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Ft Benning 3 Gun Match

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Yes I was in the stats shack, I guess the people at Benning thought I might be of some use after putting on the last 2 S.O.F. matches, 3 R.M.3.G matches, 6 IBPO LE matches, and numerous local matches. Silly them!! I guess they didn't know the whole time I was kaniving to change the results of a division I DON"T SHOOT! At no time was I allowed to touch the scores of my own division, and I thought that was down right rude...maybe I could have won if I could have changed it.

To imply sculldugery at ANY level does a large diservice to ALL the staff that basically hand calculated an entire division in a very short time. Yes some mistakes were made, yes some prizes weren't right. Yes I feel bad about that, the whole staff does, But I am proud of everyone of the staff that worked so darn hard to make it happen. And what about Linda and Sandra who got the scores out today, do you know that they had to be up all night with no rest to reenter over 1500 score sheets to be able to post the results today? Yes there were several different alternatives to what we did and none of them would have been any one bit better than what we did.

I am down right proud to have been part of this match, and proud to have worked with Linda, Sandra, the Army staff, and My amigo Jeff! I am especially proud of all the shooters who came and shot and waited so patienly for us to do our job. I would like to thank Mike Darby and Even Skaarer. They traveled much farther than anyone else to the match ( Mike from the U.K. and Even from Norway), and worked as R.O.s so American shooters could have a good time shooting.

IBRITT I hope you get to shoot many more matches and I hope to see you at some, and sometime I hope you get to work a match, It brings a ballance to what you preceive. A great look at some of the behind the scenes things that happen can be found in the lattest Front Sight magazine about the 2006 Multi-gun Nationals. NO match runs smoothly, it is the sign of a great staff that the shooters never see it. Unfortunatly, this time you got to see a very small tip to the ice berg when "H.A.L." wouldn't work. KURTM

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I had to drop out a month ago for work reasons (got real, real busy). I am proud to say I was even registered for this match. Every step of the way Linda and Hamp and the rest of the Ft. Benning crew have run a class act.

Every single thing in this world is fraught with problems and how we cope with them is the measure of things, not how perfect it all was. The single fact that in it's second year this match has sold out every time so far, already rivals SMM3G in attendance and gets absolutely nothing but raves about stage design and the quality and integrity of the match staff, well that says it all for me. If I had been there, I would have been happy just to have been there ;-)

Congratulations and thanks to the match staff for putting on the finest multigun in the US that I have managed to miss for two years running.

BTW IMHO, if Kurt was in the stats shack, it was because he was needed in the stats shack. Some of the best multigun match management folks in the US were shooting this match, I am sure the match staff used that resource in the best possible manner here :-)

These folks work really, really hard at running a good multigun match, lets all give them a big round of thanks and hope they continue to be willing to work this hard for our benefit in the future.

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Just got off the plane...

We had a great time at the match. All the stages were great...none of them were lacking in creativity or challenging shooting. The fact this is on an Army base with military themed stages and real military equipment for props are what makes it so cool.

Stage 1 on the Sniper training range was particularly fun and challenging. Stage 9 with the concertina wire, sand bag firing positions, moving bridge and M203 was probably the most challenging, but also one of the most unique stages I've ever shot.

Our gallery is up here: http://www.cavalryarms.com/AMU3G/2006/2006-AMU3G-1.html

The AMU personnel are all very friendly and approachable. It's great to see the cross pollination between the action shooting community and the military in action.

Looking forward to attending again next year.

Edited by SinistralRifleman
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SFC Hampton,

Please pass along out thanks to your fine men and women for hosting what was without any question the best 3 gun match I have ever shot.

I was proud to be in the company of our nations warriors!

As to the prize table process , Everyone just needs to suck it up and drive on.

The best that could be done was.

Again , THANK YOU!


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What a match! The stages were the best. A great balance of speed and accuracy challenges. Props? Hand grenades, launched greandes, boats, the fastest clamshells in the world, and my personal favorite....the bridge.

The best RO's from all over the nation and around the world, a world class range staffed with most polite and disciplined people you can imagine, it was just a pleasure dealing with them all.

As far as the computer crash goes, it no doubt sucked for the stats people but it was a small part of the overall stats effort. Consider that the match website has been up since what, May, June? It was updated regularly there and on BE forum. Everything was on time and in order right up until the last. Even with the crash the finals are there in less than 24 hours. Hats off to the MD for handling it the way he did.

It probably isn't fair for me to say anything about the prize table since I never finish anywhere near the top, other than to say thanks to the sponsors and all the others involved in the effort, but I find it a little hard to get excited about the whole thing when everytime I picture the area, I see those empty boots.

If they choose to have it again and I'm still using air (and fast enough with the application) I'll be there.


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What a match! The stages were the best. A great balance of speed and accuracy challenges. Props? Hand grenades, launched greandes, boats, the fastest clamshells in the world, and my personal favorite....the bridge.

