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2008 Summer Blast

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What a great weekend of shooting! Being my second major match ever I do not have a lot to compare it to but I will say that I will be making this match EVERY year no matter how long the drive is. Larry, you put together a fantastic match and I had a great time shooting in your squad. It was nice meeting you as well Linda, you must be bionic to be able to put that much time and effort into keeping things running so smoothly. I hope you are now enjoying a well deserved nap :cheers:

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Production division is the new black.

2008 Summer Blast

York Izaak Walton #67


Division Name USPSA Competitors

Limited TODD JARRETT L2458 89

Limited_10 DAVID OLHASSO L2562 38


Production MICHAEL HOLLAR A55857 87

Revolver CLIFF WALSH L2519 20

Single Stack SCOTT WARREN A20457 10

Congratulations to the winners!

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Funny, I don't see a nap coming anytime soon. Things did not seem to go as smothly as I thought they should, however the dedicated match staff keep things going strong! We ended about 20 minutes behind schedule on Saturday and Sunday. Those guys were on the range by 7 am and leaving at 6pm.

I want to thank all those that helped make this match a tremendous success. To all the shooters I hope we met your expectations in a major level III USPSA event and you are planning to shoot the match in 2009.

Funny, I thought I would take a little break before starting on next years match....found myself thinking of stage designs for 2009 on the two hour drive home.....I think I may need to see a psychiatrist.

Congradulations to all the winners.

Thanks to all for a successfull match.


(Really tired MD)

Edited by sbmd
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Production division is the new black.

2008 Summer Blast

York Izaak Walton #67


Division Name USPSA Competitors

Limited TODD JARRETT L2458 89

Limited_10 DAVID OLHASSO L2562 38


Production MICHAEL HOLLAR A55857 87

Revolver CLIFF WALSH L2519 20

Single Stack SCOTT WARREN A20457 10

Congratulations to the winners!

Man, I screwed things up switching from Production to Limited......

.....all because of the allure of Keen's "loud" blaster......

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I want to thank all those that helped make this match a tremendous success.


(Really tired MD)


Larry --- you guys are running the best match I shoot every year! Thank you. Now, take a day or two off, and take a nap.....

....2009 will be there when you wake up.... :lol:

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This was my first trip to the Summer Blast and I think I'll be making a trip back next yr. Great match and fun stages. You can always count on Larry for putting together a first class match. Great job on updates and stats Linda. Glad to meet all the people from the forums.

We ended up finding a great place for eat close to the match hotel. They had some great steak and prime rib. The Corner Stable I think was the name.

Congrats to all the winners

Anyone stick around for the drawing???


Edited by Flyin40
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I'm in next year, looking forward to it. Just started shooting so this will likely be my second major match if all goes well. I keep hearing great things!

Although you may need a psychiarst....keep us informed on the plans for 09 :)


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Anyone stick around for the drawing???

Yes I did, and I won! Woohoo! I won the airsoft "Python" pimp gun and my son thought it was pretty cool.

The match was great, as we all have come to expect. I've been blessed enough to have shot every Summer Blast since the first one in '01 and I can't say there has been a bad one. Thanks to all the people that worked so hard to make it happen! Without you, where would we be?!? I was bummed that the 'Flex crew' was absent, missed you guys.

I had a great time, appart from a few mishaps (mag falling out on the classifier, jamming my finger on the drawer start, a couple of misses, a wierd jam, etc.) and didn't finish up too badly. Incidentally, this was my last match as an Open Master, I managed to get bumped to GM on Saturday with the most recent update. Congrats to all the winners and thanks again to all those who made the match what it was. Linda, Larry, Gary, Howard, all the RO's and Stats people, yes you too Joe! :bow:

It was good to see you Elye, I'm glad you made it down.

Now it's on to the Nat's, see you guys in Tulsa.

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Anyone stick around for the drawing???

Yes I did, and I won! Woohoo! I won the airsoft "Python" pimp gun and my son thought it was pretty cool.

