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Stupid joke on


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So my wife is watching the Bachelor last night on TV. The woman the bachelor picked told him this joke when they first met:

Her: I have a joke for you (a good comedian would never say that)

Him: ok, lets here it

Her: Two muffins are in an oven. One muffin says to the other "boy, it's sure hot in here." The other muffin says: "OH MY GOD, A TALKING MUFFIN!!"


Sorry, I just wasted your time and bandwith.

Edited by halvey
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OK, I didn't get it when I read it. I am more concerned about the article written about this joke. and more importantly, how does one get a paying job that approaches that of a weatherman in the requirment that anything be accomplished? I actually am expected to occasionally produce "WORK" while at work, weatherment and the writer of the column about the muffin joke are apparently not. Sadly, it is likel that both make more money than most of us.


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I've got to admit, I'm a sucker for any joke that starts with, " A horse walks into a bar."

Heck, everytime I've seen a horse walk into a bar, house, or business establishment, just the "got anything to eat?" expression on their face is enough to make you blow soda out your nose. :lol:

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I've got to admit, I'm a sucker for any joke that starts with, " A horse walks into a bar."

Heck, everytime I've seen a horse walk into a bar, house, or business establishment, just the "got anything to eat?" expression on their face is enough to make you blow soda out your nose. :lol:

I gotta agree with this one.

The last time I was in New Orleans I saw a horse walk into a bar.

Beth and I thought it was friggin' hilarious.


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Two chocolate easter bunnies are sitting on a hilltop. One has a bite out of his table and the other has a bite out of his ears.

One say, "man my butt hurts."

The other says, "WHAT?"

The muffin joke is a classic.

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