The best RO's from all over the nation and around the world, a world class range staffed with most polite and disciplined people you can imagine, it was just a pleasure dealing with them all.

As far as the computer crash goes, it no doubt sucked for the stats people but it was a small part of the overall stats effort. Consider that the match website has been up since what, May, June? It was updated regularly there and on BE forum. Everything was on time and in order right up until the last. Even with the crash the finals are there in less than 24 hours. Hats off to the MD for handling it the way he did.

It probably isn't fair for me to say anything about the prize table since I never finish anywhere near the top, other than to say thanks to the sponsors and all the others involved in the effort, but I find it a little hard to get excited about the whole thing when everytime I picture the area, I see those empty boots.

If they choose to have it again and I'm still using air (and fast enough with the application) I'll be there.


As John Wayne would say I like the way you think. Great match , staff , sponsors and shooters, but like Mike P said when you look at those empty boots it makes our problems seem very very small.

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Holy _ _ _ _! That was plain out fun. First time three gunning and I hope the rest are as much fun. As a match director, I know the head aches that go into making everything just perfect for all involved and then Murphy hits!!!

All I can say it that I will be back next year to have fun again and yes dragging 2 other people for the 12 hour drive.

Great job to the AMU, a credit to shooting and the United States Army. HOOAH!

Hey BTW, anyone see the M1A1 tanks rolling by on Saturday...brings back memories, even got a kick out of watching two of them getting towed back to the motorpool! :)

Got Pics of both 'versions' rolling or being hauled by...

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Okay, I've had a little bit of sleep in me after getting back to Oregon. This was, bar none, the best three gun match I've ever shot. The stage design was fun and challenging. With some actual running (and this is coming from a fat guy) that we hardly see any more. The long range shots were a perfect blend of distance, making them challenging but possible. The close range stage was fun also. The only problem I had as far as stage design comes from the method the sttages are scored. When all the stages are even in score they really need to close in time. For example, say I shot stage 1 in 100 seconds and another shooter shot it in 120 seconds, 20 seconds longer. Less points but not too bad. Now what about Stage 2. 20 seconds longer was an eternity. By throwing a few speed shoots into a match where all the stages are the same value, really overvalues those stages.

As far as the scoring problem goes. There's nothing to say to improve it. The scoring crew worked their butts off. As far as the "select group" of shooters that helped with scoring. I was over there for a while. The only shooter that I saw was Kurt Miller. He was also match staff and I trust 100% that he did his absolute best. The AMU and stats did what they could. There is no good solution in that situation. If they had waited till the stats were reentered, which I'm sure took them all night, no one would have gotten to select their own prize. It would have basically results in an order of finish drawing for a prize and would have probably results in the AMU paying a couple thousand dollars for extra shippng to ship prizes (mostly for the guns) to the winners. And even then people would still complain that, " well I didn't want the 9mm M&P I wanted the .40" I don't know how they could have fixed it better than they did.

I'm glad I went. I'll go again next year if I can get in. And I'm going to recommend the match to my friends (you know, after I get in). Hats off to everyone involved. You guys did a great job.

I'll concur with Chuck, great match and I had tons of fun, even with the still bum knee. I'm signing back up again as soon as Linda gets the word out...

One technical question-Linda, were you double entering on two(or more) computers? If not that 's a great way to have something to fall back on in case one goes south on you. Takes more time but helps out in the long run.

Aaron, the staff did an excellent job, the food was good, the prize table was great, and it was good to see everyone there.

Tom Chambers

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Well we didn't reach our goal of running the perfect match, and for that I apoligize, it was not for a lack of planning or effort. The exact computing problem has been tracked back to root cause and will never happen again to Linda of Sandra, though we are still at the mercy of computers in the future.

I was proud to have been asked to be a part of the match and prouder to have been a part of it, Prouder still to have known and shot with the Soldier those boots represented and the Match was dedicated too (MIKE P/ MD1911- our problems are small, your top notch in my book). Never have I had the pleasure of working with such an outstanding hand picked staff who gave all in running stages and shooters, (some running distances equal to a marathon)

As Kurt brought up, a huge thanks to our Friends from across the big water who spent so much and travelled so far to participate and help run a match, few go that far to help

To all of you that are happy with the match I hope to see you next year, to those not, that may open a few slots for others who wish to shoot in the company of this outstanding group of people who give so much to make all of this happen out of the limited amount of time we all have.

RO's have already volunteered for next year and I have never seen that happen after such a grueling weekend,

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays All


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Without echoing every other positive comment, this was without a doubt the best match - 1 gun, 2 gun or 3 gun - that I have ever attended or worked. Fantastic stages, outstanding staff and excellant competitors and I have every intention of shooting it and working it as long as I am able.

I'd like to publicly thank the staff on my stage, Christine and Frank Russo and especially Sgt. Mike Gasser, a superb example of the finest fighting force in the world.

