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2006 Uspsa Nationals


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34, that's just awesome. :)

Too bad we couldn't figure a way to get all this revolver action on a DVD :blink: ....think of the promotion that would offer if someone got all this on tape. I bet even some of the auto guys would buy it just to see how the heck to shoot one in USPSA....O.K., that might be a stretch but you never know. B)

Pretty neat to think of the historical precedent we're setting this year. We have got to get a group photo if possible.

Wish USPSA would do just that. Or let someone do it. Following the squad all thru the match, you would get "Top" Revolero's and the average guy type. Would be worthwhile for any aspiring Revolero.

I'd buy one, as long as it wasn't WAAAY overpriced.

Good Luck Everyone!

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Guys are all the Nationals this low on round count. I just looked at the stages and added up only 334 rounds for 18 stages. Shooting 4 days and that is only 83 rounds a day. Is this normal? We are spending around a 1000 dollars for a match that has 80 or 90 rounds more than a Area or Section Match. I have never been to the Nationals so please tell me this is normal and this will be the best experience this year that I hoped.

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I have shot 3.......all 3 at PASA park.

The first was the Factory gun in 2003.....it was 18 stages and around 380 rounds.(i shot L-10)

The second was the all gun in 2004.....it was 24 stages and was seems like 410 rounds. This was my first time with a wheel......and there were shoot offs like in 2003 (yes I got to watch. <_< )

Last year was the split nationals again, and it was 18 stages with around 360 rounds but no shoot offs. :(

Personally I think Nationals should be no less than 20 stages but that gets down to range space...and in 2004 they used just about everything they could and got it done.

Having said that.................

The Nationals are an experiance that is like no other I have shot. It is not only the shooting of that many stages, but the people you meet and shoot with. in 2004 I was squadded with Smitty FL and a few of his buddies that I have now become good friends with(except Cliff :lol: )

You will get to bump elbows with the best in the World, and yes they are mere people, and they do not mind talking to the "regular Joe's".

It is also the place where you get to find out where you stand against the "Cream of the Crop" in your chosen division as most anybody who is anybody will be there.

The shooting itself is not as hard as some Area matches I have shot, but the course designers do a good job of testing all skills needed and then some. :(

If I had to save my $$$$ and attend one major match only a year, I would make sure I went to the Nationals(unless it is somewhere I just can't get to)......It is not just the shooting, it is the EXPERIANCE! :)

See you there.


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1 Hopalong... aka...Hilljack...aka...Porchpuppy. ;)....2 Cheetahs

3 Lefty 45............................................................ 4 Double Action

5 Barretone..........................................................6 Smithy 45

7 John Baqakis......................................................8 Bill Nesbitt

9 Slflr...................................................................10 R112 Mercer

11 El Conquistador.................................................12 Waltermitty

13 Tom Mainus......................................................14 Dennis

15 Carmoney II.....................................................16 Carmoney

17 Pat Sweeney.....................................................18 Jerry Miculek

19 Keith.................................................................20 Revoman

21 D. Carden...aka...Glockboy...aka...Danbagger :D..22 Aerosigns

23 Marmot 452........................................................24 Redmist10

25 Rudi (from what I hear).......................................26 Tom Kettells

27 Gary Catalan......................................................28 John Burkolder?

29 Elliot Eysen?.......................................................30 High Plains Drifter

Now according to Carmoney, Kim said there were 34 signed up......anybody know someone that is not listed that is coming? if so let me know and I'll edit to add.....

What about some of our Western Wheelgunners??? Bud Bond, Randy Lee, Vic Pickett, Lisa Farrell, Dillion, and others????


Edit to add #30

I talked with Rudi this AM. He cancelled his plans for the Nationals. Has to work. Told him we would miss him.

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My friend Joel Dix asked me this via e-mail:

Reason I am writing is a friend from the Netherlands is coming to

work as an RO at the Limited Nationals. I didn't know if you were

going, had a back up gun or knew someone who might be kind

enough to lend (or rent) it for the few stages they allow us as a


Any info or leads would be greatly appreciated. The shooter is an

IROA RM, been doing this forever and very responsible. I of course

would be responsible to whomever might have the spare to lend.

