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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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(1) Gun Manufactor & Model

STI Edge

(2) Gunsmith (if it applies, if not, state factory)

Tripp research(lightened slide and chromed)

(3) Caliber


(4) Factory or Handloaded ammo

180 plated hp from Berry's and VVN320

(5) Iron Sights or Optics (Who's optics if it applies)

STI rear and Dawson FO front

(6) Holster manufactor

CR Speed

(7) Any other info you feel like sharing

The stages and most of the staff were great. I'd love to shoot them again when it's dry. I'm not sure if I'll ever shoot another match that has "RO 'A'" [names removed by Admin]. Too many variances in when he applied the rules and when he did not. I saw a reshoot given after a popper fell with the callibration shot and at least one reshoot for a gun malfunction. "RO 'A'", if your reading this, please think long and hard before you tell one shooter that this is by the rule book and then in the same breath tell another I'm going to give you a reshoot dispite what the rule book says. I do think stage 1 should have been renamed to "A River Runs Through it" on Sunday morning though. Other than "RO 'A" and "CRO 'B'" I enjoyed this match even if we did shoot most of it in the rain.

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I'm sorry you felt that you were slighted by the RM and CRO. Did you take it up with someone at the match?

I personally think the two people you mentioned are the finest Range staff I've worked with and I find it very hard to believe that either of them said the things you're quoting here.

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I wasn't on that stage at that moment, but I am familiar with the events you mentioned.

-- If we're talking about the same instance, "RO 'A'" offered a reshoot because he realized he didn't inspect the popper for obstructions/debris before firing his calibration shot at the steel. In that case he felt the only fair thing to do was have the shooter reshoot.

We did have 2 instances of brokens guns at the match.

-- One occurred on my stage (7, "Starry Eyed") which initially resulted in a match DQ. I was fairly certain of the cause but had no choice but to administer the DQ pending inspection by a match-approved gunsmith. It did turn out to be a faulty gun, which was then repaired, and the shooter and his hardware were returned to the match. However, he was informed that his score on stage 7 would stand as scored. He was offered a chance to reshoot the stage, but only for grins and giggles as it would not count as a match score. After all, it was a very fun stage and we'd hate for anyone to miss a chance to shoot it. Not wanting to keep his squad waiting, he declined.

-- As far as I know the other broken gun issue which resulted in a DQ was also overturned after that gun was similarly found to be defective. That shooter did not receive a reshoot, either. If you have evidence to the contrary, please let us know.

I sincerely hope you will join us again next year, or even next month. We strive to ensure you and everyone have a safe, and fair experience at South River (whether it's an Area match or a monthly club shoot).

...Mark Ramsey

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(1) IMI Baby Eagle, imported by Magnum Research

(2) Bob Cogan, APWCogan

(3) 9mm Luger

(4) Factory Federal American Eagle 147gr FMJ

(5) Millet iron sights

(6) Bladetech holster

(7) Comfortable Techwear shirt and plenty of bubblegum :P

And although I''ve said it already elsewhere, great match! And I have to add that the picture on the barricade on Stage 7 "Starry Eyed" was priceless! I wish I could get a copy :D

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And I have to add that the picture on the barricade on Stage 7 "Starry Eyed" was priceless! I wish I could get a copy

+1 on that, I'll hang it on the front door on Holloween, so I can keep all of the candy. :P

It's in my profile. Click on my screen name. :lol::lol::lol:

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-- If we're talking about the same instance, "RO 'A'" offered a reshoot because he realized he didn't inspect the popper for obstructions/debris before firing his calibration shot at the steel. In that case he felt the only fair thing to do was have the shooter reshoot.

what part of the rule makes a reshoot the only fair thing to do? seems like a mike would have been the right call.

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I have shot several matches where "RO 'A'" was the RM. I have never heard of him showing favoritism or making a dubious call. Regarding the checking of the target for obstructions or interference, I know when my son got a reshoot on stage 7 that "RO 'A'" examined the popper closely before shooting it for calibration. I was told he was checking for obstructions that would prevent the popper from falling, etc. Now, I have never seen that done before but it makes sense to me. Perhaps he forgot to do so in the other case? I don't know. But I am also a firm believer in the shooter getting the benefit of the doubt.

Remember, people make mistakes and this was a long match - made harder by the weather. If this situation occured on Sunday, I think everyone was in a hurry to get done. It was miserable for me as a shooter so I know the ROs were miserable. I had a miss called on me that I was not allowed to see (it was pasted before I or my designated person) was allowed to see it. I could have asked for a reshoot but I didn't want to give the ROs a hard time. The rain was coming down. Not to mention the fact that a reshoot would have had little affect on my overall score :( .

I still think the ROs and staff did a fine job considering the circumstances. I'll be back.

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seems like a mike would have been the right call.

I would have disagreed with this when the call was first made as it was hit almost dead center with a .40 180 at 134ish pf and only shook a little. My first comment to the shooter when the discussion began was that he would probably get a reshoot as it obviously wasn't calibrated properly. "RO 'A'" shot it with his 9 and hit it almost in the exact same spot (nice shootin'!) and it fell, it was definitely slow but it did fall. My next comment to the shooter was that he wouldn't get a reshoot as it fell with the 9 and he didn't have a problem with that, we're just having fun here. After a little more discussion I discovered that he would get a reshoot because "RO 'A'" decided to give him one, now I'm trying to figure things out as we have two, almost back to back, situations that I thought the answers were obvious to and we get two different calls. I don't know the rules as well as I should to get real serious about this game but there are people that do and Roger is one of them. Can you perform a calibration test and then override it? I don't know how much leeway the RM has and I'm sure "RO 'A'" was trying to be as fair as he could but it doesn't matter fine the range staff is, people can still make mistakes.

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Admin Note:

I've removed the specific RO names from this thread and locked it in an attempt to keep it slander free.

The thread started as "what equipment did you use at the match."

Feel free to start a new thread if you feel a "RO'ing methods discussion" will be beneficial.

But please remember to keep it "name-free."

Thank you,


[edit: We have cleaned out the posts that drifted the tread. So it is now back open...to talking about equipment. KF]

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I replaced the "match feedback" posts that were removed over the weekend. Because, as was pointed out to me, the thread's starter Glockspeed31, did ask "How would you rate your experience at this years Area 6 match?"

Please remember to keep any further RO/RM comments "name free."

I apologize for any confusion or inconvience I may have caused in this thread.

Thank you,


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