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2006 - Area 7 Championship

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I left the range at 5:08 immediately after Tom Dings who was working stats with me uploaded results to USPSA.ORG.

REMINDER - The deadline for correction requests is MIDNIGHT ON WEDNESDAY, NO EXCEPTIONS. Contact information is posted with the results.


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I'm glad to hear everyone had a good time. I received many compliments on our facilities

from the shooters passing through Chono. And, it was great meeting all of you.

As Rich stated we are not scheduled to host the match in 2007. I almost wish we were as

the compliments tend to pump me up. However, All the bruises, swollen joints, and pain

tell me that two years in a row was enough.

The good news is that Rochester Brooks will be hosting the Eastern Lakes Section Match

in 2007. Giving all of you the chance to come back next year to what we hope to be

another great time in the Blistering Heat, Freezing Cold, or what ever else mother nature

throws our way. BTW the average temperature for the match over the last two years was

about 73 degrees (the hard way).

Thanks for coming


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A great match and well run. The weather didn't exactly co-operate, what with the high winds and all. There were doors flying open and poppers falling down all over the place on Saturday, but the match staff handled everything really well. Much thanks to all who worked so hard to pull it off! Thanks to the match sponsors as well, especially i-SHOT and MLE enterprises. :D

And did anyone notice the results for Production on stage 9? Steve Moneypenny must have shot one hell of a nice run, beating even the top Open shooters.

I just noticed that myself and can't help but wonder how he did it. If it was an error in scoring, it cost me the match win. Well, even if it wasn't an error in scoring it cost me the match win if you look at it that way. :wacko:

I reworked the math without Steve's run since it totally blew the curve (assuming he would have come in around the top spot with a 6.5 hit factor) and, ....well it just doesn't matter I guess. If I would have shot better I wouldn't have to worry about it, would I? But anyway Steve, how did you shoot that stage? :huh:

Congratulations to the winners, better luck next year to the rest of us. :(:lol:

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Congrats to everyone...especially my little buddy!

I must say, it was pretty nice not having to wait to shoot a stage...especially with only a 6-man squad. Things ran extremely smooth!

I'm almost glad that I still lived on the east coast for a few more weeks!

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Thunderstorms rolled through the area Thursday and Friday but held off for the majority of the shooters on the weekend. It was MUCH cooler this year and the wind was blowing everything around. The match however ran very well and was extremely efficient with the Saturday morning squad actually finishing early and the afternoon squad starting right on time. 280 competitors shot ten interesting and challenging stages in half a day putting a combined 70 thousand plus rounds downrange.

The staff were all friendly and worked hard to keep the match running smoothly. The stats team of Rob Boudrie and Tom Dings had results posted at the match via computer terminals in almost real time. Thanks to the Harvard MA club for allowing the use of their Palm pilots for the scoring process. Every competitor got a paper record of their run and scores were beamed up to the match computers from the Palms.

On a personal note, I had a really lousy match due to some ammo problems that surfaced at the last minute but it did not subtract from the fun that I had. There are several very nice people that I only see once or twice a year and the area match gives me that opportunity. I hope all the competitors had as an enjoyable time as I did.

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Awesome match! The stages were great and well thought out, the match ran really smooth, and we didn't encounter any bottlenecks. Thank you to the staff and the people that put this match together!

Okay, if I HAVE to have one complaint, which I don't really like to do when people work so hard to put on a match, it would be target replacement. Towards the middle of our day some of the targets were shot up pretty well and some of the calls were hard to make. An overlay isn't much good when you can't find a perf on the target.

Thanks again for a great match!

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A real fun match! It ran very smoothly, despite the wind and cold Saturday AM. Many thanks to all the match staff who worked hard to make it come out so well. The Pulp Fiction theme was a nice touch (although my best stage was Bring Out the Gimp... kind of scary!) Some interesting results, too- the stage 9 Production win was the most dominant stage win I've ever seen at a major match :wacko: I'm looking forward to coming back to Rochester Brooks next year for the Eastern Lakes Section match :D

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A great match and well run. The weather didn't exactly co-operate, what with the high winds and all. There were doors flying open and poppers falling down all over the place on Saturday, but the match staff handled everything really well. Much thanks to all who worked so hard to pull it off! Thanks to the match sponsors as well, especially i-SHOT and MLE enterprises. :D
And did anyone notice the results for Production on stage 9? Steve Moneypenny must have shot one hell of a nice run, beating even the top Open shooters.

I just noticed that myself and can't help but wonder how he did it. If it was an error in scoring, it cost me the match win. Well, even if it wasn't an error in scoring it cost me the match win if you look at it that way. :wacko:

I reworked the math without Steve's run since it totally blew the curve (assuming he would have come in around the top spot with a 6.5 hit factor) and, ....well it just doesn't matter I guess. If I would have shot better I wouldn't have to worry about it, would I? But anyway Steve, how did you shoot that stage? :huh:

Congratulations to the winners, better luck next year to the rest of us. :(:lol:

Hey I would of won Stage 9 if I didn't get a mike on the left static target. :( Steve took the two statics and the swingers from the right side of the barricade. I don't know if the timer was off :unsure: but seemed fast on my run and on Steve's. Stages 8 and 9 were the only stages that I shot well. On all of the other stages anything and everythnig that could go did :wacko: Thanks to all the staff that put on a great match :D

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The time was right. i checked. i started forward of the jump ropes in a squatted position recahing over my shoulder for one of the ropes with my weak hand and had the other so I could get my hand strait to my gun, and was loooking at a target less than a yard away it seemed. i took the 2 through the right port. then snapped a hard transition to the other point (just saw fists in front of brown) then ran like a mo fo! while reloading. slammed the wall weak hand went strong and took everything around the right side of the barricade. right activator center right static right swinger, left center static doubled the popper and 2 A on the left swinger to an empty gun.

