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Firearms "training"


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C'mon guys. That's serious training there. We should all train to fight against enemy 'Air' forces. Those 'Air' soldiers are really difficult to see and even harder to shoot. It looks to me like they did a really great jod camouflaging their targets to make them invisible. Damn, that's some high speed, low drag, hooha-hooha, Mall Ninja super top secret, covert, special ops, combat aggression specialists training right there. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

"Look out!!! There's an 'Air' soldier sneaking up on you right now. How would YOU defend against him?"

Edited by Bigbadaboom
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That video displays a special kind of stupid.

I am confused, I did not know I was supposed to have my mags right next to my holster.

I see people like this and i want to take there guns and put them on a time out. This is what happens when you let people play video games, they think they can do it in real life.

Edited by austinkroe
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