The match was great, as we all have come to expect. I've been blessed enough to have shot every Summer Blast since the first one in '01 and I can't say there has been a bad one. Thanks to all the people that worked so hard to make it happen! Without you, where would we be?!? I was bummed that the 'Flex crew' was absent, missed you guys.

I had a great time, appart from a few mishaps (mag falling out on the classifier, jamming my finger on the drawer start, a couple of misses, a wierd jam, etc.) and didn't finish up too badly. Incidentally, this was my last match as an Open Master, I managed to get bumped to GM on Saturday with the most recent update. Congrats to all the winners and thanks again to all those who made the match what it was. Linda, Larry, Gary, Howard, all the RO's and Stats people, yes you too Joe! :bow:

It was good to see you Elye, I'm glad you made it down.

Now it's on to the Nat's, see you guys in Tulsa.

I knew you couldn't sandbag for too much longer! :roflol:

J/K really congrats on GM dude! :cheers:

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Wow, quite an experience. If you have never RO'ed a Level III match, you really should. I learned more about shooting in 4 days just watching than I thought possible. It was a very enlightening experience.

Ya, if you think you are hiding in Production, look at the number of shooters there... It's not a fad, it's a shift...

Chris Keen had the fastest reload I think I've ever seen; faster than TT's or Jake's vids. No kidding, it was faster. Dan Burwell got an awesome photo of it. It was during the first string of shooting on stage 4. I watched about 800 reloads during the match, Keen's was the fastest/best of them all.

Turtle had the best reload to weak hand shooting I have ever seen. Absolutely flawless and smooth as silk. Same stage, stage 4.

Mike Hollar was smoking fast, don't the the "A" fool you.

Highest pf was 200.9pf out of a GAP 45 cal. I watched the guy shoot, every round smoke billowed out of every crack and hole of the gun. There was even smoke coming out between the rear of the slide and frame. The concussion was like an open gun...

Some have already mentioned the gun toss into the air and catch that occurred on the classifier which resulted in a DQ. It's being referred to as 'the flippie incident' by most of the ROs. Unbelievable... I talked to the RO the afternoon after it happened. It DID happen. Frustration resulted in a gun (loaded) toss into the air, two full revolations, and a catch inbetween string one and string two of 06-03. Neither the RM or MD could believe someone would actually do this during the inital telling. Stuff happens, I'm not going going to judge the shooter on this one incident. I don't know the person.

After 4 days of ROing the match, last night I hit the wall after driving home and crashed. I was in bed by 2030 and slept so hard you could have had a rock concert in my room and I would have slept through it.

Oh ya, I shot OK, but way out of practice and too slow. I should have been in the top 10 for production. I was just happy to get to shoot the match. I was really happy to meet so many BE'rs for the first time. That was the real pay off of it all.

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First off Thanks to all the staff at this years Summer Blast.

The match ran smooth and was really fun to shoot. I shoot Friday PM when the air was a little thick. But this made the water taste even better. I liked the blend of the stages, only one stage had me feeling that the first shooter really was at a disadvantage. On stage #3 Sheer Unadulterated Brilliance which was a true timing stage. I had to watch a few shooters till I had a plan set. And I still could have done better.

Oh on one bad note, NOT TOWARD THE STAFF OR THE MATCH!!!! Poor target pasters they have to improve the glue. Staff worked really hard to overcome this problem. They got new pasters and or replaced targets to work thru this problem.

But this being my second Blast... I Love it, and hope to shoot it next year. When I heard that every stage will have a fan under the Range staff tents.

Thanks again to ALL the staff. Job well done :D

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I liked the blend of the stages, only one stage had me feeling that the first shooter really was at a disadvantage. On stage #3 Sheer Unadulterated Brilliance which was a true timing stage. I had to watch a few shooters till I had a plan set. And I still could have done better.

