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Tiger Woods


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I have seen him play in person...followed his career with interest, but I am like Nick Faldo...where are the other good American players who want to challenge him...?

Answer is, there aren't any...

I don;t know is Tiger just out working them all, has more inate talent, or has just fooled with their heads for so long, but it just seems that NOONE wants to beat him...

Personally I think it is the money..why work so hard for an additional 300k when you can hit balls three days a week and make 600k on the weekend...OK, there is no trophy and no great newspaper story but you get rich and don't have to work as hard as Tiger...

Used to be that even Palmer had Player, Barber,Casper, Trevino, Weiskopf, Venturi, Nicklaus, Watson, and all those guys who came to the course like gunslingers...wanting to shoot it out to find out who was best..the guys today just lay down without a fight..no swagger, no comments, no action, just LAY DOWN and let him have it..

Damn, it makes me want to puke...

Used to love golf....but am soooooooooooo tired of Jim Nantz wooing Tiger every time he comes on the air...if Woods had to play against some guys like I mentioned above in their era, he would not have won 13 majors or 58 tournaments.....maybe half that, but with the attitude of todays players, they just tee it up for 2nd automatically...

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I do not like nantz! He came out on the air, anti-war, anti-gun...then flip flopped during Tiger's speach at his DC tournament on his support for our armed forces. "It's such a wonderful thing that our armed forces do for this country, and our continued support..., and isn't it great that Tiger is.....oh me and Tiger think so much alike....and I have a photograph of tiger next to my bed.....and.........." blah blah blah.

I stop watching golf when dumb nantz commentates. I really think that Phil, Ernie and a couple others like Sabbatini and Sergio want to beat tiger's azz, but there is not the force of the whole tour wanting that same thing, like in Jack's day.

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Dominant champions tend to kick ass...for whatever reason.

You have a pic of Tiger on your bedstand Flex?

Man, if I was a pro golfer in my 20's and couldn't find a way to get good enough to beat Woods I would retire my players card and take up house painting....embarassing to the entire golfing community...

Like the Hawk said to someone after they caught him practicing at 8:30PM....under lights, hitting wedges to his caddy who was catching them in a beach towel...the guy asked Hogan, why are you practicing so hard, you shot 64 today and lead the tournament by 3 shots....THe Hawk scowled at him and said..."...there is NO reason you can't birdie every hole..." They need to get some of that attitude...

And Nantz is a woosie..period, end of statement..

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Is he that much better? Probably.

Does he work that much harder? Yes and then some.

Is it easier to just make a couple of cuts for the year and ride out the final 2 rounds every weekend? For some that's exactly the mentality.

I debated quitting my architecture career about 5 years ago when I got my handicap down to single digits. Go to Q School, get my card and play the occasional tour event to keep the lights on and basically not have a real job.

In the end, I couldn't do it, for a number of reasons, but for the most part is that I just can't do something I don't commit too. I think though that's what we're seeing on tour. A lot of great young players that once they're on tour are content with making middle six figures by the end of a tour year rather than having ANY titles.


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Personally I think it is the money..why work so hard for an additional 300k when you can hit balls three days a week and make 600k on the weekend...OK, there is no trophy and no great newspaper story but you get rich and don't have to work as hard as Tiger...

I have no doubt that there are many players who have resigned themselves (for whatever reason) to have a couple of good tournaments a year and keep their tour card and make a decent living.

I do feel that the $ to players in the upper echelon is less of a concern than winning, Tiger notwithstanding. If you asked them if they would take the win over the $, especially if Tiger was in the field, many of them would probably take the win.

I'd like to hear what Jay has to say on the subject.

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Is he that much better? Probably.

Does he work that much harder? Yes and then some.

Is it easier to just make a couple of cuts for the year and ride out the final 2 rounds every weekend? For some that's exactly the mentality.

I debated quitting my architecture career about 5 years ago when I got my handicap down to single digits. Go to Q School, get my card and play the occasional tour event to keep the lights on and basically not have a real job.

In the end, I couldn't do it, for a number of reasons, but for the most part is that I just can't do something I don't commit too. I think though that's what we're seeing on tour. A lot of great young players that once they're on tour are content with making middle six figures by the end of a tour year rather than having ANY titles.


I guess if you are making 1mm+ and not winning any tournaments it is lots easier to see yourself in the mirror in the morning than it is if you make lots less...

It just irks me that they take it lying down like a bunch of whipped dogs without making the committment to go out there and beat his a**.... I bet he laughs all the way to the bank after which he laughs all the way to his 22million dollar yacht and his exmodel wife or his 40mm dollar home...what happened to the guy with a Piper Cub wanting to make enough to buy a KingAir, or the guy with a 10,000 sq foot home wanting one that is 25000 and on the beach ? That used to be the American way...now I guess it is lets take out 778K we made and put it in some bonds and an annuity, play 6 more years and then retire.....Crap, I hate that attitude..

They all look like a bunch of highschool players compared to the swagger guys like Lema, Weiskopf and the bunch used to have...Lanny Wadkins wouldn't have taken it lying down...

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I'd like to hear what Jay has to say on the subject.

