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Micah's Range Diary


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Welcome back brother....yer not shooting production though, right? :)

Production 'til I die bro :)

So I just started setting up the new place for dryfire. The ironic thing is that I once lived in this very same townhouse model...the difference is that I have the whole place to myself ;)

It won't be the same as the killer dryfire dojo (basement) that I had at the old place, as measured by the difficulty to do long distance running and long shots. I am interested in setting up a challenging new dojo to refine the skills of sports shooting here. I have worked with infinitely less space...when I began dryfiring it was in a one-bedroom apartment.

Off to look over Steve Anderson's two dryfire tomes, old notes of mine, and for my staple gun and targets...

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You might be surprised by how quickly it comes back... I know I was. I'm back up to about 90% and haven't really been training hard yet.

You may also find that you shoot better in matches than you do in practice. That's true for me for the first time ever.


Me? Not likely.

Let's make sure we always have fun this time.



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Targets, targets everywhere!


I struggled with weighing either having my downstairs look like a normal downstairs, or putting up a decent amount of targets so I can do "Round the World" drills...haven't decided yet, but in the mean time I did put up the venerable three open target array:


I'm still on winter break, so my goal tomorrow is after watching another episode of Dexter and sweating my noggin off on the elliptical, I will finish my setup and finally begin to dryfire some of the chrome off my G34. Chrome IS still legal in Prod...right?

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My wife would have an absolute hissy fit.Have you ever seen one of those?

Her hair spilts and fire bolts shoot out at me :roflol:

Been there, done that, sold the guns to pay for the t-shirt.

I say put them all up and watch out for spiders

UGGGG!! I've been relatively lucky thus far in the new town house, although about two months ago I came home after work to find a praying mantis and HUGE wolf spider guarding my front door. I felt like going to the bar anyway.

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Broke a few toes the other day :blink: but have my townhouse set up for hours of sexy dryfire time. I won't be jogging outdoors for the time being, but doing cardio on the elliptical has proven to be a relatively less painful endeavor that I will utilize for now. Plus, I have a penchant for being accident prone (see broken toes), so jogging on ice and snow would probably have catastrophic unintended consequences.

Actually had the chance to do some shooting on the 1st during a holiday party. It wasn't much more than function firing and aiming at 50yd steel, but the feel, sound, and smell of it all was tasty!

Tomorrow kicks off the return to work. As someone who struggles with depression and anxiety, I always struggle with this portion of the school year. The really shitty part of irrational depression and anxiety is that it is irrational (and I know it). Often that feeds into more negative feelings. Why should I depressed about having a wonderful job and enough money for food and shelter (and shooting)? Why do I feel fear and dread over returning to my job that I love and am (relatively) good at? Sadly I am not rational when it comes to situations like this...which reminds me of why I love shooting.

Shooting is a complete release from all of the irrationality, and is constant and mathematical. Think the power factor equation, hit factor, or the amount of effort put in to your skills and measuring the observable outcomes. Math talk and the overuse of the word "rational" reminds me of one of my favorite math jokes:


...and my second:


I hope everyone had a groovy holiday and new year, and that 2012 brings everything that you ever needed/wanted/worked for, and more :cheers:

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Sorry to hear about the toes.

which reminds me of why I love shooting.

I hear ya... I was on the range the other day. My first practice day all year (a very busy and stressful year)... Had it all to my self, and I couldn't get over how great I felt afterwards..


LOVE it.

One of my favorites I get to use from time to time at work to call meetings to order...



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Might as well go with what I know...at least for a while. Posting here held me accountable in the past, so perhaps it will work again:

-30 min df

-45 min cardio

Today was the first real time that I strapped up and got down to the dryfire. I'm mulling through my thoughts on how I want to structure my dryfire now that I have different hours, and a different dojo. Some of the run-n-gun drills will need heavy modification, as well as barricade drills. Again, I am sorting through my thoughts on efficient and viable ways to include such drills into my daily practice. For today I stuck with the verbatim SA drills to assess what I need to work on first.

I was surprised at the perceived lack of skill degradation today. Although there were a few mag throwing reloads, for the most part they were right on. Draws seemed smooth. I wasn't snapping my attention as fast as I have though, and my strong hand needs lots of work.

The Battle In the Bluegrass match in Kentucky will be my first major since being back in action, and it is in less than three months. I have a lot of work to do in just a little amount of time...

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>1/11 45/45

I was able to establish a " 'Round the World" drill with my setup. One of my favorite drills, it does a good job working reloads, draws and transitions at various heights on a variety of targets.

I'm doing my snow dance for Friday :D

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>1/11 45/45

I was able to establish a " 'Round the World" drill with my setup. One of my favorite drills, it does a good job working reloads, draws and transitions at various heights on a variety of targets.

I'm doing my snow dance for Friday :D


I'd be interested in more details on this drill. Do you have any video?

Are you shooting Miamisburg on Sunday?

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-45 cardio

-45 dryfire

Micah, what were your plans with the G17 barrel I sold you? Were you changing your open pistol back?

The open pistol will remain the open pistol, but I wanted the stock barrel to shoot a little "Open-Production". That dot can be very telling...particularly when dealing with recoil management.


I'd be interested in more details on this drill. Do you have any video?

Are you shooting Miamisburg on Sunday?

No video, but my camera can do this cool panoramic thing. Below are three pictures of what I see (kinda...again it's pretty distorted) when I stand in the middle of my livingroom for the Around the Word drill:




The object is to go around the room, the rules to the drill can be mixed up depending on what you want to work on:

-Draw (HAS or SUR) and engage t1, reload and engage t2, holster. Draw (HAS or SUR) and engage t2, reload and engage t3, holster...and keep going around the room.

-Draw (HAS or SUR) and engage t1 and t2, reload and reengage t1 and t2, holster. Draw (HAS or SUR) and engage t2 and t3, reload and reengage t2 and t3 holster...and keep going around the room.

...and on and on. Sometimes I just keep the gun in my hands and do 2 reload 2 on each target, or 2 reload 2 reload 2 reload 2.....each on a different target. Once you have gone all the way around clockwise, do it again counterclockwise. This drill gives me a lot of reps, and a lot of reloads on targets of varying heights and hardcovers.

Here is a picture of what I see when I set up for some of SA's drills in his first book:


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Damn! I thought I had a lot of targets up. I'm no where near that. My wife will surely have a fit if I suggest this. :roflol:

Very nice btw. I will try to incorporate this to a certain extent.

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