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Smm 3 Gun Match

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Well, at least you're HONEST about it! ;)

PS Thanks for all those Frangibles Phil! At the rate we shoot steel (indoor range) I'll have frangibles until the year 2020

Quick Update,

It's 10:15 and it's snowing...heavily. I haven't gotten out of the car yet. Good thing I'm sitting here with my great big hansome smart talented buddy Seeklander.

This sucks

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Yeah, as soon as it made into New York Times article quote "even cuctus are wilting" it started to pour! I mean pour! I can't believe the rain picked smm weekend after 142 days or something.


Did you guy shoot? Or it is called off? I was going to watch but sorry didn't!

Well, at least you're HONEST about it! ;)

PS Thanks for all those Frangibles Phil! At the rate we shoot steel (indoor range) I'll have frangibles until the year 2020

Quick Update,

It's 10:15 and it's snowing...heavily. I haven't gotten out of the car yet. Good thing I'm sitting here with my great big hansome smart talented buddy Seeklander.

This sucks

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The weather situation is just terrible.

It seems funny, though, because last year the weather was wonderful. A little chilly in the morning and then fairly hot in the afternoon. Wow!

I am living vicariously through you guys, so have fun for me.


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lots of people dropped out, couldnt or wouldnt brave the elements, of the 4 scheduled stages we were suppose to shoot today, we barely got done with 3, lots of others only did 1 or 2. I am shooting terrible, lots of mental errors, just because i want to get it over with to get back to the warm truck.

Banquet was even a short lived one tonight, good dinner, but not worth it to me. Hopefully results will be in immediately tomorrow.

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Wow, bummer conditions ;-/ Who would've expected this type pof weather?

A win by attrition is still a valid win.

Myself, I have never refused to shoot a stage in any weather presented to me. As long as the match is going on, so am I ;-)

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It's funny, 2 weeks ago I was wishing I was going to be there.. now I'm um :blink: not so sure.. When I went in '04 the match got backed up due to a monsoon downpour on the day that the RO's shot. They were pretty backed up stage wise and they threw out 1 stage since about half the shooters needed to shoot it still on Sunday morning. I too have generally braved matches where only the hearty or um, "crazy" shooters dared to shoot. I guess that's one for the record books.


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What a match! Friday fairly nice weather, cold and partly cloudy with gusts of windy that caused numerous reshoots due to falling steel, but we kept on schedule. Sunday around 2:00am the rain started and it never stopped, not just light rain but RAIN and then SNOW!

We were scheduled to start shooting our 4 stages at 10:45 on Sanday but didn't start shooting until 12:30 because the stages were backed up. Our second stage was sched. to start at 12:35 didn't get shot until 2:30 and that's all we got in. We could have started out 3rd stage for that day at 6:00pm but it was getting dark.

Sunday was cold but clear, WOO HOO! Stages ran on time but the make-up stages after lunch set the day back. We were the squad waiting to shoot stage 5 and were about to start just after 3:00 when the MD called the stage. Good call in my opinion otherwise we'd have been walking the prize table in the dark.

I big THANK YOU to the RO's who stuck it out on Saturday, they are the heros of the match. They could have bailed like a few competitiors did but they hung in there, standing in the rain all day, (while the competitiors were keeping warm in thier cars) listening to us bitch about the weather, taping wet targets and so on. Thanks folks, we really appreciate it!

Great stages. Shotgun round counts were fantastic, most were 8 with one at 14 or 16 I don't remember which. LR rifle stages had no prone shooting (a good thing I think) so bipods were unnecessary. You needed to know how to shoot standing or kneeling out to 300 with only the a port or rail for support. The dark house was interesting with a stage supplied Sure-Fire as the only light. After my first shot and jam my mind went blank and I forgot I had a flashlight and went on memory of how I rehearsed the stage and was using the little bit of light coming through the taped holes for for a sighting cue. I didn't tank the stage but wish at some point in my shooting I'd have practiced shooting while holding a flashlight.

That all my sleep deprived mind can come up with for now, we did an all nighter on the 11 hour drive home. Also my excuse for any grammar or spelling errors above.


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Any results?

Matt Burkett Won Open

Taran Butler won Tactical

can't recall who won Heavy Metal right now.

Are the scores posted anywhere?

I would like to know how close the rest of the field came to Matt, since Matt shot all stages in good weather on Thursday while Taran and Eric and the rest of the shooters shot in some really terrible conditions over three days. Those are some tough shooters.

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our gallery is up:


I got a lot less pictures this year than I normally would for 2 reasons

1) the weather, I didn't want to risk thousands of dollars in cameras to the elements

2) the stages were set up in a such a way it was difficult to photograph much.

I did get some cool footage on stage 2 putting the video camera down range on a tripod I will post later.

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On stage 7 we were allowed to hot re-holster our sidearms if we so chose, a grounding area was also available to those who didn't want to. I hope we are allowed to do this on all stages in the future.

Exactly how cold are we talking about?

37 Degrees. Cold isn't so bad on it's own....cold and wet is another story.

Edited by SinistralRifleman
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One of the guys on my squad said the external temperature gauge on his truck was flipping between 33 and ICE at about noon Saturday. We shot four stages on Saturday, started at 7:00 and I forget when we finished.

We had one guy on the squad go stage II hypothermic, no joke.

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