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Friday Flame War


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Slip into your nomex undies and let her rip. Got HATE?

Personally I hate business schools. I firmly believe that the MBA has led to the downfall of our nation and that we have slipped too far over the edge to ever get back to whence we came.

I also hate when the media combines two celebrities names into one so that they may refer to them as a single entity. What halfwitted dipshit invented Bennifer and Branjelina? We should find them, skin them with a cheese grater and force them to eat at McDonald's for a month!

Ahhhh, all better now. Next.

Edited by jhgtyre
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I hate when somebody does something purely to provoke a large group of people and succeeds. If you don't have anything useful to do with your life, just accept that and leave the rest alone. If you KNOW people will be offended by what you do, why do it anyways?

Seriously, why can't we just all get along?!


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I hate when somebody does something purely to provoke a large group of people and succeeds. If you don't have anything useful to do with your life, just accept that and leave the rest alone. If you KNOW people will be offended by what you do, why do it anyways?

Seriously, why can't we just all get along?!


Is it OK if I agree with this?!!! ;)

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I hate when somebody does something purely to provoke a large group of people and succeeds. If you don't have anything useful to do with your life, just accept that and leave the rest alone. If you KNOW people will be offended by what you do, why do it anyways?

Seriously, why can't we just all get along?!


Is it OK if I agree with this?!!! ;)

In a nutshell - Rebuttals are not permitted.

If you cannot contribute supportively, please do not reply at all.

I take it to mean you may agree with a hate rant, if that's what you really want to do.

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I got hate. I got so much hate my head is gonna explode any second now if I don't get it !OUT!

What is up with this weather? Beautiful damn sunny days during the week and freakin' snow and rain all weekend. Totally unacceptable - I'm seriously considering moving back to California - ya cain't buy a new gun, but dammit, you can use the ones you already got all g*dd*mned year long!

And another thing frying my ass this week - cheapskates! I can understand penny pinching, but not at the expense of other people!

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I just cannot get past the fact that I ordered what appears to be one of the last Simmons ProDiamond scopes CDNN had and UPS freaking lost it some where in Mesquite,TX. To make it even better CDNN is not only out of stock now but doesn't even list it on their website now.

Also I hate it when something is back ordered without any sort of notification and they've already charged my card for it! All I ask is that I get timely replies to emails, I mean how friggin hard is it to reply within 24hrs instead of days or not at all (different store, not CDNN).

Man, I think I do need a hug. Why can't we all get along..... :ph34r::D:D

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I hate that we can't all get along and that I know why. Some think you should treat others as you would like to be treated. Unfortunately there are masochists out there. I hate that while many of us are well humored, tolerant and helpful, others are self rightous control freaks.

And although it is not the way I was raised to believe, all too often what works is the philosophy that:

1. Might makes right.

2. The end justifies the means.

3. If you ain't with us you're against us.

4. To the victor belongs the spoils.

5. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Why can't we all get along? Because some of us don't want your revolution; don't want to pay for your five year plan and refuse to wear your golden chains.

Do not hug me. :angry:

Edited by AikiDale
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I hate that we can't all get along and that I know why. Some think you should treat others as you would like to be treated. Unfortunately there are masochists out there. I hate that while many of us are well humored, tolerant and helpful, others are self rightous control freaks.

And although it is not the way I was raised to believe, all too often what works is the philosophy that:

1. Might makes right.

2. The end justifies the means.

3. If you ain't with us you're against us.

4. To the victor belongs the spoils.

5. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Why can't we all get along? Because some of us don't want your revolution; don't want to pay for your five year plan and refuse to wear your golden chains.

Do no hug me. :angry:

+1 Nicely said, my why can't we get along was more of a "why can't people get me the crap I order when I order it"....of course that gets a little lost in translation.

Hmm, I hate that number 5 sounds a lot like the company..... :ph34r:

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I'm sick and f@#$ing tired of people complaining about problems who're then are all too happy when the symptom is masked, never addressing the cause.

Your ideology is wrong, maintaining the status quo is wrong, and living only for right now is wrong.

It's your life, quit "living" by a code of ethics that tells you it's not.

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Why can't we all get along? Because some of us don't want your revolution; don't want to pay for your five year plan and refuse to wear your golden chains.

Yeah, I guess that about covers it... it sucks..... :angry::(<_<

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I hate waiting 5 MONTHS to get my roof fixed this week, it rained last night and the M F LEAKS!!! :angry:

6 Months into this, and I get word they can get me into the SCHEDULE for tile work in 2 Months, probably..... :o

The repair for my patio enclosure is set up for JULY!!! (but if I want to tear down the one I now have and put up the exact same thing, they can start next week!) :(

The minimum bid to do any thing is 10K, if not that much, the job is not big enough and they have better things to do. :wacko:

Things will be back to normal in 2010....... Yea, right!

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I hate despise people who do not even shoot anymore but still come to every gun club meeting just to get their nose into all the happenings and stir up crap.

I also hate that darn gecko from the insurance commercials.


Edited by Ted Murphy
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Well it is not Friday anyplace anymore so thus endeth yet another Friday Flamer. Will Steve Anderson ever get a meal? Will Ted Murphy be jailed for taking out the Geico Gecko? Tune in next Friday for another installment of.... The Friday Flame War.

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