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Ghetto mentality


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So last weekend, i was doing an open house for a client of mine. Then as i was closing shop, collecting signs.... yadda yadda.... up comes this jerk off. I was hesitant to let him look at the house 'cause his appearance didn't give me any indication that he could afford the place. But okay i'll play along.... i ask him the usual questions like where does he live now which he replies a city which is around 80 miles from our current location. And he arrived with no car by the way. Then i ask him what does he do for a living. To which he says a little of this and a little of that! Warning lights are flashing and I'm starting to see RED! I mean this guy was actually bullshitting, stalling asking pointless questions to get up the nerve to make a move on me. I could sense he wanted to rob and assault me! Then he asks to see the basement. I raise my voice and say you go ahead look at it i'll be in the living room ready when you come back up. When he came up from the stairs i was freaking ready to well I should not say. I'm glad my demeanor discouraged him. What is this world coming to? :angry2:

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You read the danger signs and did the right thing. He was obviously ready to 'crime' you... which happens all too often to estate agents any more. A few agents I know have just quit doing "opens" and do their tours by appointment only. It works for them, and produces only truly interested buyers.

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Nice Tightloop! I like your mentality!

Unfortunately I live in a non CCW state. All i had was my wits and Emerson. But I felt good that i did have that. It reminds me of the time i asked my friend Patrick about knife fighting. He said the first one to stick the guy in the neck wins! :ph34r:

I ended up being around till my client got home. A single mom with two young kids. I felt she was in danger too 'cause he was definitely scoping the place out.

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I took my single stack to my first open house. I kept it in a bankers box that I brought with me.

No one showed up but the house would have been a meth makers dream.

I like the idea of being able to signal another agent with a cell phone too.


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SiG Lady strongly recommends concealed carry. Period. :ph34r:

He did say a non chl state. And I would certainly not EVER recommend doing something against the law. :lol:

Here is a saying that "I" live by. "It is better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6." Enough said!

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I was hesitant to let him look at the house 'cause his appearance didn't give me any indication that he could afford the place. But okay i'll play along....

That hesitation...the feeling you got...that is what will save you from ever being in this situation again. That is your "gut" (or your 6th sense) telling you that something is wrong. You should not have "played along". That house and the sale is not worth your life. From what you wrote it sounds like this person is not the type of customer you are looking for.... so why chance it? Create some distance and get out of the area. Your first line of defense is recognizing the threat and removing yourself from that threat. I don't care what you have to say or do, get away from that person who you feel is a threat to you. If he actively pursues you, neutralize the threat by what ever means necessary.

"running" is not chicken sh*t. Live to fight another day. You do not get paid to engage in CQB

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Don't they (realtors) have to show anyone that shows up the property? If they didn't would that open them up to the fair housing, ie discrimination (spelling) issues/law suits?

The only way I see to avoid tis is to have more than one person showing the house.

If yu have to show one by your self, you need to be very well prepared.

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JJ - I'm very glad it ended up well in the end. Here in ATL, a guy killed two realtors in an open house last year.

I'm glad you at least had your Emerson and I agree with the other comments above about supplimenting that with some Fox pepper spray and knife training.

That sucks you live in a non-CCW state. You need to check your local laws, but many states have an exception for concealed carry at the person's place of business. Since you are in real estate, an open house MAY be considered your "place of business." A place to start is www.findlaw.com

You may consider spending some cash and asking a criminal attorney in your state to give you an opinion on the matter. It could be money well spent. Another resource may be your Realtor Association. Good luck.

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I believe all points are valid. And appreciate all your poignant advice! As it turns out, the property owner is dismayed by our current market situation. So, I will be the one showing her property for property management. I will not be a victim as I know ya'll would not be as well!

OMG i have to re-configure my 650 'cause i loaned my tool head to a fellow shooter to get started as he changed my settings! thanks Frank :P call me when u can breathe.

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I'm a Realtor in WA. THANK GOD WA is a free state. I carry a knife, surefire light, Fox Labs, and CCW anytime I'm at an open house, showing, etc. I've gotten the heebee jeebees more than a few times. How female agents handle this is beyond me :angry2:

Always trust your instincts and fight dirty.

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  • 4 months later...

There is no such thing as a fair fight. There are no rules in a fight.

If there are rules, it is not a fight, it is a contest.

So live by the following:

Rule #1: There are no rules.

Rule #2: Cheat

Rule #3: Win.


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