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Ft Benning 3 Gun Match

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Why is the scoreing to be 200 pts per stage. If someone beats you by 10% on a stage you should get beat by 10 points, not 20. This is multi-gun scoreing isn't it? Am I missing something here?

Last year the Ft Benning match used USPSA's scoring program & stages had 115 to 165 points values. They also scored some shooters minor based on pistol caliber. When I joined this effort in early April, we planned to do the same thing this year.

The changes in format and scoring were at the suggestion of Jeff Cramblit. When Jeff agreed to serve as Range Master, we asked him tons of questions (because my experience working a 3 gun match is nil). He suggested the time plus format with hit factoring. He mentioned matches that Kyle Lamb had organized, where the point value for a stage was greater than 100. We made the changes based on his recommendations. If you have questions for Jeff, you can reach him on this forum (benelli2).

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistician

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I currently have 35 applications & checks. I have sent confirmation emails to the 4 that were dated 5-12-06. The remaining 31 I got today were dated 5-13-06. Tommorow I should get the remaining 5-12 applications & I will start confirming the ones dated 5-13-06. I would like to thank the 33 of you who honored my request to not use Overnight or Special Delivery services.

My husband is home & disabled because of leukemia. His cancer treatment leaves him very tired & he sleeps often during the day. Today, before 9 am, the doorbell woke him & he had to answer the door to sign for an Express Mail letter. Once he was back to sleep, just before 10 am, it happened again. I am at work during the daytime. I am not there to sign for applications, and these two (dated 5-13) are in the same pile as those folks who sent via US Mail on 5-13. The only thing accomplished, is that the shooters spent nearly $15, my husband lost much needed sleep, and I am really disappointed that I need to explain this simple request.

So, I'd like to ask again: Please, PLEASE, DO NOT use overnite, priority or express mail. I appreciate your consideration.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Ft Benning 3 Gun Match Statistician.

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Don't worry Benny you still win or get beat by the same percentage it just gives more numbers to work with. Look forward to seeing you at the match again along with you Les, Mikey etc.

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Mailed the app. Monday.


Monday? Dave you know you aint gonna get in that way! :P Check your PM's ya bum! ;)

Did you request special squadding? Maybe you can get squaded with latewatch and myself? If you ask Linda real nice! ;-)

WOOHOO!!!! Just got my confirmation for this years match! See you all again this year!

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Don't fire, A question from a new guy. I sent my app. Monday and hope I make it. The question is Heavy Metal rules say no reduced recoil slugs I have a pile of the federal tactical slugs are these legal for heavy metal? The numbers on federal website show they make the power factor easily. Thanks for the help.

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Mailed the app. Monday.


Monday? Dave you know you aint gonna get in that way! :P Check your PM's ya bum! ;)

Did you request special squadding? Maybe you can get squaded with latewatch and myself? If you ask Linda real nice! ;-)

WOOHOO!!!! Just got my confirmation for this years match! See you all again this year!

I am probably the most flexible stats person you have ever met on squadding.

I don't care if the requests come in a month after the application. You can

get me requests by email or by phone. I am happy to honor squadding


Once your other friends get confirmations, figure out who you want on the

squad & fire off an email (not on the forum -- from the match website). I save all the requests so that I can refer to them when I start squadding.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 AMU 3 Gun Match Statistician

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Confirmations have been emailed to 50 shooters so far (all with postmark dates 05-12-06 or 5-13-06). I already have a stack of 32 for 5-15-06 which I will start to confirm tomorrow, once the mail runs & I am sure all the 5-12 & 5-13 postmarked applications have arrived.

At this rate, I expect to announce that the match is full by Friday.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Ft Benning 3 Gun Match Statistician

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Are we using the same hotel from last year? Will the scoring at the Ft benning Match be like Jeff's 3 gun match?

Scoring, etc. is up on Linda's page: FB3G

Thanks Cy! Your hired!

