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Why no camo?


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Lets say "Camo Guy" is pasting or setting steel. The RO looks around and DOESN'T see "Camo Guy". Range goes hot and a lot of bad could happen.

I think also we try not to come across as wanna-be commando's during our sport/game.

Just my .02

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Lets say "Camo Guy" is pasting or setting steel. The RO looks around and DOESN'T see "Camo Guy". Range goes hot and a lot of bad could happen.

Is there cardboard-style camo...I wouldn't wear that at the range for sure... :blink:

I can see not looking like a paramilitary type

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I don't get it either. I'm willing to bet for some folks, their camo or hunting clothing is the best stuff to wear for a day of shooting because of the pockets and you don't care if it gets dirty.

Who cares what we look like to some wet shorts wearing anti-gun loon :wacko: ?

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I'm willing to bet for some folks, their camo or hunting clothing is the best stuff to wear for a day of shooting because of the pockets and you don't care if it gets dirty.

+1. I have some 5.11 Digi-Cam that I got on closeout (cheap). The CR Speed belt fits the loops (unlike some women's jeans), it has a bizillion pockets and, if it gets muddy/smeared with gun grease/beat up, I don't care!

I wear it for home club matches, particularly those in sloppy weather. I make sure that everybody knows I'm there if I'm downrange. Wouldn't dare show up to a Sectional or Area match looking like GI Jane.

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Non-IPSC shooters wonder how someone can "Do that to a gun!?" talking about somone's red SVI, or wonder how a shooter can feel unashamed when wearing a gold speed holster.

Personally I find the drastic difference in gun cultures fascinating and I feel comfortable playing the part on both sides of the fence. :D

What I don't like is the need to further criticize or subdivide ourselves as a whole.

The gun grabbers and antis already do a good job doing that for us!

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I doubt it has much to do with the visibility thing. I would agree that image is important. Maybe not so much to us - we are all reasonable people, but to the anti-gun crowd they'd portray us as a bunch of gun toting militia types.

Just like we probably shouldn't wear T-Shirts with questionable comments etc. I believe an image of professionals is what we should try to portray and not give the gun grabbers any ammunition (pun intended) to use against us.

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The image is pretty important. If someone pulls out a camo rain jacket, or some hunting type cold weather gear (that happens to be camo) in February, we don't sweat that. Now when someone (esp. someone not in the military/NG) shows up in full battle dress, right down to web gear, that's a different sort of story all together.....

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The image is pretty important. If someone pulls out a camo rain jacket, or some hunting type cold weather gear (that happens to be camo) in February, we don't sweat that. Now when someone (esp. someone not in the military/NG) shows up in full battle dress, right down to web gear, that's a different sort of story all together.....

Ditto on the full battle dress. For example, a new shooter show up dressed to the hilt in the lastest Secret Squirel uniform, with all the lastest wanna-be SOCOM gadets. Do we want to be the organization/club that furthers the guy's skills with firearms. What if 007 decides to smoke a store full of patrons, and someone looks into his back round (they always do) and find out, hey he learned to shoot by attending USPSA matches.

A little camo/ulity type clothes are ok at local matches.

my two cents.

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The gun grabbers don't care what you wear. You could wear your little tennis outfit or your golfing nickers and they think you are trash anyway.

I am tired of people side stepping issues, afraid of upsetting someone. I am me and make no apologies to no one.

Rules of any game must be abided by in order to keep a level playing field. However, if a rule is made to keep from looking bad to others...that stinks!

The gun grabbers are after our guns and don't think for a minute that your image has anything to do with it.


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Ditto on the full battle dress. For example, a new shooter show up dressed to the hilt in the lastest Secret Squirel uniform, with all the lastest wanna-be SOCOM gadets. Do we want to be the organization/club that furthers the guy's skills with firearms. What if 007 decides to smoke a store full of patrons, and someone looks into his back round (they always do) and find out, hey he learned to shoot by attending USPSA matches.

A little camo/ulity type clothes are ok at local matches.

my two cents.

I have to respectfully disagree.

While on occations my friends and I have a guilty pleasure of making fun of such people too, I think we should never judge a book by its cover. We are no better than the knee jerk reaction gun grabbers if we automatically ASSUME someone wearing a trenchcoat or molle gear to a match is a serial killer in the making, and do not want to be involved.

If someone wants to wear tactical gear let 'em. Same as if someone wants to have a gold rig let em!

Hell if someone wants to wear a NINJA GETUP why not. As long as its safe. This is the land of the free right? :D

What matters is the guys respect and safety for the sport. If not we should teach them. If they don't follow the first time, only then kick them out.

I have been VERY thankful for all the wise and patient people I have come across who've taken me aside when I was younger and also improved my skills.

Buddy Fuentes beat me to the punch on that one. The gun grabbers don't care WTF you're wearing. They think anyone with a gun is an evil dumbass that should be supressed.. for the children.

Edited by Sniperboy
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The gun grabbers don't care, that's true.

There are folks out there, though, who are on the fence. Who don't know what to think. Who may not be gun owners/shooters but who just might become avid participants and supporters of the sport if given a chance. They are on the outside looking in, trying to figure out what they're seeing/hearing about. Being easy to pigeonhole as being extreme paramilitary sorts makes it too easy to turn off these people who don't yet know better, and may not once they get an incorrect impression of what we do.