TJ shot it first in his squad and ran it in 4.35. The experience of the shooter directly correlated into understanding the timing of the movers and the ability to shoot this COF fast. Being able to observe any COF being shot by a good shooter will be an advantage for the remaining shooters. The real key to stage 3 was getting your hits. Losing one or two seconds was not crippling, it was only a 40 point stage. Missing was going to hurt a lot.

Edited to add; I felt it was the hardest stage of the match, but some say I'm biased.

Edited by SA Friday
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I liked the blend of the stages, only one stage had me feeling that the first shooter really was at a disadvantage. On stage #3 Sheer Unadulterated Brilliance which was a true timing stage. I had to watch a few shooters till I had a plan set. And I still could have done better.

TJ shot it first in his squad and ran it in 4.35. The experience of the shooter directly correlated into understanding the timing of the movers and the ability to shoot this COF fast. Being able to observe any COF being shot by a good shooter will be an advantage for the remaining shooters. The real key to stage 3 was getting your hits. Losing one or two seconds was not crippling, it was only a 40 point stage. Missing was going to hurt a lot.

You are so correct SA Friday watch or shoot with better shooters and it will rub off on the common folk (like me). Misses always hurt on any stage. Another stage that had timing and a lot of fingers crossed was "I Though I saw a Putty Tat!". If you did not have the timing correct you just stood there at the end waiting.......for that swinger to reappear.

I try always to look for work (some thing to shoot at).

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I just hope my Achilles tendon problem goes away before next year. Sort of a bummer answering calls while limping on one foot :(

Larry is promising a golf cart, but I'll wait until I see it :D

Edited by Gary Stevens
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Some have already mentioned the gun toss into the air and catch that occurred on the classifier which resulted in a DQ. It's being referred to as 'the flippie incident' by most of the ROs. Unbelievable... I talked to the RO the afternoon after it happened. It DID happen. Frustration resulted in a gun (loaded) toss into the air, two full revolations, and a catch inbetween string one and string two of 06-03. Neither the RM or MD could believe someone would actually do this during the inital telling. Stuff happens, I'm not going going to judge the shooter on this one incident. I don't know the person.

I know the RO well, [edit] If that were me, I can't say that I would not have freaked out. [edit]

Edited by Flexmoney
This forum isn't the place to pass judgement.
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Sean is a much nicer person than me.

Godspeed over in the sandbox buddy. email me your APO and my kids scout troop will send you a box of goodies. We'll miss you. Hurry back.

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Some have already mentioned the gun toss into the air and catch that occurred on the classifier which resulted in a DQ. It's being referred to as 'the flippie incident' by most of the ROs. Unbelievable... I talked to the RO the afternoon after it happened. It DID happen. Frustration resulted in a gun (loaded) toss into the air, two full revolations, and a catch inbetween string one and string two of 06-03. Neither the RM or MD could believe someone would actually do this during the inital telling. Stuff happens, I'm not going going to judge the shooter on this one incident. I don't know the person.

I know the RO well... The RO on that stage kept his cool.

I give the RO credit for keeping his cool as well. I hate to imagine what I would have done if I had been in that squad. Well after I picked myself up off the ground from diving for cover of course.

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You are so correct SA Friday watch or shoot with better shooters and it will rub off on the common folk (like me). Misses always hurt on any stage. Another stage that had timing and a lot of fingers crossed was "I Though I saw a Putty Tat!". If you did not have the timing correct you just stood there at the end waiting.......for that swinger to reappear.

I SOOOO resembled that remark. I gambled and activated the swingers toward the end of the stage.

I must have waited almost 2 seconds for them things to appear the second time- my timing was all off.


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The swingers looked a lot faster on that stage in the walk through then they were when you were waiting to fire at them. I ROed that stage and saw many many people come off the line upset at how slow they were. I even saw people fire about 5 or 6 rounds at them and still not hit them. They were tricky angles and although slow to get started they didnt give you much opportunity to get a good sight picture on them while they were down.