Seriously, I tried to put the answer to EVERY question on the website, because my life doesn't stop for the match. Some of you realize I am up to my eyebrows with Summer Blast (pistol match) applications right now. The more info shooters can get online, the better. I don't say that to discourage questions. . .just to trim the volume. If you do email a question, I will get a reply out in 24 hours.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 AMU 3 Gun Match Statistician

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Don't fire, A question from a new guy. I sent my app. Monday and hope I make it. The question is Heavy Metal rules say no reduced recoil slugs I have a pile of the federal tactical slugs are these legal for heavy metal? The numbers on federal website show they make the power factor easily. Thanks for the help.

All FYI,

On the Heavy Metal slug issue, after looking, dicsussing, etc and as no standard is set for what constitutes a "reduced recoil" slug and there is no rule against handloading slugs (which they could make any power they like) It has been decided to allow whatever slug the competitor wants to shoot. The online rules will be revised accordingly

In addition I think we need to establish a standard that the targets will be calibrated too. As there is no major/ minor in this scoring but steel must fall to score you have to have a standard to check the steel against in case of protest. In case of challenge pistol steel will be checked with 9mm Blazer ammunition and shotgun steel targets will be checked with a 21" cylinder bore 12 ga. using 1 1/8, 2 3/4 dram 7 1/2 shot, targets will be shot from within the designated shooting area, not necessarily from the position the shooter attempted. Poor judgement on your part is not my fault.

If anyone has any additioanal questions I'm sure you will not hesitate, the more of this we have established up front the smoothr the match should run.


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I'm currentlly puting the finishing touches on a HEAVY METAL rifle in 6.8 and thinking about just shooting HEAVY METAL class for the rest of the year.

My question is the rules say HM rifle starts @ .30 caliber, can the 6.8 (.277) run in HM? (making the 320 power factor of course).

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All FYI,

On the Heavy Metal slug issue, after looking, dicsussing, etc and as no standard is set for what constitutes a "reduced recoil" slug and there is no rule against handloading slugs (which they could make any power they like) It has been decided to allow whatever slug the competitor wants to shoot. The online rules will be revised accordingly

In addition I think we need to establish a standard that the targets will be calibrated too. As there is no major/ minor in this scoring but steel must fall to score you have to have a standard to check the steel against in case of protest. In case of challenge pistol steel will be checked with 9mm Blazer ammunition and shotgun steel targets will be checked with a 21" cylinder bore 12 ga. using 1 1/8, 2 3/4 dram 7 1/2 shot, targets will be shot from within the designated shooting area, not necessarily from the position the shooter attempted. Poor judgement on your part is not my fault.

If anyone has any additioanal questions I'm sure you will not hesitate, the more of this we have established up front the smoothr the match should run.


I have posted the revised rules for the 2006 Ft Benning 3-Gun Challenge online at the Ft Benning 3-Gun Web site. I have also sent a copy of the revised rules to all shooters registered for the match.

Summary of changes:

1. All references to Power Factor have been removed. We will not use a chronograph at the match.

2. The reference to reduced recoil slugs has been removed from the Heavy Metal section.

3. A section detailing how we will calibrate steel has been added ( see section 10.2)

Please contact Range Master Jeff Cramblit if you have any questions about the revised rules via this forum (benelli2) or using the links on the website

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Ft Benning 3 Gun Match Statistician

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Is this match filled up yet?

Cheryl :)

As of Saturday, not full yet -- 6 more slots. 3 arrived today but email indicates at least 5 more are in the mail. I'm waiting to check postmark dates on those before I confirm the last 6 shooters. Once the 6 slots are full, I will start a waiting list. Because the match is 6 months away, people will drop out. I expect to get at least the 1st 10 people on the waiting list into the match. I will describe the waiting list process later this week when we get there.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 AMU 3 Gun Match Statistician