We would shoot on the 12th, match begins on the 13th.

If any of you guys attending the Nats can help him help his friend let me know by pm or email.


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1 Hopalong... aka...Hilljack...aka...Porchpuppy. ;)....2 Cheetahs

3 Lefty 45............................................................ 4 Double Action

5 Barretone..........................................................6 Smithy 45

7 John Baqakis......................................................8 Bill Nesbitt

9 Slflr...................................................................10 R112 Mercer

11 El Conquistador.................................................12 Waltermitty

13 Tom Mainus......................................................14 Dennis

15 Carmoney II.....................................................16 Carmoney

17 Pat Sweeney.....................................................18 Jerry Miculek

19 Keith.................................................................20 Revoman

21 D. Carden...aka...Glockboy...aka...Danbagger :D..22 Aerosigns

23 Marmot 452........................................................24 Redmist10

25 Rudi (from what I hear).......................................26 Tom Kettells

27 Gary Catalan......................................................28 John Burkolder?

29 Elliot Eysen?.......................................................30 High Plains Drifter

Now according to Carmoney, Kim said there were 34 signed up......anybody know someone that is not listed that is coming? if so let me know and I'll edit to add.....

What about some of our Western Wheelgunners??? Bud Bond, Randy Lee, Vic Pickett, Lisa Farrell, Dillion, and others????


Edit to add #30


1 Hopalong... aka...Hilljack...aka...Porchpuppy. ;)....2 Cheetahs

3 Lefty 45............................................................ 4 Double Action

5 Barretone..........................................................6 Smithy 45

7 John Baqakis......................................................8 Bill Nesbitt

9 Slflr...................................................................10 R112 Mercer

11 El Conquistador.................................................12 Waltermitty

13 Tom Mainus......................................................14 Dennis

15 Carmoney II.....................................................16 Carmoney

17 Pat Sweeney.....................................................18 Jerry Miculek

19 Keith.................................................................20 Revoman

21 D. Carden...aka...Glockboy...aka...Danbagger :D..22 Aerosigns

23 Marmot 452........................................................24 Redmist10

25 Rudi (from what I hear).......................................26 Tom Kettells

27 Gary Catalan......................................................28 John Burkolder?

29 Elliot Eysen?.......................................................30 High Plains Drifter

Now according to Carmoney, Kim said there were 34 signed up......anybody know someone that is not listed that is coming? if so let me know and I'll edit to add.....

What about some of our Western Wheelgunners??? Bud Bond, Randy Lee, Vic Pickett, Lisa Farrell, Dillion, and others????


Edit to add #30

Sorry I forgot to put down that I will be there. Hope I shoot better than I post. Revoman

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Squad lists are out on the Nationals website. Three big revo squads, plus Sako shooting with a bunch of bottomfeeders, plus me and Sam who will be joining three different squads on the "junior shoot-through" plan.

Heh-heh.....looks like a big bunch of you suckers are gonna have to follow the Limited super squad around the entire frickin' match. Better go to Wal-Mart and buy some of those reclining lawn chairs, you're gonna be doing a lot of waiting around!

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Too bad we're not having one big revo squad again this year, I won't get to see some of you guys as much as I would like.

Is there any interest in showing up on the clubhouse porch for a group photo or something? The way the squads and schedules are laid out at least one of the Revo squads is shooting all the time, so it would probably have to be before lunch on the first day or something.

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I was hoping that the squads would be a little more mixed with upper and lower classes together. I want to learn from the higher classed guys. When you can watch a higher class guy shoot different or scope the stage beter it only raises the level of lower classed shooters trying to get better.

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Open invite to the entire revolver crowd for drinks and dinner in Hannibal, MO on Wednesday night (or one of the other nights if everyone prefers).

T J's Supper Club: 573-221-5551

211 Munger Ln

Hannibal, MO 63401, US

This place has a really good deal on steak dinners "the pounder special" if we call ahead and make arrangements for them to have enough for a crowd. I forget how much it costs but it wasn't ridiculous (but it isn't a burger joint either). Dinner place in back, bar up front.