Its a hate thread, and not subject to debate... ;) Cause I at least partially know what Jay would say....

Suffice it to say that there aren't many folks out there w/ Tiger's mental game, and that's quite clearly where he beats them. He's aggressive, and he plays his best when he's under pressure (self-imposed or otherwise). Even when his playing is mediocre, he can score and win.

I am a bit surprised that an "arch-nemesis" hasn't emerged, yet, to challenge him. Every Batman needs a Joker to really be fulfilled, doesn't he? :)

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I agree with Kyle.

Man TL...is there a pro sports figure you actually do like?

Well Jake, you and Kyle can have a Tiger Crush if you want to...personally, he makes me tired....and Yes, there are quite a few pro athletes I think do a good job on and off the job...but this is a Hate thread....and I Hate it that the majority of golf pros don;'t have the cajones to do what they need to, in order to at least make it close...Lefty folds like a cheap suit..Els is just along for the ride till he retires in about 5 yrs, Furyk doesn't have the skills to challenge, and he has the rest of they psyched out.....

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As Dave said though it's primarily his mental game.

Mickelson doesn't have the killer instinct, even though he has the game.

Duval HAD the mental game and the physical game but could never put the two together.

Tiger's season is defined by 16 days (paraphrasing from ESPN). He cares about being at his best for 16 days when everyone else seems to have the mentality of survival. Until a player can commit to both their mental and physical game at the level he does he will be that unbeatable. He's not the problem. After all, how many matches does it seem that TGO seems to will himself to win over the years?


Edited by uscbigdawg
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As Dave said though it's primarily his mental game.

Mickelson doesn't have the killer instinct, even though he has the game.

Duval HAD the mental game and the physical game but could never put the two together.

Tiger's season is defined by 16 days (paraphrasing from ESPN). He cares about being at his best for 16 days when everyone else seems to have the mentality of survival. Until a player can commit to both their mental and physical game at the level he does he will be that unbeatable. He's not the problem. After all, how many matches does it seem that TGO seems to will himself to win over the years?


Did not say nor imply that he was the problem...just VERY tired of all the rest of them slinking off like beaten dogs so that he can put another piece of iron on his mantle....

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Dominant champions tend to kick ass...for whatever reason.

You have a pic of Tiger on your bedstand Flex?

I never said a word about the guy. Your the one going on and on about him. :P

I had on my Kreskin hat when I wrote that... :lol:

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It is Tigers work ethic and I am not a TW fan.

For those of you who think you can make the tour because you handicap is scratch, your kidding yourselves.

Having been there and done that for 15 years it ain't gonna happen today. If you play a championship caliber course (home club) every day you better be shooting 66 -67 all the time and ocassionally 63-64 if you want to make the tour. On a course you don't play all of the time you better still be under par a couple of shots every time you play. Then you get to go to tour school and if lucky enough to make it thru the first part you have to play your absolute best for 6 days in a row and you might get lucky again and be an exempt player. You are right about some of the guys playing today, they are making a living out there and winning is not a priority. It sounds and looks to the outsider like a great way to make a living and fun. It is not it is a job.

Luckly I played when there was Monday qualifying every week for more than 2 places. If you made the cut this week you were in next week. The competition back then was nowhere as good or as deep as it is today. The way I putted sent me home.

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This Golf thing you talk about, what gun do you use when you shoot it :) I hate those little bats they use.

Usually a shotgun....have you ever had a good golfer hit a ball with a 7 iron and then you try to hit it with a shotgun?....tough.... :rolleyes:

Edited by tightloop
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Did Woody just lay down and take it like a dog? Nope, Ernie Els? Nope. TW course management and his ability to out-think the other guys is where he wins. He shot that 63 and then instead of comming out and trying to shoot another 63 he made the field try and catch him. They got close and then he pushed it hard a few holes to make sure he kept his lead. I mean lets say you were winning the Nats by 50 points would you push to try and get more of a lead or just shoot nice and steady and make someone go balls to the wall to try and catch you? Some would push but with experience you would learn that it would be more consistant to shoot steady and make someone catch you. Why because most of the people who push will crash trying to catch you.

TW has all the shoots, his off days beat most guys and his ability to have supurb course management is where he wins. Compare him to TGO, a ton of similarities when you break it down.

P.S. Jack is #1....for now. TW will far surpass Jack for the all time lead.

Edited by PaulW
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OK, here goes

I get to watch Tiger and all the rest on a regular basis in person. Bottom line is, Tiger is so good he makes the rest, who are VERY good but NOT great players look ordinary!!!!

He has no equal, and I don't see one on the horizon either!!!

Jack holds the record, but Tiger is the best player to ever play, hands down. I played with Jack 25 - 30 times, Tiger was just starting when I was finishing my playing days, so we never played together, but I did kick his ass a few times before I retired! But he was young and not accustomed to Links golf at the time.

IF Tiger remains healthy, he will surpass Jack's record in the next 20 - 24 majors, which equates to 4 or 5 years.

Like him or hate him, he is the real deal.

I don't think he is a great guy by any stretch, but he is the real deal as far as talent goes.

Don't rag on the other guys, they just are not talented enough to compete when he is on his game.


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