Cutting them some slack here, but the press, also, sometimes doesn't get past the surface to find the real story. A picture is worth a thousand words. A shooter wearing a SVI team shirt = sport shooting. A shooter wearing digital camo and web gear = military shooting.

Are we extreme? Yes, to many we are, and proudly so, as far as gun rights go. Are we paramilitary? No, we are not. Why make it easy for the antigun crowd to misrepresent who we are - people having fun shooting. Why make it easy for the press to run what few pics there are of the sport, showing something we are not about.

Do I object to RealTree camo? I don't, and I don't think USPSA/IPSC does either. Military style clothing/camo is what can be misunderstood by those who dont know (the potentially interested), may be misinterpreted by those who don't check their facts (the press) and will be both misrepresented and misinterpreted by those who actively oppose us (the anti's).

my .02

Kevin C

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Helping people is a good thing. Help the guy all you want. What I am saying is that if a person consistantly shows up to matches wearing his Secret Squirel uniform, he might not be right up stairs. Some military schools require you had to pass a psyc exam before you can go. It's the normal stuff, do you see the cow in the picture, now the lady, scenario stuff etc. Since, we don't use any mental stability tests we have to use our judgement. My thoughts, a guy shows up to shoot repeatly wearing full military gear that is not in the service, not so stabile.

2 cents

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There are some very good points here - and backed up pretty well.

In any social gathering there has to be some sort of ettiquette that must be followed. If one is going "strictly ballroom" then dress for the occasion. It's polite and shows a level of respect. On the flipside, a level of tolerance is not so bad when dealing with people of other gun cultures.

That may sound very touchy feely and PC, but I just know who my allies and enemies are.

Last thing we need though, is to turn on our own and throw out blanket statements saying camo people military fanboys are freaks and do not belong with 'us'.

Not scaring off the people who are "on the fence" so to speak is a very good argument.

Honestly tho I would rather steer a "mall ninja" towards safe firearms use and have him promote a good image (still wearing camo on the street sure why not - he's already interested, makes my job easier - it does no one any good to alienate him) than having to sell a car to a guy (ie. educate tolerance) who's teeter tottering - at most you'll probably just make them a neutral rather than a strict anti - which in this day and age is pretty good. Hopefully I can do both.

I guess what upsets me is the mentality similar to how some politically manipulated hunters would say "Military style rifles should not be in the hands of civilians." Black guns are evil - so who cares if legislation bans them as long as I can keep to my own.

Cheesy as it sounds, in the end we have to work together for our culture (not just our 'sport').

Edited by Sniperboy
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The USPSA rules don't prohibit wearing camo. I have a pair of the 5.11 digital camo trousers that I wear, and have worn at Nationals. The rules do give the MD the final say on what is appropriate attire.

The rules say it's discouraged, but it's not prohibited. It may be a PC thing, but it is what it is.


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Lets say "Camo Guy" is pasting or setting steel. The RO looks around and DOESN'T see "Camo Guy". Range goes hot and a lot of bad could happen.

Is there cardboard-style camo...I wouldn't wear that at the range for sure... :blink:

I prefer to wear a plain white T-shirt. The more I look like a "no shoot" the better. :rolleyes:


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As someone that does have to wear "camo" every day, frankly, if you don't have to for work, there's no need for it out of it. Hence why we have uniform rules for off base wear of our uniforms.

That said, while there is no LONGER a rule prohibiting it, when I am MD, there is zero wear with the exception of hunting-type during bad weather. Otherwise, no.


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I agree with not wearing military style clothing, but on the other hand, I've seen an MD bust a guy out for wearing camo SHORTS. And I haven't seen the guy since, so our sport is one guy short now because of an over zealous MD. A lot of us have camo rain gear, and I personally don't like to get wet, I'm not in the service anymore so I reserve the right to be dry. But I will agree that the mall ninja in full digi, a "cold dead hands" t-shirt and a mullet gives me the creeps. Mr McVay, please take your seat in Darwin's waiting room.

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If you are a policeman - wear a police uniform. - If you are not - don't.

If you are a Fireman - wear fireman digs. - If you are not - don't.

If you are in the military - wear military style clothing. - If you are not - don't.

You get a couple of para military types in the club you can be sure of getting at least one more new member.....the undercover fed who will be sent to infiltrate and report to HQ.... :ph34r:

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Some of you should consider that camo is in style with the younger crowd......I've got at least 3 pair of camo shorts that were bought at GAP or American Eagle, or some similar store.

I totally agree with preserving our image as a sport and I would never personally wear camo to a match....but don't get it in you head that all folks that show up at a match in camo clothing are militants from up in the hills.

Someone from the club catch the offending party at the safe area and explain that we don't feel that camo clothing is appropriate for our setting, and point out what everyone else chooses to wear instead. If this person is brand-new to the sport, they may have no idea what to wear or what is expected at a match.

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Lets say "Camo Guy" is pasting or setting steel. The RO looks around and DOESN'T see "Camo Guy". Range goes hot and a lot of bad could happen.

I saw this happen at a state match this year.

Unfortunately, the stage was a jungle run, through the woods.

It started to rain and the squad got out their rain gear, half of which was camo. (including myself)

I was told to load and make ready, and just as I was reholstering a hot revolver, someone in camo comes running back from pasting targets.

I now have brightly colored rain gear in my trunk at all times.

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