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The Vice President Is A Nimrod....

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not good. I wonder if there's a "died subsequent to or as a result of injuries" clause like there is in aviation. Dude has one full year to croak from related injuries and it's....well, it's bad. :(

yup. depends on the state but Dick could be held liable if the victim passes (as a result of the gunshot of course) within a year and one day of the shooting.

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All the coverage I see seems to be about two things.

a.) It's just so HI-larius that the VP shot a friend in the chest

b.) We can't believe the evil and devious Bush administration didn't report this to the press immediately, what a sin!

I understand that sometimes people are cynical and we tend to laugh at tragedies. I'm ashamed to say that I did when I first heard about this...but anyone who thinks about it, how they would feel personally if they had accidentally shot a good friend, having to deal with the guilt, etc. If this was a story about how someone's neighbor accidentally ran over their dog, it woudn't be funny at all, but it's a public figure and a human being and a Republican, so it's funny.

Also, since when did it become the job of our Government to inform the press of every story? I thought reporters were supposed to actually find stories, do their research, gather the news and deliver it to the people. The White House has a press secretary sure, but I'm pretty sure he's there so that when they want something in the news he can see that it gets to the press. Do they really expect any administration, of any party, to go out of their way to keep the press informed of embarrassing personal events? Get off your butts, quit posing for pictures for your blogs, and go find a story you schmucks.

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Yeah, I get the jokes and all but in the end this is seriously negative press for all of us in this forum.

Call me paranoid, and call me political, but I can't help but believe our rights to keep and bear arms in this country is on a timeline. Is it 10 years away? 20? I don't know - but stuff like this only increases the odds.

I wish that the blame could fall on the hunter as it is evident it was his mistake that caused this to happen (no matter who s/he is) but deep down I suspect we all know at some point it's going to be a 28 guage that is blamed.

The story makes me shake my head. The consequences raise the hair on the back of my neck.


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Yeah, I get the jokes and all but in the end this is seriously negative press for all of us in this forum.

This was my first thought, too - and it didn't take long for the anti's to jump on it, either, as expected.... :( This was really what I was getting at w/ "Gee, thanks, Dick..." - it's a triple entendre...

The heart attack has been directly contributed to a piece of shot that traveled through the blood stream into the heart, blocking off a vessel - at least, that's the last bit I read. It was a minor heart attack. The docs are leaving the shot in place, as they don't feel it'll dislodge or cause any further damage.

I've read a lot of stuff saying that Mr Wittington is at fault for not announcing his return to the group. Now... I've not done a lot of bird hunting. I know that, when I was in Scouts, and later, when I was trained as a hunter safety instructor in Georgia (and what I then taught) was that you should *always* approach a group from the rear - and the group should always know that the rear is not a valid zone of fire, because someone may have approached from that direction. Yelling across the field might prematurely flush a covey, or otherwise cause a blip in the hunt - so while each hunter has a cone of fire to the front, the rear is off limits.

Maybe they teach it differently here in Texas?? I don't know... By my hunter safety education, Mr. Cheney is entirely at fault, and it's a shame that they delayed announcing it, etc. I have no idea why they did that. Conjecture I've read elsewhere is that he might've been drinking or something (common on hunting trips around these parts, I'm lead to understand... another reason I don't go on them... - no offense is intended to those who hunt responsibly here in Texas). I have no idea if that's true or not. If it was, he's doubly at fault.... and needs to own up to it. But, like I said, I don't know - and I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, cause I know how crappy I'd feel in his shoes.

I have to agree with Eric, though... I'd probably rather go hunting w/ Cheney than riding w/ Teddy... ;)

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One other negative check mark.

Cheney has now admitted he "had a beer at lunch" before going out.

So I'm sure I'll step on some toes here but frankly I'll hold true on this. Booze and guns don't mix. Not one, not ten - they just don't go well together.

Now, I most certainly drink. I'm having a drink now as I type this. I take no issue with drinking. What I take issue with is "having a beer for lunch before heading out"

I've hunted all my life - never with anyone who drank at any point in time while out in the field or prior to heading out. I can't imagine "having a beer" before going to a match.

Give me a break! I am a republican - but I'm shaking my head at all of this. A little common sense goes a LONG way! Do it the way we were taught and things will be ok!


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One other negative check mark.

Cheney has now admitted he "had a beer at lunch" before going out.

So I'm sure I'll step on some toes here but frankly I'll hold true on this. Booze and guns don't mix. Not one, not ten - they just don't go well together.

Now, I most certainly drink. I'm having a drink now as I type this. I take no issue with drinking. What I take issue with is "having a beer for lunch before heading out"

I've hunted all my life - never with anyone who drank at any point in time while out in the field or prior to heading out. I can't imagine "having a beer" before going to a match.

Give me a break! I am a republican - but I'm shaking my head at all of this. A little common sense goes a LONG way! Do it the way we were taught and things will be ok!