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Howdy AMU 3 gunners, Great shakes to get LChico on stats!!! USCBIGDaWG- good luck in OREGON!!!! My app story trumps all and all thanks to STILL PRAYIN'. After loading mags and packing the sedan last year, I trusted my better judgement and did not drive onto the army base hoping someone missed a plane or thought it too cold---so for almost a year I've questioned my judgement---I did empty those mags tho---FAST. B) Fast forward to MAY06, I confidently went out Friday (carried no appliances to check e-mails 'til Monday) and waked to shoot a local match Satuday. BETWEEN stages, after an easy to paste classifier, I stapled my score sheet to the walk through and raced to the Post Office 18 miles round trip-only to watch them close and lock the door!!! With app copies, a sweat wet check and 39 cents US I was relieved to be INSIDE!!!!!!. Returned to the next stage and reset the THIRD shooteers steel. Of course I rushed to thank my "new best friend" who had diligently made his application and those BEAUTIFUL copies the night before. Full disclosure>I let him see me sweat for three stages< and that must have been payment enough!!! he 'bout dropped his ceegar laughing...

Absolutely can't wait to marvel at how well others arrive, adapt, acquire, transition, reload, memorize, and score and adapt. Those of you who got the "training" last year might share the marksmanship unit's wisdom; hookabrothaup?!? For me, Christmas is coming early.

Watch your offset and Godspeed.

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At this time, all the Saturday-Sunday slots at the 2006 Fort Benning 3-Gun Challenge are full. If you did not get an email confirmation or message from me, your application has arrived too late to include you as a Saturday-Sunday shooter. You have 3 options available:

1. Shoot the match on Friday. There a few openings (about 10) for Friday shooters.

2. You can place your name on a waiting list, hoping that enough registered

competitors will drop out of the match, and you will be able to shoot it.

3. I can return your check, thank-you for your interest in the match, and hope you can join us next year.

I have been working registration at shooting matches for over 12 years. I am fairly confident that 7 to 10 shooters will withdraw from the match between now and December. If you are number 1 - 10 on the waiting list, you are virtually assured of a slot in the match. Make any plans, including airline or hotel reservations.

If you are number 11 - 20 on the waiting list, there is a strong possibility that you will still be able to shoot the match. Because the match filled 6 months early, I expect more cancellations than usual. Other than non-refundable airline tickets, make all other plans to shoot the match. I will keep you updated on any changes in the waiting list numbers.

If you are number 21 - 30 on the waiting list, there is only a slim chance that you will be able to shoot the match. This option should be considered only if you live within a few hours drive of Fort Benning, and are willing to be notified the week prior to the match. There are always a few last minute cancellations, and anyone with flexible plans should stay on the waiting list.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Ft Benning 3-Gun Match Statistician

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I already have several shooters on a waiting list. I will continue to accept applications & checks until I have 30 on the waiting list. If anyone withdraws from the match, they will be replaced with someone on the waiting list. You cannot give your slot to a friend. The slots that open up by shooters who withdraw from the match will go to the folks who have ALREADY sent an application and check and are waiting patiently (okay. . . so some of them are not very patient :rolleyes: ).

Failing to notify me and sending a friend in your place will not work for several reasons. The gate at Fort Benning will have a list of competitors in the match. Even if a substitute shooter gets past the gate, they still get to see me at registration. I will not let someone shoot in your place if I had to return checks to people who waited for months.

Anyone who withdraws will get a full refund if I can replace them with someone on the waiting list. Please email me ASAP at LChico@msn.com if you are a registered shooter & need to withdraw from the match. I am trying to make this fair for everyone. Thanks

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Ft Benning 3-Gun Match Statistician

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I'm currentlly puting the finishing touches on a HEAVY METAL rifle in 6.8 and thinking about just shooting HEAVY METAL class for the rest of the year.

My question is the rules say HM rifle starts @ .30 caliber, can the 6.8 (.277) run in HM? (making the 320 power factor of course).

Sorry but under current heavy metal rules it must be a 308, not sure exactly when this terend started but I am pretty sure it was right after I got a 260 to try to shoot heavy metal with.

I do happen t have a nice 308 DPMS I would sell or rent you for the match though


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