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I was hoping that the squads would be a little more mixed with upper and lower classes together. I want to learn from the higher classed guys. When you can watch a higher class guy shoot different or scope the stage beter it only raises the level of lower classed shooters trying to get better.

Looks like all the lower class shooters are on squad 17....

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I was hoping that the squads would be a little more mixed with upper and lower classes together. I want to learn from the higher classed guys. When you can watch a higher class guy shoot different or scope the stage beter it only raises the level of lower classed shooters trying to get better.

Looks like all the lower class shooters are on squad 17....

Ain't that the truth. :o

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Open invite to the entire revolver crowd for drinks and dinner in Hannibal, MO on Wednesday night (or one of the other nights if everyone prefers).

T J's Supper Club: 573-221-5551

211 Munger Ln

Hannibal, MO 63401, US

This place has a really good deal on steak dinners "the pounder special" if we call ahead and make arrangements for them to have enough for a crowd. I forget how much it costs but it wasn't ridiculous (but it isn't a burger joint either). Dinner place in back, bar up front.

Is this like Wheelies? :lol:

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Start a new list. +1 on being there early for the group 'shot'.

:):D:angry::o:mellow::wacko:B) (a Revo Group Shot)

We should probably try to show the crowd just what kind of solidarity we have. If we keep the buzz going about the Revo's, it can only be a PR plus for us.

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"the pounder special"

Cliff, it's OK........it's just the name of a steak dinner.

The hilljacks aren't going to hurt you anymore.

I have been trembling all day, thanks...

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I was hoping that the squads would be a little more mixed with upper and lower classes together. I want to learn from the higher classed guys. When you can watch a higher class guy shoot different or scope the stage beter it only raises the level of lower classed shooters trying to get better.

I will testify that it was a thrill to shoot with my betters last year and I learned alot. I will also admit I would be lying if I said that I prefer the smaller squads and would rather not shoot with the best in our division.

However, someone (either by accident or design) has arranged it where the cream of our crop is shooting when I am not and visa-versa. While I don't expect to see Jerry, Cliff, Dan, Sam, et al, watching me shoot and taking notes on how I run a stage, you can bet your last moon clip I'll be watching them run those stages and taking notes. I plan to get my miles in on that golf cart running the whole match twice. Once through with Squad 17 as a Spectator and once through with Squad 19 as a Shooter.

By the luck of the draw last year I ended up in the rotation behind Jerry M. That means, except for the stage where I shot first, I was On Deck while Jerry was running for the whole match. It was an absolute thrill, but this did not necessarily contribute to an environment of calm introspection or evaluation of various shooters and methods.

It may be dissappointing to have to eat with the rest of us kids out on the porch while the Big Dawgs party without us, but I plan to be at the window watching the Big game; and my view will be better this year than it was last year when I was trying to paint steel, paste targets, see how Cliff and Dan and Rudy (!?!) and Mike and everybody else was going to do it and get ready to shoot all at the same time.

Besides that, the best chance our best guns have of stepping up and beating the odds is to be on the same squad as the other best guns. This could be the year. That will do the most for the division, which will do the most for me. With growing the divison as one of my key goals, if we can't all shoot together, I wouldn't bump one of those guys even if I could.

USPSA is taking the division seriously by sorting us out because we've gotten too big to squad together. That's good news to me. So I'll see you at PASA Park ready to have a blast! B)

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Sammy and I are sure looking forward to it. We'll be getting in Thursday evening, and doing all of our shooting on Friday and Saturday. It's nice they offered that option to the juniors (and their guardians), otherwise I don't think I could've signed Sam up this year.

10 or 11 shooters per squad is a much more manageable number. We had a great time last year, but 18 shooters made for an awfully big squad, and for an awfully slow shooting day, y'know?

Anyway, this is a lot to ask for, but I'm hoping USPSA can squad Sam and me with all three of the Revo squads--then we'd get to shoot and hang around with all the wheels! We would also be up for some sort of get-together Friday evening if everybody's not already exhausted by then.

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