You should see Dove season around heer. I pass on some invitations. I could take a video and nothing would change. Camo and beer at the Stop&Go. Texas :blink: Hell boy it just bird Shot.... :unsure:

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On the beer subject. It's not like he drank a beer for lunch then went hunting. Not that I would drink at all during a day that I expect to shoot so I am not making any excuses for the guy, but the beer was at lunch and the shooting took place at 5:50 pm. It's not like slammin' one down and then grabbing the gun.

I don't shoot at a particular sporting clay facility any more since the local boys thought it was a good idea to drink a beer then shoot. I love my beer, I'm from Wisconsin - it's mandatory, but after the shooting is done and the guns are put away.

Our wonderful Asshat governor when he vetoed the concealed carry bill that we have said that it was OK to carry a firearm and drink in the law. This was technically correct. The current legal amount of alcohol to drive in this state is .08 and the legal amount of alcohol to carry concealed in the bill was .02 or 75% less than what you could have and drive. But the Governor still put it forth like you could be slamming them down in a bar and still carry legally. At .02 you probably could not have a beer at closing time and carry the next day legally. You can't tell that I'm stilled PO'd about being one of the 4 states where there is no conceal carry law can you?


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Hunting accidents happen whether you had one beer or no beers. People get excited and forget about gun safety. Greg LeMond, the first American to win the Tour de France, was shot by his brother in law while hunting. He still has a couple pellets stuck in his heart.

I just heard a spoof of Aerosmith's Janie's Got a Gun. Chenney's Got a Gun is pretty darn funny.

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LMAO! Just a few minutes ago on the CNN-Situation Room report a report gave the viewers a first hand look at the "type" of shell fired by the VP....hahahaha I almost rolled outta my chair on onto the floor in laughter. What the reporter had done was cut the top off of a 00 buckshot shell. He took the shell and dumped the pellets into his hand with camera zoomed in...lol Somebody somewhere set him up for a good laugh....must be some good ol' boyz down south! Its hard enough to shoot gamebirds with 6 or 7 1/2 shot...lol

The birds leave less "visible" scars. You can hear the darned things laughing as they swoop around your shot column. It really hits the ego hard.

They express the correct amount of amazement at my sheer inability to hit them.


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The 28 gauge is a "sweet" shotgun. Overall, one of the best gauges around for "hard hits", low recoil and a bit more of a challenge. I use it to hunt quail also.

Unlike large birds, like pheasants, quail fly low, and fast. Often, you might be shooting the bird only 5 or 6 feet off the ground, at least in my experience.

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The 28 gauge is a "sweet" shotgun. Overall, one of the best gauges around for "hard hits", low recoil and a bit more of a challenge. I use it to hunt quail also.

Unlike large birds, like pheasants, quail fly low, and fast. Often, you might be shooting the bird only 5 or 6 feet off the ground, at least in my experience.

I just had to explain that to my suitemate this evening. She didn't know. Now she understands how that happened. The best part of the whole thing is the guy doesn't blame VP Cheney at all and knows it was an accident.


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I was going to add a lawyer "joke" and "the perfect day" but it would have been in poor taste. :D

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Press Release 2-24-06

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department issued a statement today saying

Vice President Cheney broke no law by shooting a lawyer instead of a quail

over the weekend.

A TPWD spokesman noted that, in Texas, lawyers are not considered game

creatures and are thus not subject to seasonal limitations or bag limits. It was

further noted that lawyer hunting was encouraged as the state is overrun with

the pesky creatures.

A local food critic said that, contrary to rumor, lawyers do not taste like

chicken, but rather like bovine dung which is a major component of their


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The following is a sampling of news story headlines related to Vice

President Cheney's shooting accident:

Kingsville Dispatch

"Sheriff Fines Cheney $100 For Only Wounding Lawyer"

National Review Online

"Shot Came From Grassy Knoll"

Dallas Morning News

"Red States Poll Shows Cheney Shooting Was Justifiable"

Austin Statesman

"Cheney Says Victim's Quail Call Was Best He Ever Heard"

Washington Post

"Cheney Prevents Hunting Party From Field Dressing Shooting Victim"

The Nation

"Cheney Drove Shooting Victim to Hospital Tied to The Hood of His Car"

Texas Medical Association Bulletin

"Corpus Christi Hospital To Do Jackass Face Transplant On Cheney Shooting


San Antonio Express/News

"Sneaky Lawyer Tactics Don't Work On Cheney"

Houston Chronicle

"Personal Injury Lawyers Hold Candlelight Vigil Outside Cheney Victim


Wyoming Tribune Eagle

"Cheney Friends Decline Fall Duck Hunting Invitation"

La Raza

"Cheney Shooting Victim Gets Emergency Room Priority Over Illegal Aliens"

Vegan News

"Cheney Shooting Victim Converts To Vegetarian In Hospital"

NRA American Rifleman

"Witnesses Claim Cheney Only Feathered Lawyer"

New Orleans Times Picayune

"Getting 'Dicked' Has All New Meaning"

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