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CM 99-32


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I think the key may be to know your abilities ahead of time.  Most shooters try to get all the shoots in...which leads to misses.

The big dogs know what their split times are at various distances.  They know if they can hit all the targets in the required amount of time.  If not...they just shoot what they can get.

me...I don't have that much range time under my belt.  I would simply look to my sights and let them control my shooting.  I'd try to call every shoot...I'd try to forget the timer.  I'd get the points that I saw.  (Sounds good anyway.)

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In my very limited experience hits on a no-shoot are the killer here.  Just shoot as many perfectly accurate shots as you can in the time allowed.  The people who are blazing fall into two categories: A-GM shooters who can do it and people who are going to have lower value hits or worse, hits on no-shoots.  Of course there are no no-shoots here.  

If in the time alotted you could shoot either 5 Cs or 3 As, i'd recommend trying for three As because I think you'll be less likely to miss a target completely on the transition.  And 3 As beats 4 Cs and a miss or a D.

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Shoot only As on fixed time stages. Don't rush most of your shots just so you can get in the last shot or two before the buzzer.

If the par time is generous for your skill level, make good use of the extra available time by having a good sight picture and a nice trigger pull, and by being smooth on the draw and reloads. Pace yourself so you do not finish more than a half-second under par.

Fixed time stages are not contests to see who can get in all the required shots, they are contests to see who can score the most points on the targets.

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Quote: from Erik Warren on 5:26 pm on Feb. 20, 2002

Shoot only As on fixed time stages. Don't rush most of your shots just so you can get in the last shot or two before the buzzer.

If the par time is generous for your skill level, make good use of the extra available time by having a good sight picture and a nice trigger pull, and by being smooth on the draw and reloads. Pace yourself so you do not finish more than a half-second under par.

Fixed time stages are not contests to see who can get in all the required shots, they are contests to see who can score the most points on the targets.

We shot this classifier a couple of months ago and your approach is the one I used.I am a mid C-class limited shooter right now and finished 2nd overall on this stage out of 20+ limited competitiors,my percentage was only 67% IIRC.I was really surprised at how the better shooters blew this stage.

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  • 4 months later...

Holy Cow! If my math is correct, the (open) HHF on this thing is only 125 points. We shot it today and my 80%-self got all the shots but one off in plenty of time (icky draw), and 110 points. I was expecting a bunch of people could probably clean it, with a HHF around 150.

Maybe nobody ever shoots it because it's 4 strings with different time limits on each string, as well as strong-hand / weak-hand, but it's gotta be a grandbagger's delight.

(Edited by shred at 1:30 pm on July 22, 2002)

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  • 1 month later...

Case in point (these are Limited scores, and there aren't any more scores over 62% in the thirty or more classifiers this now-B's got):

08/17/02 99-03    CENTRAL TEXAS RIFLE & PISTOL          62.908 Y 08/27/02

07/21/02 99-32    ALPHA MIKE SHOOTERS                      84.000 Y 08/27/02

07/20/02 99-15    CENTRAL TEXAS RIFLE & PISTOL          34.093 B 08/05/02

07/20/02 99-48    CENTRAL TEXAS RIFLE & PISTOL          59.408 Y 08/05/02

07/20/02 99-22    CENTRAL TEXAS RIFLE & PISTOL          14.485 B 08/05/02

07/20/02 99-28    CENTRAL TEXAS RIFLE & PISTOL          44.110 F 08/05/02

07/13/02 99-61    AUSTIN LONE STAR P.P.C.                   11.704 B 07/19/02

05/19/02 99-10    ALPHA MIKE SHOOTERS                      47.079 Y 07/02/02

05/18/02 99-53    CENTRAL TEXAS RIFLE & PISTOL          54.178 Y 06/04/02

(Edited by shred at 7:54 pm on Sep. 12, 2002)

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  • 5 months later...

Shot this one today in the blowing cold.  I shot the match with a borrowed open gun to get my 4th classifier in, then shot my G35 for another good classifier (hopefully)  I got 114 pts with the open gun, got all my shots in and only 1 D.  I couldn't remember if I needed to unload and show clear first or celebrate.  Worked the math out and that looks like a 91.2% for me!  Only got 93 pts with the G35, but I'll take it!  Can't believe I fumbled every draw and the reload with the Glock, but I still got all my shots off and no misses.  Not enough either way to get me to A class, but I'm creeping that direction.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Limited 116 pts

Limited 10 113 pts

Knowing your par times really helps on this one, I heard the buzzer right after each of my last shots on the 1st 3 strings. Weakhand I still had about a second left. The weakhand D's killed me though, I should have took more time.

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I shot this one in April at NCPS with my dyslexic open gun (it jammed on every stage EXCEPT the classifier). I dropped a total of 4 points, 1 Cee and 1 Dee on the weakhand string. That came in at 96.80%

I told James (Hot Booty) Ong to beat that, so of course he did. One point down which earned him a 99.20%

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  • 1 month later...

Shot this one up at Area 3. My best classifier ever. 91.2%. Not bad for a mid-level B class shooter I thought. That was with 5 penalty points for the shot that broke 0.03 seconds over the limit on the second string. :angry:

Don't go to fast, and get your hits on this one. Of course go 0.03 faster than I did. :huh:

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Shot this one Sun and got 108 points. Shot it in limited. Guess it will be my best one yet. Had one miss, but got all shots in time. Drawing my new STI out of my Glock holster. Haven't got a chance to order a Ghost or Limcat yet.


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  • 2 months later...
I'm curious how your clubs ran this one with all the different par times. Separate timers? Reset a single timer for each string?

We shot this yesterday. We used four timmer also. I wish I had read this post before trying to shoot this. I tried to get all my shots in. I'd like to go back and do this one over.

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