John, no offense, but i beat your time by about a second. you took slow shots on those long poppers. that fast of a stage it was much less time to lean and take them if you have confidence strong hand. I probabally waited about .5 on that swinger. but it was a solid run.

how did everyone else shoot it? what about that other stage with the stand and shoot vs. run option.

sorry for busting the curve todd!

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John, no offense, but i beat your time by about a second. you took slow shots on those long poppers. that fast of a stage it was much less time to lean and take them if you have confidence strong hand. I probabally waited about .5 on that swinger. but it was a solid run.

No offense taken Steve B) Remember I'm older than you and my eyes ain't so good I need that extra tenth or so ;)

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OK Steve, your saying you shot the stage faster than JJ....with a reload...faster than a world class open shooter with a full race gun (and yes JJ's gun was running fine)

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I saw JJ shoot that stage, he did not shoot it the same way Steve did and on his (JJ's) approach to the wall he had to pull his foot in from outside the fault lne before engaging targets which did cost a few 1/10ths.

After hearing how Steve shot the stage I can see it being faster even with a pruduction gun. FWIW I dont remember I JJ was running his B/U gun by that stage.

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OK Steve, your saying you shot the stage faster than JJ....with a reload...faster than a world class open shooter with a full race gun (and yes JJ's gun was running fine)

On Stage 9 he did, according the results on the USPSA site Steve bested the whole field by posting the fastest time and highest HF for that stage (all div, all classes). :ph34r:

That pretty friggin impressive in my book even if someone wanted to say it was just one stage. If I could run that stage anywhere in the same area code as that run I'd be happy. Until then I'll just struggle along in C.... B)

Edited by j2fast
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QQQQ aka Jay, personal attacks on multiple web forums only make you look bad. Calling me a liar I consider a slander, and just plain bad form.

Also 5 open shooters were faster than JJ one limited shooter and TWO production shooters. there was more than enough space to make the reload without costing time. and the targets were all open and close.

If you can't play nice, don't play. what did I ever do to you?

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OK Steve, your saying you shot the stage faster than JJ....with a reload...faster than a world class open shooter with a full race gun (and yes JJ's gun was running fine)

On Stage 9 he did, according the results on the USPSA site Steve bested the whole field by posting the fastest time and highest HF for that stage (all div, all classes). :ph34r:

I was watching the squad shoot that stage. Steve was damn impressive. Wish I could move that fast :unsure: Nice job.


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I was on Steve's squad, and I witnessed his run first hand. It was VERY fast, and I can vouch for the time being accurrate. He absolutely burned it down, and I can believe he EASILY bested JJ even WITHOUT having potential foot-fault issues.


Simmer down boy!!! The man just questioned it, he didn't say ya didn't do it, he just imagined it hard to believe. To be quite honest, I would have found it hard to believe if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. :ph34r: Don't be so damn defensive...Yer just lucky I :wub: you, you ninja studmuffin. :lol:

Ya'll play nice now...ya hear??? ;)

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There are stages that iron sights will beat dot guns and stage 9 was one of them. That being said, the match is officially over and all scores of said match are part of history. You know what they say " History is written by the victors"

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Area 7 was my first match that was not a club match. I was very impressed with the stages and really enjoyed the match as a whole. I shot the match Friday. I really like stages 4 and 8. Stage 4's soft cover was the first time I had ever shot soft covered targets and I had never shot a drop turner until stage 10. Wouldn't you know it was my turn to shoot first on that stage.

I was wondering how awards are handled. I shot very good given my skill level and manage to shoot high C class shooter in L-10 and was wondering how any post match stuff is handled. I really had a good time and it would be cool to have something showing how well I did at my first big match.

I also hope to see something written up in Front site. I have read about many area size matches since I joined USPSA a bit over a year ago. I will be cool to read an article written about a match I got to shoot.

Anyway it was a great match and I look forward to shooting a few more big matches this summer.



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I hope to get my match report up soon. Area 7 was an awesome match with lots of options. everything was done very well!

Jeff I was a little worked up because of the gross disrespect given to me by this person on the beretta forum. my apologies.... all that lovin. makes me a little well.. uncomfortable.. but it's ok as long as itsl only platonic man love. ;)

I did get lucky on that stage shooting to 11 rounds and not missing anything.. usually i get a static reload out of stunts like that.

congrats mcb!

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Hey Steve,

I heard your run. I was working the chony for the whole weekend right next

to stage 9. There was only one run, I remember hearing, where you'd thought

someone was shooting full auto.

Anyway, it was great meeting you. Should you get bored next weekend (7-1), the

GCL folks have there annual Firecracker match just up the road a ways from

Rochester Brooks. I believe it's 8 stages and Jeff Curts aways makes it interesting.


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