stage and shoot it several times. New folks get to shoot a bunch and work on their starts, movement, transitions, into ports, out of ports, etc.. You will see the new shooters and the old hands having lots 'o fun and improving their shooting skills fast. At the practices AND the matches don't forget help the new shooters with suggestion, pointers and open ended questions. Don't let the club turn into an "us against them" situation. You have to foster and coach the lower class shooters along so they improve and want to stay in the game thus helping the club grow. Whatever you do DON"T FORGET to make folks feel wanted and appreciated! Look into putting together an RO certification class. You'll have to schedule in an NROI instructor. Don't have enough interest in your club? Put the word out to other clubs. Folks will travel and pay for meals and a nights lodging to get certified so they can help their home club.



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:rolleyes: Pat. thanks for the input. We have a lot going on already on stage design, and are probably going to start out with more equipment than the folks that have been running this for 7-8 years. Were working on the basics now but will get to the moving stuff and action targets shortly. There are a few that show early to set up and stay to teardown and I think that will get better when everyone sees what were going to do. Our new match director is an old hand at this, but has been inactive for about 6 or 7 years. Your ideas on how you treat people and on some practice shooting sessions are very good. We have some new shooters getting started but might lose a few over clichism but what can you do? Not to many from out of town but that is the big one we think can be changed. We'd like to turn 22 shooters into 32 plus just localy. We are going to have to get the RO issue addressed early next year and were hoping to catch something up there . Will probably have 4 or 5 from here to attend. May need some help getting in with some other club for that.

Really appreciate your input as well as all others. Hope to get up there next year with some of our bunch.

Take care. Keep the right side UP!!!!! :cheers: Bob

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Hope your Dad recovers OK.

I worry about a couple of hard working individuals here in Atlanta burning out also. After working a couple of area 6 matches, I can't even imagine their work load. This sport requires volunteers to keep it going.......maybe something to remind new shooters during their safety briefing??

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First, let me apologize for not expressing my sympathy to Lee regarding his fathers illness in my previous post. there are some things in life that are vastly more important than our sport and family and the health of family members are obviously at the forefront. Again, my apologies.


As far as some of the newbies coming early and staying after they should be told in the shooters meeting that IT IS EXPECTED that they help. You and I both know that when only the core few do everything burnout soon follows and the club falls apart.

You mention the possibility of losing some shooters due to clichism. Don't let that happen!.Don't be part of the clique. Take the folks in the clique to task and explain that they should be helping the newbies. If the newbies don't come back the bulk of the work falls to clique who helped run the new guys off.

As far as an RO class, we won't be holding another one for a while. We put one together last summer and had folks from other parts of NM attend. Talk to the folks at USPSA NROI and see what the cost would be to bring out an instructor and then start selling the idea to club members. Talk to other clubs in NM and Texas to see if they have folks who would come in. Don't forget the newbies! Sell them on the fact that this class is a great way to learn about IPSC shooting. Know the rules, know the game!

You mention welding and grinding. Been doing a fair amount of that up here. We just put together two very nice swingers for the club. Cost of new ones, $254.00 + shipping each. We welded up two for $227.00 for the pair. That included good roller bearings (4) not the usual swamp cooler bearins. I will be happy to send you a copy of the plans we used as well as part numbers for the bearings (WW Grainger). We are in the process of building ten new walls (10" x 6") from 1" square tubing. Cost will be about $35.00 each.

I realize money is always an issue when it comes to building/acquiring equipment. Get what you can when you can. Buy or build good stuff. Poor quality equipment only causes frustration match after match.



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Lee, our thoughts and prayers go out to your father and family from all of us in S.E. New Mexico. Hope things will work themselves out. My appologies for taking this thread in a different direction with another conversation. Our best to you and yours.


Good point. I always thought that it was expected that everyone help but guess that it does need to be stated so that people, including new and old shooters know its expected. Maybee a sign politely stating that then reinforced at shooters meetings.

We're hoping not to lose anyone due to the changes and will work hard not to. As for new shooters I think we'd both agree that they are the future growth and part of the base for a strong club. Most people here are very helpful with new shooters as generaly they dont have to even ask. Keep your ears open for anyone in the area needing to also get an RO class going and let me know if you hear of anything. We would host it or go elsewhere if need be.

