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Grand Mattster?

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Or maybe it was just that new Bedell gun that dan blessed for him ;)

Congrats to Matt Cheely for making GM in limited 10....now move over to limited and shoot with the big dogs :)

Just to point out this isn't a paper accomplishment either he finished 2nd in Area 6 in L 10... behind Mr. Puente who followed up that win by beating Manny Bragg in Arkansas 2 days later! Man where are all of these great shooters coming from?

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too friggin' cool. Nice work. You know Ted and Manny are buds and they'll be talking about revenge.

No no, Ted beat me. Steve's saying Ted was on a roll and kicked Manny's butt after kicking mine. :mellow:

Thanks for the kind words everyone. :)

I knew I had it when I won the classifier stage at A6, but it's nice to see it up on the top 20 list. I saved a screen shot for when I get old and can't shoot :ph34r:


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Congrats Matt,

and Yes on the revenge thing for Ted!!!

I knew I shouldn't have taught him all of my secrets, he finally used them against me!!

thats what happens when he listens though, congrats to Matt and Ted!


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Congrats. Your name looks good up there with the others in the "who's who" list.

Even though we have never met, I can't get over the name game thread and can't help myself thinking "It's not easy being Cheeley." Now you have proved it.

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Congratulations!! Way to go!! You'll probably be moving up next month because they didn't count the A6 classifier yet.

Now that you've made Master or better in everything except revolver, Steve says he's willing to trade you a shiny new Model 625 for your old limited gun. What a guy, huh? lol

Sue and Sarah

ps. If you look way down the Regular Top 20 List you see a 13-year-old girl's name. Maybe squading with you paid off.

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ps. If you look way down the Regular Top 20 List you see a 13-year-old girl's name. Maybe squading with you paid off.

Miss Irish the #1 junior in D open, Awesome :)

Tell Steve he can take that 625 and ... whoops, family forum. ;):lol:

Edited by Matt Cheely
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ps. If you look way down the Regular Top 20 List you see a 13-year-old girl's name. Maybe squading with you paid off.

Miss Irish the #1 junior in D open, Awesome :)

Tell Steve he can take that 625 and ... whoops, family forum. ;):lol:

HEY, HEY, HEY...Watch out what you say about dem 625's...Us old folk like to shoot 'em from time to time...pesky kids!!!

Seriously, congratulations Matt...you deserve it!!! ;)

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Congrats Matt!!!!!!!!!!!! So how does it feel??????

I don't know fellas but with all these guys in Ohio and Michigan movin on up it looks to be a showdown this summer. Ohio squad vs. Mich squad........Any takers........ :P

Lets see, we have the Ohio match, Targeting Ed, Mich State, losers buys the winners dinner after the Ohio match..............or beer, dinner might be cheaper. I think the Ohio guys can put down some beverages. I wouldn't want your tab to be to high though, just fill the back the truck with ice and throw in a few kegs....that should take care of us for awhile. Oh yeah, and after we win, you(mich guys) have to fill our cups on demand.

I can see it now "Jake, get my beer b*#&$" :lol::lol:


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Congrats Matt!!!!!!!!!!!! So how does it feel??????

I don't know fellas but with all these guys in Ohio and Michigan movin on up it looks to be a showdown this summer. Ohio squad vs. Mich squad........Any takers........ :P

Lets see, we have the Ohio match, Targeting Ed, Mich State, losers buys the winners dinner after the Ohio match..............or beer, dinner might be cheaper. I think the Ohio guys can put down some beverages. I wouldn't want your tab to be to high though, just fill the back the truck with ice and throw in a few kegs....that should take care of us for awhile. Oh yeah, and after we win, you(mich guys) have to fill our cups on demand.

I can see it now "Jake, get my beer b*#&$" :lol::lol:


/sh!t-stirring mode on/

Not so fast there, my southpaw masterblaster friend...you might want to fricasee that crow a bit just in case you are the one who has to eat it! :ph34r: I think you might be onto something...if Ohio had a match on the schedule to begin with....wassup down there? :rolleyes: I wouldn't hold out much hope for Jake wearin' the green thingie whilst fetchin' yer brewskies...he is gettin' pretty serious nowadays...and I don't see him losin' to a Buckeye. :D You Ohio freaks probably drink Shlitz or Black Label anyway (explains the birth defects), so you'd be a cheap...er... date. :P Let us know if you wanna tempt fate, and we'll bring downa wagon full of whoopass fer ya. :lol:

/sh!t stirring mode off/

Just funnin' ya...Looks to be a fun time here in Area 5 this year!!! ;)

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Its all in good fun and sounds like we could make this fun.

I like my crow deep fried btw!!!!!!!!!!!!! with some hot sauce :D

Matt already pmed me and said he was going to pour my beer in a frosted mug over my head after he whoops me. Not too worried though..........just matter of time before his knuckles swell up like his head and start cause jams on his limited gun :lol::lol::lol:


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