Mike Hughes

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I fully agree with the positive comments on this match. IMHO it was the best 3 gun that I attended in 2006. I think it has the potential to become THE 3 Gun match. Excellent stage design with challenging shooting. Great job guys. I really thought stage 9 was a good stage.

My only criticisms:

1) Sgt. Hampton must have done something very bad in a past life. He has bad karma when it comes to scoring and scoring systems. I suggest an exorcism.

2) I think the bonus targets have too much value and while great FUN, they introduce too much of an unfair variable into the match. I am not saying get rid of them as the M203 and grenade toss as such tasks added charm to the match, I would just reduce their bonus value or just make them a mandatory start of the stage.

3) I don't know about allowing certain foreign nationals RO stages. Weren't some of those guys on ICE watch lists? :D

A big thanks to the AMU and the Army, not only for the match but for keeping us safe. I am always impressed at the professionalism and quality of our Army. THANKS.

FYI I would trust Kurt to tally my scores any day. ;)

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Lessons learned from the match:

Cats and Americans should not be in the same room.....

Army gunsmiths should not leave their boats unsupervised when their friends are around....

There should be NO reason to have a sign that reads "Tanks have the Right of Way"......

You cannot please everyone all of the time, So you simply must do the best you can with what you have......

RO's should not attempt to walk around the Chalet's in the dark......

No matter how Bad, you THINK you have it...... seeing the Boots, Rifle and Helmet, make you realize how petty we can be........

Coffee and Good friends can fix alot of life's problems........

AMU's match has been put on my must shoot match list......

The AMU staff and Sgt. Hampton, deserve our gratitude and our thanks, for a great match and for answering the call to SERVE.......

To all the shooters...........the RO's of stage 2, say.............."we hope to see you next year"


Remember, as always


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Rod and I would like to add our 'THANK YOU'S' to all the others in this thread. We had the best time...the stages were awesome, the RO's were great, and what an incredible thing it is to be able to shoot at Ft Benning! The scoring thing is not an issue, as I can't think of hardly any matches that don't have that problem. The prize table was really huge and the food was GOOD!!!

All the Army personnel I talked to were great guys and girls and were really helpful and didn't laugh too much at my attempts to breach a door :huh::wacko:

We drove forever to get there and will do it again!!

It was especially moving to pay tribute to a fallen hero, and I am so glad to have been part of that...I am so sorry for our loss.

Special thanks to Jeff, Linda, SFC Hampton, and everyone else involved in this match! You are the best!

Cheryl and Rod Current :)

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Well another one is down, seems the second verse was the same as the first. Last year I did not ever want to do a 3-gun match again, and then I thought about it long and hard. I realized in hindsight that I made a lot of mistakes mainly by taking on so much. Few people realize that 6 men did the entire 2005 match. Upon those reflections I decided to do it again and ensure I stacked the deck in successes favor. We solicited and received THE BEST Staff and stats ever assembled and proceeded to design a world-class event. We where destined for greatness, yea right.

I would like to thank the staff first, you all did a great job and no one anywhere could ever ask for better support, my hat is off to each of you. If I can EVER be of any assistance to you please do not hesitate to contact me.

Jeff thanks a million, you assembled this crew and I could not have asked for better.

Linda, you are still the “GM of stats”! I would not have been able to pull this off without your tireless efforts, they where appreciated more than you will ever know. I would be honored to have you at the helm of any match.

To the sponsors, words cannot express my sincere gratitude for your support. I will list you all by name in a following post because I do not want to leave anyone out and I am a little discombobulated at the moment. I hope you all continue to support 3-Gunning and the shooting sports and that you all made some new friends, new and repeat business and some new network connections. The support you showed our match was a testament to all of your belief in this match, and me. I hope that has not faltered.

There are a lot of things I would like to say, but I fear they would not come out right, so I’ll be brief. I came home very late Sunday night, busted and disgusted. In hindsight I could not see where we went wrong, then I realized a few things. Number one, no one was shot, no one was shot at, and we all left and went on our way, free. Second I realized that sometimes you can do everything right and the results will still not be a reflection of the effort, kind of like shooting. Lastly I realized that this match was a great one, and if something had to go down I would rather it be scores and prize distributions than a competitor or the match it self. You see I preach to my guys that the journey must be enjoyed as much as the destination. In this case it was, I slept soundly and have not felt bad since.

With that said, mark your calendars for Nov 30- Dec 2 2007, next years match will be 3 days, 9 stages bigger and bolder than ANYTHING we have dreamed up yet. The date is tentative, but fairly solid. I will try to go final in January. Everyone who joined us this year will receive a discount on your entry fee. All volunteers are more than welcome to re-up we need and appreciate your support. Sponsors and vendors, I need to ask for your faith once more. Will you follow me into the fight?

Some of you are wondering why the heck we would do this again. Well there’s strong, and then there’s ARMY STRONG.

Hope to see you in ‘07

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