We've got all the pieces cut for our first swinger and are fixing to start on another. As I work in the oil patch, steel, pipe etc. is easy to come by and we expect to build two swingers for the cost of the bearings and shaft. In three days with three men we have built 8 US poppers, 8 mini 's , 20 paper stands, started on plates and stands. Lack about 30 more paper stands, 20 more plates, some baricades,wallpanels and doors etc.. Think we'll be good for the next shoot and it will get better from there. Planning on a running man, some stand-ups and other assorted goodies. Our gun club put up money for the popper faces and plates and we have scrounged most of the rest at almost no cost. Went with Arntzen targets on the target faces and found that hard to beat at $64.00 each for US popper plates in t-1 steel. Can't hardly buy the steel for that and then you have to cut them.

Our new match director, Danny, is a member of this forum and listed as a friend to me. He's a straight shooter,and great guy that I'm proud to have called a friend for many years. I have great hopes this is going to really take off with a little hardwork. We get things settled here and we'll have to try to get up there in the spring to meet some of you. Have heard you folks put on a pretty good show.

Well, great to chat again, and again thanks for the help and input. Time to try and catch some zee-s to the hum of my bay-flex grinder. Best also to you and yours.

Take care. Keep the right side UP!!!! :rolleyes:


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Lee, our thoughts and prayers go out to your father and family from all of us in S.E. New Mexico. Hope things will work themselves out. My appologies for taking this thread in a different direction with another conversation. Our best to you and yours.


Good point. I always thought that it was expected that everyone help but guess that it does need to be stated so that people, including new and old shooters know its expected. Maybee a sign politely stating that then reinforced at shooters meetings.

We're hoping not to lose anyone due to the changes and will work hard not to. As for new shooters I think we'd both agree that they are the future growth and part of the base for a strong club. Most people here are very helpful with new shooters as generaly they dont have to even ask. Keep your ears open for anyone in the area needing to also get an RO class going and let me know if you hear of anything. We would host it or go elsewhere if need be.

We've got all the pieces cut for our first swinger and are fixing to start on another. As I work in the oil patch, steel, pipe etc. is easy to come by and we expect to build two swingers for the cost of the bearings and shaft. In three days with three men we have built 8 US poppers, 8 mini 's , 20 paper stands, started on plates and stands. Lack about 30 more paper stands, 20 more plates, some baricades,wallpanels and doors etc.. Think we'll be good for the next shoot and it will get better from there. Planning on a running man, some stand-ups and other assorted goodies. Our gun club put up money for the popper faces and plates and we have scrounged most of the rest at almost no cost. Went with Arntzen targets on the target faces and found that hard to beat at $64.00 each for US popper plates in t-1 steel. Can't hardly buy the steel for that and then you have to cut them.

Our new match director, Danny, is a member of this forum and listed as a friend to me. He's a straight shooter,and great guy that I'm proud to have called a friend for many years. I have great hopes this is going to really take off with a little hardwork. We get things settled here and we'll have to try to get up there in the spring to meet some of you. Have heard you folks put on a pretty good show.

Well, great to chat again, and again thanks for the help and input. Time to try and catch some zee-s to the hum of my bay-flex grinder. Best also to you and yours.

Take care. Keep the right side UP!!!! :rolleyes:


Hey Bob-

About two matches ago, there was a meeting afterwards; the overwhelming consensus was that Roswell would NOT be reaffiliating.......

What's changed?


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Also...the best way by far to get help (at least afterwards) is to require people to tear down the stage they shoot last. If you don't stay and help, then your scores don't get entered.

Obviously, sometimes "life" happens and people have to leave right after shooting.......most of the time this policy is not abused.

Another method (on the front end) is to have a different match fee structure. For example:


Working RO-$10

Set up help-$5 or even $3


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:rolleyes: I believe the meeting your referring to was right after the August shoot when it was decided to shoot thru the rest of the year weather permitting. At that time the subject was raised about reaffiliation and numerous members spoke up in favor. This issue has been brouhgt before the RGC board and it really raised some eyebrows. They had no knowledge that the group down there had dropped the affiliation. Then you should probably understand that some things regarding the IPSC shooters and that relationship with the Range owners (RGC), has changed. I probablyShould not go into this much further here. It's a sensetive issue. Get in touch with me if you'd like and I'll explain further. My father is listed in the book and if you call him he will give you a number to reach me at. Look forward to talking to you. :rolleyes:

Take care. Keep the right side UP!!!


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We have had the same growing pains here in the DFW area, and there are 4 million potential shooters! Everyone is too busy to help but they have plenty of time to shoot. Go figure.....

When I was at NMMI (82-85HS), I would have given my left T, for a sport like USPSA.

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