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You are so correct SA Friday watch or shoot with better shooters and it will rub off on the common folk (like me). Misses always hurt on any stage. Another stage that had timing and a lot of fingers crossed was "I Though I saw a Putty Tat!". If you did not have the timing correct you just stood there at the end waiting.......for that swinger to reappear.

I SOOOO resembled that remark. I gambled and activated the swingers toward the end of the stage.

I must have waited almost 2 seconds for them things to appear the second time- my timing was all off.


The first time I ran the stage the first swinger didn't activate, I shot the activator first then to the rest of the steel on the left. came back to the swinger, it wasn't there, I paused then hit the other activator, then steel, then was stopped for a range malfunction

2nd run I did the same thing but had to rush to get to the 2nd swinger, shot the activator, 2 shots on the popper and then the paper, pulled off the paper to soon to get to the swinger and threw a mike on the static. Nothing good comes out of a reshoot. but it was a great stage

It was a great match

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I liked the blend of the stages, only one stage had me feeling that the first shooter really was at a disadvantage. On stage #3 Sheer Unadulterated Brilliance which was a true timing stage. I had to watch a few shooters till I had a plan set. And I still could have done better.

TJ shot it first in his squad and ran it in 4.35. The experience of the shooter directly correlated into understanding the timing of the movers and the ability to shoot this COF fast. Being able to observe any COF being shot by a good shooter will be an advantage for the remaining shooters. The real key to stage 3 was getting your hits. Losing one or two seconds was not crippling, it was only a 40 point stage. Missing was going to hurt a lot.

Edited to add; I felt it was the hardest stage of the match, but some say I'm biased.

That was a fun stage. I walked up thinking play it safe, especially after seeing a few shooters miss the small steel and not getting to the swinger on the first exposure, When I got to the line. I thought, what the hell, I'm going for it. It ended up being my best stage

Did most people stand or stay kneeling? I stayed kneeling.

Edited by Supermoto
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You are so correct SA Friday watch or shoot with better shooters and it will rub off on the common folk (like me). Misses always hurt on any stage. Another stage that had timing and a lot of fingers crossed was "I Though I saw a Putty Tat!". If you did not have the timing correct you just stood there at the end waiting.......for that swinger to reappear.

I SOOOO resembled that remark. I gambled and activated the swingers toward the end of the stage.

I must have waited almost 2 seconds for them things to appear the second time- my timing was all off.


The first time I ran the stage the first swinger didn't activate, I shot the activator first then to the rest of the steel on the left. came back to the swinger, it wasn't there, I paused then hit the other activator, then steel, then was stopped for a range malfunction

2nd run I did the same thing but had to rush to get to the 2nd swinger, shot the activator, 2 shots on the popper and then the paper, pulled off the paper to soon to get to the swinger and threw a mike on the static. Nothing good comes out of a reshoot. but it was a great stage

It was a great match

Ya, I felt bad about the out and back not activating. It was the only reshoot we had in 4 days, and it was my fault. I should have caught it before starting you.

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I liked the blend of the stages, only one stage had me feeling that the first shooter really was at a disadvantage. On stage #3 Sheer Unadulterated Brilliance which was a true timing stage. I had to watch a few shooters till I had a plan set. And I still could have done better.

TJ shot it first in his squad and ran it in 4.35. The experience of the shooter directly correlated into understanding the timing of the movers and the ability to shoot this COF fast. Being able to observe any COF being shot by a good shooter will be an advantage for the remaining shooters. The real key to stage 3 was getting your hits. Losing one or two seconds was not crippling, it was only a 40 point stage. Missing was going to hurt a lot.

Edited to add; I felt it was the hardest stage of the match, but some say I'm biased.

That was a fun stage. I walked up thinking play it safe, especially after seeing a few shooters miss the small steel and not getting to the swinger on the first exposure, When I got to the line. I thought, what the hell, I'm going for it. It ended up being my best stage

Did most people stand or stay kneeling? I stayed kneeling.

Kneeling, about 85-90%

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